We begin the week, Monday, August 9th, with Vesta-SaturnRx trine going exact forming a Grand Air Trine with the North Node in Gemini and SaturnRx in Aquarius encouraging thoughtfulness and open-mindedness on issues of liberty and freedom.
Also, on Monday, August 9th, Venus-NeptuneRx opposition goes exact. This powerful opposition activates unconditional divine acceptance encouraging you to delve deep into your heart and remember the source for which you came.
As well, on Monday, the Moon-Mars conjunction in Virgo goes exact forming a T-Square with the North Node in Gemini and the South Node/JunoRx in Sagittarius. This configuration, following us through to the end of the week, challenges us to consider varying viewpoints, to form a cohesive perspective, despite being overwhelmed with the details.
On Tuesday, August 10th, Jupiter in Aquarius opposes Mercury in Leo bequeathing Mercury its expansive energy of faith, justice, and optimism just before Mercury enters Virgo on August 11th. This challenges our minds and perceptions to discover and freely express our individual truth.
On Wednesday, August 11th, Mercury’s conveyance to Virgo shifts our mental energy to be more discerning, cautious, restrained, reserved, and questioning. This may be a great time to organize projects and may help your mental focus. Be careful of being overly critical of yourself and others.
Finally, on Sunday, August 15th, we have a Moon-Sun Waxing Square in Scorpio and Leo. This intense quarter Moon invokes inner healing, purification, and catharsis of psychological and spiritual material difficult to integrate. The Yod to the Sun increases the challenge to evaluate the integrity of societal structures, especially if those structures do not promote authentic Self development. NeptuneRx’s quincunx to the Sun summons you to commemorate the source for which your authentic Self (Sun in Leo) is primordially formed and for which individual sovereignty is upheld. Venus enters Libra bringing up issues of ethical consideration of liberty and the need to balance the needs of the community and the needs of each individual.
Current Planets in Retrograde:
Jupiter - Retrograde on 6/20/21 will go direct on 10/17/21
Saturn - Retrograde on 5/23/2021 will go direct on 10/10/2021
Chiron - Retrograde on 7/15/21 will go direct on 12/19/21
Neptune - Retrograde on 6/25/21 will go direct on 12/1/21
Pluto - Retrograde on 4/27/2021 will go direct on 10/6/2021
Eris - Retrograde on 7/21/2021 will go direct on 1/11/22
Planets Going Direct this Month:
Planets Going Retrograde this Month:
Uranus - Retrograde on 8/19/21 will go direct on 1/18/22
Retrograde Planets by the End of the Month:
Jupiter - Retrograde on 6/20/21 will go direct on 10/17/21
Saturn - Retrograde on 5/23/2021 will go direct on 10/10/2021
Chiron - Retrograde on 7/15/21 will go direct on 12/19/21
Uranus - Retrograde on 8/19/21 will go direct on 1/18/22
Neptune - Retrograde on 6/25/21 will go direct on 12/1/21
Pluto - Retrograde on 4/27/2021 will go direct on 10/6/2021
Eris - Retrograde on 7/21/2021 will go direct on 1/11/22
Current Planetesimals in Retrograde:
Juno - Retrograde on 4/12/21 will go direct on 8/2/21
Pallas Athena - Retrograde on 7/14/21 will go direct on
Planetesimals Going Direct this Month:
Juno - Direct on 8/2/21 will go retrograde on 7/24/22
Planetesimals Going Retrograde this Month:
Retrograde Asteroids by the End of the Month:
Pallas Athena - Retrograde on 7/14/21 will go direct on
Jupiter: Entered Aquarius on 7/28/21 will enter Pisces on 12/28/21 - 5/10/22
Saturn: Entered Aquarius on 12/16/20 will enter Pisces on 3/7/23 - 2/14/2026
Chiron: Entered Aries on 2/18/19 will enter Taurus on 6/19/26 - 7/19/33
Uranus: Entered Taurus on 5/15/18 will enter Gemini 4/25/26 - 5/22/33
Neptune: Entered Pisces 2/3/12 will enter Aries on 3/30/25 - 3/23/39
Pluto: Entered Capricorn on 1/26/08 will enter Aquarius on 1/21/24 - 1/19/44
Eris: Entered Aries on 3/11/1925 will enter Taurus on 4/10/47 (remains in Taurus through 2100)
When outer planets shift into a new sign, we experience an endopsychic shift on a collective level. It creates a powerful shift in energy.
Vesta: Entered Libra on 7/18/21will enter Scorpio on 9/20/21
Juno: Entered Sagittarius on 12/18/20 will enter Capricorn on 11/14/21
Ceres: Entered Gemini on 7/31/21will re-enter Taurus on 12/21/21
Pallas Athena: Entered Pisces on 3/7/21 will enter Aries on 2/13/22
Sun: Entered Leo on 7/22 will enter Virgo on 8/22
Mercury: Enters Virgo on 8/11 will enter Libra on 8/29
Venus: Enters Libra on 8/15 will enter Scorpio on 9/10
Mars: Entered Virgo on 7/29 will enter Libra on 9/14
Spring Equinox occurred on 3/20/2021
Summer Solstice occurred on 6/20/2021
Autumnal Equinox will occur on 9/22/2021
Winter Solstice will occur on 12/21/2021
May 26th, 2021 Lunar Eclipse in Gemini
June 10th, 2021 Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius
November 19th, 2021 Lunar Eclipse in Taurus
December 4th, 2021 Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius
8/9 Mercury-PlutoRx Quincunx
Venus-NeptuneRx Opposition
Vesta-SaturnRx Trine forming Grand Air Trine
Moon-Mars Conjunct forming a T-Square & Yod to Mars
8/10 Mercury-JupiterRx Opposition
8/11 Mercury enters Virgo
Venus-PlutoRx Trine
8/13 Mars-SaturnRx Quincunx
8/14 Venus-JupiterRx Quincunx
Sun-NeptuneRx Quincunx
8/15 Moon-Sun Waxing Square in Scorpio & Leo - Yod to the Sun
Venus enters Libra
August 9th, 2021 - Monday
12:03am PST Mercury-PlutoRx Quincunx goes exact at 25 degrees and 2 minutes of Leo and Capricorn
3:31pm PST Vesta-SaturnRx Trine goes exact at 9 degrees and 37 minutes of Libra and Aquarius
5:20pm PST Venus-NeptuneRx Opposition goes exact at 22 degrees and 41 minutes of Virgo and Pisces
8:42pm PST Moon-Mars Conjunct goes exact at 7 degrees and 7 minutes of Virgo
Yod to Mercury
We begin our week, Monday, August 9th, with Mercury-PlutoRx quincunx going exact at 25 degrees and 2 minutes of Leo and Capricorn. As we can see, the Yod to Mercury remains intact from last week between Mercury in Leo, PlutoRx in Capricorn, and NeptuneRx in Pisces. This Yod to Mercury played a significant role during the New Moon in Leo on August 8th. This Yod to Mercury is remaining in tact until August 11th. At which point, Mercury will move out of orb of this Yod eventually conveying into the sign of Virgo from Leo. That same day, the Sun will be moving in its place forming a Yod to the Sun with PlutoRx and NeptuneRx sextile. We’ll talk more about this in just a minute.
Mercury Enters Virgo (August 11th - August 29th)
Before Mercury conveys into Virgo, Jupiter in Aquarius will be bequeathing its influence. As we can see, on August 10th, Mercury is little less than two degrees away from its entry into Virgo when Mercury-Jupiter opposition goes exact at 28 degrees and 24 minutes of Leo and Aquarius.
Jupiter’s expansive energy of faith, justice, and optimism on issues of freedom, truth-saying, and humanitarianism (Jupiter in Aquarius) is challenging our minds and perceptions (Mercury) to discover and freely express our individual truth.
Now, this will be a little more challenging for Mercury when it enters Virgo as the energy will contract (Yin) from the free-spirit, self-expressive, creative, and confident Leo (Yang). Virgo is much more discerning, cautious, restrained, reserved, and questioning. Mercury rules Virgo and is very happy to be spending sometime at home analyzing details.
On a personal level, Mercury in Virgo moves your mental focus of energy toward service to others, health issues, making improvements, discriminating details, and analyzing things. This energy may be helpful in organizing projects and help your mental focus. On the shadow side, be careful of being over critical of yourself and others during this transit.
On a social level, next week (16-22) Mercury will be in contact with several outer planets including a quincunx to SaturnRx and ChironRx, and a trine with Uranus. So with Mercury in Virgo we are called to think critically about new structures and restrictions being put into place in society (Saturn in Aquarius), how the digital era is starting to impact culture (Uranus in Taurus), and how the wounding impediments on individual freedom (Chiron in Aries) are being played out in much of the world.
Yod to the Sun
The Yod to the Sun is a significant energetic component to the upcoming Moon-Sun Waxing Square in Scorpio and Leo on August 15th. This Yod forming an orb on the 11th, will strengthen on August 14th, when the Sun-NeptuneRx quincunx goes exact, the day before the quarter Moon phase in Scorpio. This configuration will be discussed more thoroughly during the Moon-Sun Square section.
Grand Air Trine
Also, on Monday, August 9th, we have Vesta-SaturnRx trine going exact at 9 degrees and 37 minutes of Libra and Aquarius. This is forming a Grand Air Trine between Vesta in Libra, SaturnRx in Aquarius, and the North NodeRx in Gemini. Air symbolizes thought, intelligence, perception, and communication. So this Grand Air Trine brings up imperative issues around perception and communication. We also take note of Vesta’s opposition to Chiron in Aries (going exact on Aug. 15th) and the sextile to the South Node conjunct JunoRx in Sagittarius.
Vesta in Libra
Vesta is the Guardian of the Sacred Fire. In this case she is guarding the sacred principalities of Liberty and awakening principles of fairness and social relatedness (Libra). Libra (ruled by Venus) is about the complex ethical considerations of compromise and cooperation between the needs of others and the needs of the individual (as such its opposition to Chiron in Aries). Libra archetypally symbolizes liberty and all that it entails. This means that compromise does not exclude individual rights over the needs of the community consensus. True compromise includes dialectical consideration and implementation to meet the needs of all (Libra), not excluding the needs or rights of each individual (Aries).
Saturn in Aquarius
Saturn represents boundaries, governmental organizations, and regulations. Aquarius symbolizes freedom, truth-saying, and humanitarianism. Aquarius can also be equated with social media and internet technologies. The shadow side of Saturn in Aquarius is occurring when government puts into place regulations on social media to mitigate suspected disinformation. These regulations censor free speech, obstruct liberty by impeding the first amendment right to freedom of speech. Saturn in Aquarius is bringing up issues around control over expression, command over freedom, and despotic rule over individual sovereignty.
North Node in Gemini
North Node in Gemini symbolizes the collective growth directive toward greater perceptual awareness. This placement challenges the collective to move beyond polarized thinking. It represents our collective capacity to evaluate all sources of knowledge and information, to express varying points of view, and it symbolizes the ability to have healthy dialectic thought and communication.
What is occurring in western culture is that community consensus and government rule is overshadowing the rights of the individual. This Grand Air Trine raises imperative philosophical considerations as proposed by John Stuart Mill in his work On Liberty (1859). Meeting the needs of the community consensus excluding the right of the individual is not compromise, it is not liberty, it’s “tyranny of the majority” over individual sovereignty.
An excellent summation of Mill’s sentiment by Then & Now states, “Mill thinks to silence an opinion even if it’s false is wrong. If that opinion is true, the silence deprives us from learning that truth. And if it’s false, we lose that clearer perception [North Node in Gemini]* and livelier perception of the truth [Aquarius & Sagittarius]* produced by its collision with error. We can never be one hundred percent certain that the opinion we tried to silence is a false one. And to claim to know for certain is the first step toward despotism.”
[*parentheses added]
This Grand Air Trine is a symbol of a mass evocation to realize our basic human right to pursue truth via all avenues of available knowledge, rather than being limited in what knowledge we are allowed to pursue dictated to us by others.
Juno/South Node Conjunct in Sagittarius
Juno is archetypal of the Protector of the State. Juno, the latin equivalent of Hera, the wife of Zeus the chief god of the Olympians, watched over the state of affairs of humans. Juno in Sagittarius symbolizes the need for healthy governance based in truth, honor, and freedom (Sagittarius). Both Vesta in Libra and Saturn in Aquarius are sextile Juno/South Node in Sagittarius reminding us of the imperative need for integrity in governance and the protection of all.
Venus-NeptuneRx Opposition
On Monday, August 9th, Venus-NeptuneRx opposition goes exact at 22 degrees and 41 minutes of Virgo and Pisces. This is a powerful opposition on the Axis of Spirit (Virgo and Pisces). NeptuneRx is infusing its divine influence on Venus just before her entry into Libra on August 15th.
Venus exalts in Pisces and NeptuneRx rules in Pisces symbolizing the different octaves of love and divine love. So this opposition is challenging us to move into a higher octave of love. NeptuneRx being the higher octave of the two, represents unconditional Divine Acceptance. This will be very influential as Venus conveys into Libra the sign of relationships, liberty, and diplomacy.
This opposition encourages you to delve deep into your heart and remember the source for which you came so that you are better equipped to make ethical decisions on Liberty and Relatedness (Venus in Libra), issues that will come up when Venus conveys into the sign of Libra.
Moon-Mars Conjunct & T-Square to Mars
Finally, on Monday, August 9th, the Moon and Mars conjoin at 7 degrees and 7 minutes of Virgo. The power of our individual will to analyze and discern (Mars in Virgo) will infuse itself into our souls and emotions (Moon in Virgo) just before the Moon’s eventual square to the Sun in Leo on the 15th. As we can see, there are two configurations here formed to Mars which will be energetically influential throughout the week and into the quarter Moon phase in Scorpio that occurs on the 15th. These include a T-Square to Mars and a Yod to Mars.
Let’s take note. The same planets that formed a Grand Air Trine to Vesta, the North Node in Gemini and SaturnRx in Aquarius — which in that configuration encourages a more fluid and open-minded perspective on Liberty and Relatedness —- are now forming challenging, growth oriented, aspects to our individual will, Mars in Virgo.
T-Square to Mars
A T-Square is formed by two planets in opposition both squaring the focal planet. The focal planet (aka the point of definite tension - Phipps, 1997), is Mars in Virgo.
Mars in Virgo critically analyzes imperfections in order to fix the problem. The North Node in Gemini and South Node in Sagittarius opposition, encourages perceptual growth toward the ability to see varying points of view and still form a cohesive perspective. Mars wants all the answers now and doesn't like taking the time necessary to weed out the details. Mars in Virgo is challenged to slow down and critically analyze the complexity of information in order to glean the truth.
In a T-Square, the resolution of tension can be find at the area opposite the planet of definite tension. In this case, Pisces is the opposite of Mars in Virgo. Pisces archetype of mystery and unknowableness, reminds us of our intrinsic physical (Virgo) limitations in understanding the complexity of all that exists when forming our beliefs about the world and our limited power over other’s perceptions. This T-Square is challenging us to open our minds and critically think about things and to let go of controlling others perceptions.
Yod to Mars
I am not spending a lot of time here because of time constraints. In short, the growth directive here lies in using your individual will to analyze and critically think about the complexity of issues around wounds to our individual identities (ChironRx in Aris) and the restrictions being put into place in society that are thwarting freedom and liberty (SaturnRx in Aquarius).
August 10th, 2021 - Tuesday
6:20pm PST Mercury-JupiterRx Opposition goes exact at 28 degrees and 24 minutes of Leo and Aquarius
August 11th, 2021 - Wednesday
10:55am PST Venus-Eris Quincunx goes exact at 24 degrees and 45 minutes of Virgo and Aries
2:57pm PST Mercury enters Virgo
3:46pm PST Venus-PlutoRx Trine goes exact at 24 degrees and 59 minutes of Virgo and Capricorn
August 13th, 2021 - Friday
9:27am PST Mars-SaturnRx Quincunx goes exact at 9 degrees and 21 minutes of Virgo and Aquarius
August 14th, 2021 - Saturday
3:58am PST Venus-JupiterRx Quincunx goes exact at 27 degrees and 57 minutes of Virgo and Aquarius
9:14pm PST Sun-Neptune Quincunx goes exact at 22 degrees and 34 minutes of Leo and Pisces
August 15th, 2021 - Sunday
8:20am PST Moon-Sun Waxing Square at 23 degrees and 1 minute of Scorpio and Leo
8:41pm PST Vesta-ChironRx Opposition goes exact at 12 degrees and 31minutes of Libra and Aries
9:27pm PST Venus enters Libra
On, Sunday, August 15th, we have the Moon-Sun Waxing Square in Scorpio and Leo at 23 degrees and 1 minute. This quarter moon phase is preparatory for next weeks Promethean Full Moon in Aquarius on the 22nd which is about freedom, truth-saying, progress, and revolution.
The Moon in Scorpio is about integrity and acknowledgement of truth. It invokes inner healing, transformation, purification, and catharsis of psychological and spiritual material difficult to integrate. As such, this will be a good day for deep introspection and reflection. The people, places, and things no longer serving your authentic self (Sun in Leo) should be evaluated in order purge. This prepares you for the Full Moon which is about letting go.
The Moon sextile PlutoRx (the ruler of Scorpio) in Capricorn and trine NeptuneRx conjunct Pallas Athena in Pisces encourages deep reflection on the mysteries of the human condition, the integrity of your heart, and encourages inner strength to face your inner shadows.
Yod to the Sun
Like last week’s New Moon in Leo, similar themes are illuminated at this quarter Moon Phase. The Sun is in similar placement in quincunx to PlutoRx in Capricorn and in quincunx to NeptuneRx in Pisces forming a Yod to the Sun
Yod’s are the most challenging configurations because, unlike oppositions and squares, the signs that the planets are in have nothing fundamentally in common to communicate in which to create relief or resolution of the challenging tension. The only thing we can do is humbly compromise (waxing quincunx) or surrender (waning quincunx). The Yod energy requires us to move forward through the challenge via transcendence rather than resolution per se.
As stated before, Yod’s are formed when two planets in sextile both form a quincunx to a focal planet. The focal planet here is the Sun in Leo. It indicates where we are encouraged to grow. In this case to identify our authentic Self. The two planets in sextile (NeptuneRx and PlutoRx) show what areas need compromise and where we need to surrender.
The main focus of growth here with the Sun in Leo is realization of your authentic Self.
Sun-Pluto Waning Quincunx
You are encouraged to evaluate the integrity of the societal structures being put into place and whether or not these structures are functioning to promote your authentic Self (Leo Sun). PluotRx in Capricorn is compelling a deep evaluation of the integrity of the new social systems being put into place.
With the Sun-Eris trine activating and illuminating Eris in Aries square to PlutoRx in Capricorn (2018-2022), the systems and regulations that are not integral to the foundations of individual rights and freedom, may foresee an eventual collapse.
Sun-NeptuneRx Waxing Quincunx
NeptuneRx’s quincunx to the Sun summons you to commemorate the source for which your authentic Self (Sun in Leo) is primordially formed and for which individual sovereignty is upheld. This is from the great mystery of the noumenal and spiritual realms (NeptuneRx in Pisces) for which the limited capacity of the ego (Sun) is incapable of measuring or understanding. This is really about humbling ourselves to the great mystery. As such, the Sun in Leo illuminates freedom and sovereignty as a vindicated divine right and an innate genesis of inception to life. The challenge here is to encompass this truth.
Venus Enters Libra
Venus in Libra brings up issues of ethical consideration of the balance between the needs of the community and the needs of each individual. Venus will eventually take Vesta’s place, on August 22nd (the day of the Full Moon in Aquarius), to form a Grand Air Trine with SaturnRx in Aquarius and North Node in Gemini.
8/16 Mercury-Saturn Quincunx
8/17 Sun-Pluto Quincunx
8/18 Mars-Chiron Quincunx
Mercury-Chiron Quincunx
Mercury-Mars Conjunct
8/19 Sun-Jupiter Opposition
Uranus goes Retrograde
8/20 Mercury-Uranus Trine
8/21 Mars-Uranus Trine
8/22 Full Moon in Aquarius at 29 degrees and 37 minutes
Sun Enters Virgo
I really appreciate you joining me for another Trident Astrology Weekly Forecast!
I look forward to you joining me next week!
Blessings and love my friend!
Phipps, K.L. (1997). Celestial Renaissance: A Revolution of Astrology. Astrofantasy Publishing. Key West, Florida.
© 2021 Janeen Cain