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Astrology as the Sublime Conduit for the Divine Exchange

Janeen D. Cain

Updated: Feb 4, 2023

“Condemnation without investigation is the height of folly.” Albert Einstein

Astrology as the Sublime Conduit for the Divine Exchange

When evaluating the derivation of astrology, its ancient astrological symbolism, we take note of its construction via the relationship between external consciousness (the explicate domain of reality, the known world, the phenomenal realm) and internal consciousness (the implicate domain of reality, the unknowable world, the noumenal realm) together in a procedural divine dance forming Dualistic Unity with the aim of spiritual evolution. Astrology is the study of how consciousness relates to the cyclic nature of reality with both the known and unknown worlds of experience. The goal of consciousness, as such, is to bring forth unconscious content into conscious awareness, the individuation process. Astrological symbolism is thus derived by our procedural relationship with the external world and the internal world of conscious experience. It is also derived by being aware of the periodicities in nature both in the known and unknown worlds that influence the structure and functioning of consciousness. Consciousness in turn creates meaning from its interpretation of experience of both the outer and inner world which informs our understanding. Sacred symbolism embedded in astrology emphasizes the creative potential of consciousness and its imperative interdependent alliance to the explicate and implicate domains of existence, the phenomenal and noumenal realms. Thus derived by this relationship are the primordial procedural archetypes of consciousness constituting the nature of reality, the metaphysical laws therein, and establishing the purpose of existence, the Anima Mundi de Evolutio (The Evolution of the World Soul).

Going back thousands of millennium, the ancients derived their mythologies from three primary cycles, thus shaping the collective consciousness and forming the ancient cultural zeitgeist rooted in Mesopotamia. These three primary cycles I call the Prime Triad of Celestial Periodicity (PTCP). These consist of the day cycle, the year cycle, and the Great Year cycle. Unfortunately, awareness of the Great Year cycle has been fading from collective conscious awareness for a great number of millennia negatively impacting the culture of humanity.

From the Prime Triad of Celestial Periodicity, the structure and function of consciousness is interpreted, the primordial procedural archetypes of consciousness are created, and the constituent nature of metaphysical laws are thus obtained. Consequently, all subjects in existence can syncretize to create meaning of this current domain of reality using astrology as the foundation.


The ancients did not take for granted the interplaying role that consciousness has on creating reality within the conspicuous confines of this particular existential domain with that of the inner domain of the unconscious psyche. Nor did they take for granted the unobtrusive expressions of the infinite participating in the perceptible constituents of reality. Through their ingenious observations of and interaction with the known and unknown worlds of their psyches, astrology was materialized. The ancients reached the logical inference that pervasive cyclic patterns in reality, reflected in both the outward and inward domains, establish metaphysical laws, influence the structure and functioning of consciousness, and form the meaning of consciousness. First and foremost, the Unified Duality -- the Coligo Dualitatem -- is treasured, respected, and wisely utilized. The noumenal realm is not overlooked. It is revered as a divine and confidential empire unreachable from this worldly fragment of manifestation, yet mysteriously involved in the known world.

“From the Maya of duality he plucks the cleaveless truth of unity.” Biography of a Yogi

However unreachable, the unknownable realm wants a relationship with us. Our Sol Invictus beckons us for relationship. As such, the divine empire, unknown internal world of our psyche, has bestowed an impression of certain characteristic qualities of that hidden world into this known world a likeness to it. "As above, so below," wise words of Hermes Trismegistus. As such, it is our duty, an honor, to follow a course of inquiry to understand what structures that have been put into place for our observation, both externally and internally. It is this intercourse of observation and experience of these dualistically unified domains that are important, taking wisdom from our inner explorations and moving that outward into the world in an integral way that benefits all the collective consciousness.

The interplaying role of consciousness and its observation of these two worlds thus organizes structures of meaning which then have potential to syncretize with all other meaning. However, we need the key to make available the secret cipher. I brazenly declare astrology is that key. Unfortunately, astrology has been ostracized by conventional academia and is scarcely understood by mainstream. It would be wise to maintain curiosity about the world whilst not making hasty judgments based on institutionalized thinking. Without the inner impetus to explore the outer and inner world and understand it, to remain ignorant of the profundity of one’s existence, is to squander any meaning that can be gleaned from the sublime interconnection between consciousness and our physical reality. To do so, we become adrift in the shadows of meaninglessness, absent of significance.

To my dismay, we live in a society that demotes astrology, gravely misunderstands it, demonizes it, or grossly oversimplifies it. The goal of my work is to show the multiplex foundations of astrology (which include astronomy, astrotheology, mythology, occult sciences, spiritualism, and ancient history) and its fundamental interconnection to other subjects including mathematics, Analytical psychology, philosophy, and quantum theory whilst promoting the idea that syncretistic connection of all subjects, of which man is capable to observe in order to understand his outer and inner worlds, are possible with using astrology as the bedrock.

Why use astrology as a bedrock for syncretizing all other subjects?

Because it is fundamental to understanding how consciousness functions and relates to our physical reality and how we create meaning in it. One must open their mind to realize the lack of veracity of our current culture, how it has gravely misrepresented astrology and demoralized it. Too many of us do not understand what the study of astrology actually is. We spit on its sacred ground. My life work will be devoted to revealing astrology's foundational secrets.

What is astrology really?

It is the study of how consciousness relates to the periodicities in nature, wherefore meaning of reality is being created and discovered, and metaphysical laws are thus derived from the relationship to our inner world and bringing that information back into conscious awareness, which is individuation. Both the periodicity of nature and consciousness are fundamental constituents of this reality, representing in many ways the unseen dance between the finite and the unapproachable infinite. As such, how consciousness and the periodicity in nature function together and structure our perceptions of this physical manifestation -- creating archetypal meaning -- are imperative to beginning study, to the understanding of all other things.


That which is unilluminated in the study of astrology leaves the mind barren of its deep-seated meaning. Without a multidimensional understanding of astrology’s derivations and its profound connection to multiple subjects, our interpretations of its symbolism inevitably become distorted, banal caricatures of truth. The truth of the matter is that astrology is the sublime conduit, graciously put into form by the ancients, for the divine exchange -- the exchange between our consciousness that unsuspiciously roams about in the explicate form, through inner impetus creates meaning through interaction with it, establishing the sublime interconnection with the secret empire of the noumenal. Without this exchange, life becomes barren of meaning and the possibility of our greatest collective potential thwarted. We are living, breathing, and walking legends of divinity. Each one of us! It is our individual and collective responsibility to at least take notice of the conspicuous constituents of the reality of consciousness, to explore its structure, to create meaning from it, and evolve and grow in integrity of character through relationship to our inner world.


"Institutionalized religions and conventional academia form divisions so strong that violence results to protect its stagnation from its inevitable fall."

As evidenced by various societal compositions of our current time, the collective of mankind often tries to fix the meaning of life into a static phenomenon in nature, but this erroneous assumption goes against the nature of natural law. The gravest mistake occurs when meaning is concretized and institutionalized, when consciousness forming in reality wages war against itself for the sake of static interpretations of reality. Institutionalized religions and conventional academia form divisions so strong that violence results to protect its stagnation from its inevitable fall. The inexorable result of violence will lead to metamorphosis, but violence does not have to be the source for change and growth. This becomes verifiable as we embark through and beyond our current cycle of consciousness, the Dwapara Yuga, toward greater understanding of truth (Satya Yuga). Omnia Vincit Veritas.

"The meaning of life is not to institutionalize meaning, but to be in flow with the infinite process of creating meaning."

The meaning of life is not to institutionalize meaning, but to be in flow with the infinite process of creating meaning. We are creators insomuch as we are an aggregate of consciousness interacting with explicate form to discover harmony of pattern, to be in awe of the expressions of the divine confidential empire in physical manifest, and to be in the constant flow of discovery of our inner worlds. Stubborn divisions occur in the system of consciousness like blood clots form in veins which are blocked from their proper flow. We are here to be in flux with nature, to evolve, and to grow. When we flow against natural progression, dis-ease of structural functioning of culture and society break down in order to regain stability.

Further, the construction of institutionalized meaning begins to think for its parts. People behave like cattle taking no part in their own thinking. Instead of shepherding meaning for themselves they become the sheep herded toward stagnation, thus inevitably to ruination. To be a participant in the creation of meaning is to be responsible to take meaning in your own hands -- to be a discoverer and prime mover participating in consciousness creating meaning through itself.

"When we give away our divine power of creation to the will of others or institutions, we become vulnerable to those powers that proceed to inexorable collapse, because stagnation is unnatural in nature."

When we give away our divine power of creation to the will of others or institutions, we become vulnerable to those powers that proceed to inexorable collapse, because stagnation is unnatural in nature. If we are stubborn enough, transformation will come in the form of destruction. For the old must be destroyed before the new can be born. In one way or another, we will be exerted to grow in the name of integrity, against the will of our stubborn Collective False Selves, for we are subordinate to divine will in nature which its impetus is to evolve and heal.

To shift and evolve our current cultural zeitgeist, we must awaken to our collective divine intelligence, awaken to the procedural archetypal nature of things, and we each must take grave responsibility for our consciousness in the community of the cosmos! We can heal! When we no longer take for granted the periodicity in nature influencing the functioning of consciousness, we will rejoin the natural pulse of the physical and inner domains and the collective will be propelled to great wisdom. Things will begin to make sense, subjects syncretize in harmony with one another, meaning will open up to us that before was shadowed by our ignorance. My work humbly attempts to allow passage to this collective potentiality.

"Why we are alive can only be answered by our taking responsibility for our freedom."

Why we are alive can only be answered by our taking responsibility for our freedom. Thus, we must master our courage to creatively use consciousness to heal the collective! This my darlings, begins with each one of us taking our journey inward! Our relationship to consciousness must change. We are capable of using our individual creativity toward evermore discovery of the known and unknown worlds. We are capable of healing and evolving our character for the betterment of the collective and the whole of all that is and not yet known. This is the Anima Mundi de Evolutio.

This is Our Anima Mundi de Evolutio!!!

Copyright © 2019 Janeen Cain

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