On Monday, July 12th, we begin the week with Mercury-JupiterRx trine going exact at 1 degree and 24 minutes of Cancer and Pisces. The trine between JupiterRx in Pisces and Mercury in Cancer awakens our attention to our emotional need for connection and relatedness. Be aware of emotions that cloud your judgment and try to cope with whatever emotions come up for you in healthy ways.
On Tuesday, July 13th, Venus-Mars conjunction in Leo goes exact at 19 degrees and 49 minutes of Leo. The last time these two planets conjoined was on August 24, 2019 when they met in Virgo. This year's conjunction will be very conducive for boosting creativity, intimacy, socializing, and merrymaking. However, there is a Yod to Venus-Mars conjunction, in orb between July 16th through to July 18th, that will create challenges and restrictions.
On Wednesday, July 14th, the planetesimal Pallas Athena goes retrograde encouraging each of us to reflect on our use of wisdom, strategic creativity, and intelligence.
On Thursday, July 15th, Chiron (The Wounded Healer) goes retrograde calling us to reflect on our inner wounds and think about the ways in which we are coping, developing, and utilizing our personal healing toward growth and development and how we are utilizing our insights and wisdom to help others.
On Saturday, July 17th, we have a rare and potent Grand Cardinal Cross configuration part of the Moon-Sun waxing square at 25 degrees of Libra and Cancer challenging us to review the reality of things even if it splinters our sense of safety. We are encouraged to balance the inherent paradox between individual sovereignty and the needs of the common good.
Finally, on Sunday, July 18th, Mercury-SaturnRx quincunx goes exact forming a Yod (Finger of Destiny) configuration that challenges us to open ourselves up vulnerably to people we trust and liberate ourselves from fear of rejection.
Current Planets in Retrograde:
Jupiter - Retrograde on 6/20/21 will go direct on 10/17/21
Saturn - Retrograde on 5/23/2021 will go direct on 10/10/2021
Neptune - Retrograde on 6/25/21 will go direct on 12/1/21
Pluto - Retrograde on 4/27/2021 will go direct on 10/6/2021
Planets Going Direct this Month:
Planets Going Retrograde this Month:
Chiron - Retrograde on 7/15/21 will go direct on 12/19/21
Eris - Retrograde on 7/21/2021 will go direct on 1/10/22
Retrograde Planets by the End of the Month:
Jupiter - Retrograde on 6/20/21 will go direct on 10/17/21
Saturn - Retrograde on 5/23/2021 will go direct on 10/10/2021
Chiron - Retrograde on 7/15/21 will go direct on 12/19/21
Neptune - Retrograde on 6/25/21 will go direct on 12/1/21
Pluto - Retrograde on 4/27/2021 will go direct on 10/6/2021
Eris - Retrograde on 7/21/2021 will go direct on 1/11/22
Current Asteroids in Retrograde:
Juno - Retrograde on 4/12/21 will go direct on 8/2/21
Asteroids Going Direct this Month:
Asteroids Going Retrograde this Month:
Pallas Athena - Retrograde on 7/14/21 will go direct on
Retrograde Asteroids by the End of the Month:
Juno - Retrograde on 4/12/21 will go direct on 8/2/21
Pallas Athena - Retrograde on 7/14/21 will go direct on
Jupiter: Entered Pisces on 5/13/21 will re-enter Aquarius on 7/28/21 - 12/28/21
Saturn: Entered Aquarius on 12/16/20 will enter Pisces on 3/7/23 - 2/14/2026
Chiron: Entered Aries on 2/18/19 will enter Taurus on 6/19/26 - 7/19/33
Uranus: Entered Taurus on 5/15/18 will enter Gemini 4/25/26 - 5/22/33
Neptune: Entered Pisces 2/3/12 will enter Aries on 3/30/25 - 3/23/39
Pluto: Entered Capricorn on 1/26/08 will enter Aquarius on 1/21/24 - 1/19/44
Eris: Entered Aries on 3/11/1925 will enter Taurus on 4/10/47 (remains in Taurus through 2100)
When outer planets shift into a new sign, we experience an endopsychic shift on a collective level. It creates a powerful shift in energy.
Vesta: Enters Libra on 7/18/21 will enter Scorpio on 9/20
Juno: Entered Sagittarius on 12/18/20 will enter Capricorn on 11/14/21
Ceres: Entered Taurus on 5/8/21 will enter Gemini on 7/31/21
Pallas Athena: Entered Pisces on 3/7/21 will enter Aries on 2/13/22
Sun: Entered Cancer on 6/20 (Summer Solstice) will enter Leo on 7/22
Mercury: Enters Cancer on 7/11will enter Leo on 7/27
Venus: Entered Leo on 6/26 will enter Virgo on 7/21
Mars: Entered Leo on 6/11 will enter Virgo on 7/29
Spring Equinox occurred on 3/20/2021
Summer Solstice occurred on 6/20/2021
Autumnal Equinox will occur on 9/22/2021
Winter Solstice will occur on 12/21/2021
May 26th, 2021
June 10th, 2021
November 19th, 2021
December 4th, 2021
7/12 Mercury-JupiterRx Trine
7/13 Venus-Mars Conjunct forming a Yod to Venus-Mars between Neptune and Pluto 16-18
7/14 Pallas Athena goes Retrograde
7/15 Sun-NeptuneRx Trine
Chiron goes Retrograde
Venus-NeptuneRx Quincunx
7/17 Moon-Sun Waxing Square in Libra & Cancer forming a Grand Cardinal Cross with Eris and Pluto
Sun-PlutoRx Opposition
7/18 Mercury-SaturnRx Quincunx forming a Yod to Mercury with South Node/JunoRx
Mars-NeptuneRx Quincunx
July 12th, 2021 - Monday
12:45pm PST Mercury-JupiterRx Trine goes exact at 1 degree and 24 minutes of Cancer and Pisces
On Monday, July 12th, we begin the week with Mercury-JupiterRx Trine going exact at 1 degree and 24 minutes of Cancer and Pisces. JupiterRx in Pisces expands our need for connection with the divine, the whole, and the ideal. That energy is infusing itself into Mercury (the mind of duality, ego). Our mental focus, with Mercury residing in Cancer, is on the need for nurturance, protection, and unconditional love. The trine between Jupiter in Pisces and Mercury in Cancer awakens our attention to our emotional need for connection and relatedness. We are beginning the week with this conducive energy for spiritual practice and psychological healing. A wonderful way to begin the week!
Do be mindful however, the sign of Cancer has a tendency to avoid rejection and hurt feelings. Pisces has a tendency to avoid reality and delve into fantasy. So, it is possible that if emotional pain comes up, or we perceive something in a hypersensitive way, we may tend to want to escape dealing with it head on. Be aware of emotions that cloud your judgment and try to cope with whatever emotions come up for you in healthy ways.
July13th, 2021 - Tuesday
6:33am PST Venus-Mars Conjunct goes exact at 19 degrees and 49 minutes of Leo
12:35pm PST Pallas-Vesta Opposition goes exact at 27 degrees and 44 minutes of Pisces and Virgo
On Tuesday, July 13th, Venus-Mars conjunction in Leo goes exact at 19 degrees and 49 minutes. The last time these two planets connected was on August 24, 2019 in Virgo quincunx Chiron. At that time, the energy was about healing wounds.
This conjunction will be very conducive for boosting creativity, intimacy, socializing, and merrymaking. Whilst Venus and Mars have very distinguished functional characteristics, the energies of these two planets together can be very advantageous in Leo. I’ll tell you why!
Leo is the most social and creative sign. It represents our need for validation and approval, play and creativity, and self-expression. Mars and Venus can be very compatible with meeting the needs of Leo because their function can meet these common goals.
Venus in Leo
Venus rules both Libra and Taurus. On the Libra end, Venus represents intimacy, companionship, social gatherings, art, aesthetics, and equanimity which promotes Leo’s need for creativity, validation and social approval. On the Taurus end, Venus stands for pleasure and sensual gratification. This meets the Leo need for play and self-expression.
Mars in Leo
Mars rules Aries. Mars is active, focused, and assertive. It represents sustainment, motivation, and vitality which promotes Leo’s need for creativity, expressiveness, and play. With Venus and Mars conjoining in Leo, using these energies beneficially, Leo’s goals can be accomplished.
Venus-Mars Dichotomy
The challenge here is to balance the Venus and Mars dichotomy. Venus in Leo can be too compromising, giving in too much to others needs sacrificing self-expression for approval. Mars in Leo can be too competitive, forgoing the needs of others for the sake of prestige.
Yod or Finger of Destiny to Venus/Mars: July 16th - July 18th
From July 16th through to July 18th there is a Yod, or Finger of Destiny configuration to the Venus and Mars conjunction. Yod’s are the most challenging configurations because, unlike oppositions and squares, the signs that the planets are in have nothing fundamentally in common to communicate in which to create relief or resolution of the challenging tension. The only thing we can do is humbly compromise (waxing quincunx) or surrender (waning quincunx). As such, we have to move forward through the challenge via transcendence rather than resolution per se.
Yod’s are formed when two planets in sextile both form a quincunx to a focal planet. The focal planets here are Venus-Mars conjunct in Leo which is about relatedness, actualizing creative potential, authentic self-expression, intimacy, socializing, and merriment. The focal planet(s) indicate the psychological integration necessary for growth. The two planets in sextile (Neptune and Pluto) show where we need to either compromise and where we need to surrender in order to fulfill the focal planet’s growth directive.
Venus/Mars-Pluto Waning Quincunx
With the waning quincunx the two planets involved, the focal planet(s)(Venus and Mars in Leo) and the planet in waning quincunx placement (Pluto in Capricorn), require surrendering to the experience and give way to the incompatible energies.
With the threat of the pandemic, economic insecurity, and the restructuring and new restrictions put into place in our society (Pluto in Capricorn), giving ourselves permission to feel buoyant and carefree, to just go out and play, to self-express, to actualize our potential feels very difficult and demanding these days.
So many of us are very concerned about getting sick, or don’t have the financial means to enjoy the things we used to, or there are new found restrictions put in place that thwart the Leo directive for fun, play, pleasure, socializing, and merriment. (Mars-Venus in Leo quincunx Pluto in Capricorn). With the waning quincunx here, we are challenged to surrender. We capitulate to the new restrictions put on us and discover adaptive ways to enjoy ourselves, self-express, and reach our creative potential.
Venus/Mars-Neptune Waxing Quincunx
With the waxing quincunx the two planets involved, the focal planet(s) (Venus and Mars in Leo) and the planet in waxing quincunx (Neptune in Pisces), requires us to humble ourselves to Spirit and find a bridge of a shared goal.
Leo and Pisces both share in common the experience of bliss, connection, artistry and creativity. The way in which the Venus-Mars in Leo directive for self-expression, connection, and creativity is realized is through the connection and faith in Source Consciousness (Neptune in Pisces). There are so many things outside of our control, but one thing we always have control over is our personal relationship with Spirit. This can maintain us through challenging times.
July 14th, 2021 - Wednesday
12:41am PST Pallas Athena goes Retrograde at 27 degrees and 44 minutes of Pisces
On Wednesday, the 14th, Pallas Athena in Pisces goes retrograde at 27 degrees and 44 minutes. When planets go retrograde the energy becomes inward directed, reflective, and introspective.
Pallas Athena symbolizes wisdom, strategic creativity, and intelligence. As such, we are encouraged to reflect on these qualities in ourselves. How do we use these things to reach our creative potential?
July 15th, 2021 - Thursday
1:49am PST Sun-NeptuneRx Trine goes exact at 23 degrees and 6 minutes of Cancer and Pisces
9:41am PST Chiron goes Retrograde at 12 degrees and 56 minutes of Aries
11:41pm PST Venus-NeptuneRx Quincunx goes exact at 23 degrees and 5 minutes of Leo and Pisces
On Thursday, the 15th, Chiron in Aries goes retrograde at 12 degrees and 56 minutes of energy. The energy of the Wounded Healer directs us inward as we are called to reflect on our inner wounds and think about the ways in which we are coping, developing, and utilizing our personal healing toward growth and development and how we are utilizing our insights and wisdom to help others.
July 17th, 2021 - Saturday
3:11am PST Moon-Sun Waxing Square goes exact at 25 degrees and 4 minutes of Libra and Cancer
3:46pm PST Sun-PlutoRx Opposition goes exact at 25 degrees 34 minutes of Cancer and Capricorn
On Saturday, July 17th, we have our quarter moon phase with the Moon-Sun waxing square in Libra and Cancer at 25 degrees and 4 minutes. A waxing square is the quarter moon phase just before a Full Moon. So this luminarial square is preparatory for next week’s upcoming Full Moon in Aquarius. It’s a good time during this quarter moon phase to think deeply about things no longer serving you so that at the upcoming Full Moon you are prepared to release and let go.
This quarter moon is significantly strong, growth oriented, and challenging. This is because the Sun, Moon, Pluto, and Eris are forming a Cardinal Grand Cross, a rare and potent configuration. A Grand Cross can be Cardinal, Fixed, or Mutable. In this case the Grand Cross is Cardinal because the planets forming this configuration are all in Cardinal signs — Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn (Eris in Aries, Sun in Cancer, Moon in Libra, and Pluto in Capricorn). A Grand Cardinal Cross is very challenging because cardinal energy — which is forward moving energy and not easy to slow down — can lack patience and can be intolerant to negotiation.
The potency of this Grand Cross comes from two of the most outer-reaching planets in square to each other (the Pluto-Eris Square in orb between 2018-2022). Both of these planets are the “point of opposition” in the Grand Cardinal Cross. Which I will elaborate on.
Note: The Grand Cross is one of three potent configurations that involve oppositions. The other two configurations are the T-square and the Mystic Rectangle.
Cardinal Grand Cross — between Sun, Moon, Pluto, and Eris
In a Grand Cross we have four planets squaring each other forming two oppositions. To master the challenge of a Grand Cross, we want to focus our attention on the oppositions, their axes are inherent polarities that require balancing. In this case, the four planets squaring each other are Eris squaring the Sun, the Sun squaring the Moon, the Moon squaring Pluto, and Pluto squaring Eris. The oppositions formed here are between the Sun and Pluto and the Moon and Eris.
A Grand Cross is formed fundamentally by the conjoining of two T-squares. In this case we have a T-square to the Sun and a T-Square to the Moon. A T-square is formed by two planets opposing each other both squaring the focal planet. The focal planet acts as the “source of definite tension”(Phipps, 1997). It indicates to us the source of the problem. In this case the focal planets are the Sun and the Moon. [Tensions involving our ego identity and our soul]
The T-Square energy is an intense tension for growth configuration which is remediable by resolving the tensions between the three planets involved and by balancing the focal planet with its “point of opposition” (Phipps, 1997). In this case the point of opposition is Capricorn where Pluto resides. The “point of opposition,” or the point of relief from the focal planet is imperative because it is the energetic locality for relief of the T-square tension.
As such, to remediate the potent growth tension of this Grand Cardinal Cross we’ll want to look at the focal planets (Sun and Moon) and their corresponding “point of opposition” (Pluto and Eris) — the Sun-Pluto opposition and the Moon-Eris Opposition. From there we’ll continue by evaluating the squares between the involving planets (Eris-Sun-Moon-Pluto).
T-Square to the Sun: Sun-Pluto Opposition (Pluto as Point of Relief)
The Sun represents the need for validation of identity and self-expression. As it resides in Cancer, the sense of self is concerned with emotional security, protection, sympathy, and nurturance. There is a fierce motivation toward self-preservation and a tendency toward passivity.
Pluto represents the process of purging, transformation, death and rebirth, and healing. It symbolizes power, control, manipulation, fear, oppression, corruption, and issues of integrity. Pluto symbolizes the strength it takes to grow through suffering. Cancer is averse to suffering as it desires protection.
With Pluto in Capricorn, there is a reordering of traditional structures. Organizations and establishments are being challenged to die to the old and be reborn to a new. This is wonderful so long as the “new” structures being put into place are integral, do not cause suffering, are not tyrannical and despotic, or dishonest.
The issue here with this opposition is that we want to balance our intrinsic desire for security and protection (Sun in Cancer) without sacrificing our freedom and autonomy via passivity and denial of corruption for the sake of a sense of security. This will require immense inner strength to realize when you need to make changes and the wisdom to know how to confront the challenges to get there. This of course will oppose your sense of security and safety.
An extreme Sun in Cancer will cling at nothing to maintain a sense of security. Cancer archetype is non-violent. Its main goal is to maintain safety even if that means sacrificing freedom. Thus we can understand its square to Aries, Aries which will fight and confront oppression before ever thinking about sacrificing independence, self-expression, and freedom for safety.
An extreme Pluto in Capricorn tyranny keeps its citizens comfortable enough as to not complain and keeps them pacified enough as to not rebel against the covert corruption and oppression actually going on.
The imbalance lies between passivity and need for security versus potential control, manipulation, and corruption. When Pluto in Capricorn is out of balance, Sun in Cancer is oppressed and manipulated without realizing it’s actually not secure at all. To be truly secure and safe, the truth about what is actually going on must be realized.
On a personal level, this opposition reminds you to evaluate those things in your life (I.e., work, home, family, friends) that are actually benefiting your authentic sense of security and safety needs in the world. What things are needed to be let go of in order for you to feel nurtured, protected, cared for, loved, and needed? Is it letting go of a toxic relationship? Finding a new job?
T-Square to the Moon: Moon-Eris Opposition (Eris as Point of Relief)
Libra is about social relatedness, fairness, peace, equality, and diplomacy. With the Moon in Libra our emotional security is based on getting along with others and cooperating. The Moon in Libra forms its emotional conditioning based in relationship. As such, autonomy, individual rights, and freedom of expression (Aries) can be sacrificed for the common good of others. If the Moon in Libra is out of balance, the individual loses his human right for the sake of a communally agreed upon order.
Aries represents the need for basic trust, pure impulse, and autonomy, independence, and freedom. Aries also represents new beginnings. Eris is discord and strife. With Eris in Aries, a new beginning requires discord for which to induce change.
Eris in Aries indicates a broken basic trust, a stifling of pure impulse, disagreement and conflict in relationship to others. With Eris in Aries there are obstacles and obstruction to independence and freedom that may have come from the over-emphasis on the common good of others which sacrifices individual autonomy and freedom of choice.
The issue here with this opposition is the imperative to balance the needs of the common good with the intrinsic need of individual autonomy and sovereignty. If either of these are out of balance someone is benefiting more than the other. As such, this axis of growth requires immense amount of cooperation, relational ability, boundaries, perseverance, and maturity to negotiate the needs of the individual and the group fairly.
On a personal level, we all need to be aware of this dynamic paradox between our own needs and the needs of others so that we can maneuver in the world peacefully. During this quarter Moon phase in Libra, it’s best to try and negotiate our needs as calmly and maturely as possible. Challenging circumstances may play out this week where we have to compromise and negotiate with others forcing us to make difficult decisions. Either way, it’s not going to feel comfortable.
The Four Planets in Square
With Eris in Aries, the need for individual freedom and autonomy need to be fought for. At the same time, we need to protect our security and safety (Sun in Cancer) in way that is non-violent, cooperative, and diplomatic (Moon in Libra). There is a potent restructuring of society going on now (Pluto in Capricorn) that ideally considers these contending needs of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.
Most of us want to live in a morally structured society that meets our security, relational, and creativity needs without sacrificing our individual rights. This Grand Cardinal Cross indicates intense challenges in creating integral, moral and ethical structures, organizations, and establishments (Pluto in Capricorn) that meet the needs of all of us. That means meeting the seemingly conflictual needs of freedom, security, cooperation, relatedness, and peace. All these ideally should be balanced and provided for. Very challenging indeed.
On a personal level, each one of us are encouraged to create healthy and integral structures in our lives that meet our needs for autonomy, safety and security, nurturance, and relatedness. So, as the Full Moon approaches next week, we are prepared to let go of things not serving our greater good or let go of things that are not helping us meet our creative potential.
Sun-Neptune Trine
The Sun-Neptune trine is going exact the same day at 25 degrees and 34 minutes of Cancer and Pisces. This reminds us that we are not separate from each other and that our security may be found in our spiritual practice and that wisdom can be gleaned by our connection with Source. This can help guide us to take appropriate action to change our lives for the better and meet our personal potential.
July 18th, 2021 - Sunday
12:48am PST Venus-PlutoRx Quincunx goes exact at 25 degrees and 33 minutes of Leo and Capricorn
10:13am PST Mercury-SaturnRx Quincunx goes exact at 11 degrees and 15 minutes of Cancer and Aquarius
11:22am PST Mars-NeptuneRx Quincunx goes exact at 23 degrees and 4 minutes of Leo and Pisces
On Saturday, July 18th, Mercury-SaturnRX quincunx goes exact at 11 degrees and 15 minutes of Cancer and Aquarius. This is forming a Yod to Mercury with SaturnRx and South Node/Juno sextile.
Remember that Yod’s are formed by two planets in sextile both forming a quincunx to the focal planet. The focal planet informs us of where the psychological integration needs to take place and the two planets in quincunx to the focal planet indicate the ways in which we can accomplish transcendence of the challenge either by humbly compromising (waxing quincunx) or surrendering (waning quincunx).
The focal planet indicating the area of psychological integration is Mercury in Cancer which is about communicating our vulnerability to others in order to meet our needs for support, acceptance, belonging, and protection. The root of vulnerable means “to wound.” The paradox is that no one feels safe when we’re vulnerable, but when we have the courage to be vulnerable so much growth and personal development occurs and our needs can get met.
Mercury Waning Quincunx to South Node/JunoRx
The waning quincunx involves the focal planet of Mercury in Cancer and the South Node/JunoRx in Sagittarius. As such, we must surrender our sense of “safety” by having faith in our partners ability to listen.
Mercury Waxing Quincunx to Saturn
The waxing quincunx involves the focal planet of Mercury in Cancer and Saturn in Aquarius. As such we are encouraged to open ourselves up to the possibility of rejection trusting in our ability to breakthrough, progress, and liberate (Aquarius) ourselves from the attachment to the judgment or perceived rejection of others (Cancer).
So, this configuration is so much about opening ourselves up vulnerably, trusting the people we are confiding in, and liberating ourselves from the fear of rejection. Very challenging indeed.
7/19 Mercury-Chiron Square
7/20 Mercury-Sextile Uranus
7/21 Venus enters Virgo
Eris goes Retrograde
7/22 Venus-Jupiter Opposition
Mars-Pluto Quincunx
Sun enters Leo
Sun-Jupiter Quincunx
7/23 Full Moon in Aquarius
7/24 Mercury-Neptune Trine
7/25 Mercury-Pluto Opposition
I really appreciate you joining me for another Trident Astrology Weekly Forecast!
I look forward to you joining me next week!
Blessings and love my friend!
Phipps, K.L. (1997). Celestial Renaissance: A Revolution of Astrology. Astrofantasy Publishing. Key West, Florida.
© 2021 Janeen Cain