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  • Janeen D. Cain

July Weekly Forecast 1st - 4th

Updated: Jul 5, 2021

This week Mars is making several aspects to outer planets including a T-Square to Uranus! The Mars and Uranus energy pervades throughout this week making this week feel like a dormant volcano about to abrupt! By Independence day, when we’re likely spending time with family, our emotions get heated up with Uranus’ intense and eruptive energy (Moon-Uranus Conjunct). This week involves lessons in relationships, learning how to balance our personal needs with the needs of others, getting through difficult communication, and learning how to accept and let go of un-amendable relational conflict.

On Thursday, July 1st, we begin the week with Mars-SaturnRx opposition going exact at 12 degrees of Leo and Aquarius. This opposition challenges us to balance our focused energy and will to action, utilizing our creative (Mars in Leo) energy in productive ways.

Also, on Thursday, July 1st, we begin our month in a Quarter Moon phase with the Moon-Sun in Waning Square preparing us for the New Moon in Cancer next week. With the Moon in fiery Aries conjunct Chiron (the Wounded Healer) our emotions will be running high and emotions may burst out impulsively especially around old familial wounds.

On Saturday, July 3rd, Mars-Uranus Square goes exact intensifying the T-Square to Uranus. This intense configuration challenges our growth in relationships reminding us to be mindful of balancing our individual needs with the needs of others. This week may bring up familial conflicts, especially ones that are not amenable as we move toward Sunday, July 4th.

Also, on Saturday the Sun-SaturnRx quincunx goes exact at 12 degrees of Cancer and Aquarius. On a personal level, especially with the South Node and JunoRx in the mix, forming a Finger of God to the Sun, we’re dealing with the un-amendable tensions in intimate and personal relationships, conflicts in communication, and the difficulty in feeling stifled.

On Sunday, July 4th, the Moon-Uranus conjunction goes exact at 13 degrees of Taurus also forming a quincunx to the South Node and JunoRx. So, our emotions will feel intense and eruptive. The dormant emotional volcano just might erupt! We’ll likely feel stubborn and won’t let things go. So, be mindful in your interactions with others. Walk away if unamendable conflicts raise their ugly head.

Current Planets in Retrograde:

Jupiter - Retrograde on 6/20/21 will go direct on 10/17/21

Saturn - Retrograde on 5/23/2021 will go direct on 10/10/2021

Neptune - Retrograde on 6/25/21 will go direct on 12/1/21

Pluto - Retrograde on 4/27/2021 will go direct on 10/6/2021

Planets Going Direct this Month:


Planets Going Retrograde this Month:

Chiron - Retrograde on 7/15/21 will go direct on 12/19/21

Eris - Retrograde on 7/21/2021 will go direct on 1/10/22

Retrograde Planets by the End of the Month:

Jupiter - Retrograde on 6/20/21 will go direct on 10/17/21

Saturn - Retrograde on 5/23/2021 will go direct on 10/10/2021

Chiron - Retrograde on 7/15/21 will go direct on 12/19/21

Neptune - Retrograde on 6/25/21 will go direct on 12/1/21

Pluto - Retrograde on 4/27/2021 will go direct on 10/6/2021

Eris - Retrograde on 7/21/2021 will go direct on 1/11/22

Current Asteroids in Retrograde:

Juno - Retrograde on 4/12/21 will go direct on 8/2/21

Asteroids Going Direct this Month:


Asteroids Going Retrograde this Month:

Pallas Athena - Retrograde on 7/14/21 will go direct on


Retrograde Asteroids by the End of the Month:

Juno - Retrograde on 4/12/21 will go direct on 8/2/21

Pallas Athena - Retrograde on 7/14/21 will go direct on


Jupiter: Entered Pisces on 5/13/21 will re-enter Aquarius on 7/28/21 - 12/28/21

Saturn: Entered Aquarius on 12/16/20 will enter Pisces on 3/7/23 - 2/14/2026

Chiron: Entered Aries on 2/18/19 will enter Taurus on 6/19/26 - 7/19/33

Uranus: Entered Taurus on 5/15/18 will enter Gemini 4/25/26 - 5/22/33

Neptune: Entered Pisces 2/3/12 will enter Aries on 3/30/25 - 3/23/39

Pluto: Entered Capricorn on 1/26/08 will enter Aquarius on 1/21/24 - 1/19/44

Eris: Entered Aries on 3/11/1925 will enter Taurus on 4/10/47 (remains in Taurus through 2100)

When outer planets shift into a new sign, we experience an endopsychic shift on a collective level. It creates a powerful shift in energy.

Sun: Entered Cancer on 6/20 (Summer Solstice) will enter Leo on 7/22

Mercury: Entered Gemini on 5/3 will enter Cancer on 7/11

Venus: Entered Leo on 6/26 will enter Virgo on 7/21

Mars: Entered Leo on 6/11 will enter Virgo on 7/29

  • Spring Equinox occurred on 3/20/2021

  • Summer Solstice occurred on 6/20/2021

  • Autumnal Equinox will occur on 9/22/2021

  • Winter Solstice will occur on 12/21/2021

  • May 26th, 2021

  • June 10th, 2021

  • November 19th, 2021

  • December 4th, 2021

7/1 Mars-SaturnRx Opposition goes exact

Quarter Moon Phase Moon-Sun Waning Square at 10 degrees and 14 minutes of Aries and Cancer

7/2 Mars-Chiron Trine goes exact

7/3 Sun-SaturnRx Quincunx goes exact forming Yod with South Node/JunoRx

Mars-Uranus Square goes exact

7/4 Sun-Chiron Square goes exact

Moon-Uranus Conjunct goes exact

July 1st, 2021 - Thursday

  • 6:08am PST Mars-SaturnRx Opposition goes exact at 12 degrees and 21 minutes of Leo and Aquarius

  • 2:11pm PST Quarter Moon Moon-Sun Waning Square at 10 degrees and 14 minutes of Aries and Cancer

This week Mars is making several aspects to outer planets. This is significant because Mars is how we direct our energy, it is our will to action. The energetic feeling of this planet can be intense and impulsive. It is very, very energetic.

So, this indicates where we will be directing our energy this week and the energetic flavors we’ll be experiencing. The Mars energy this week feels like a dormant volcano about to erupt after thousands of years.

So the aspects between Mars and the outer planets include a T-Square to Uranus with Mars opposing Saturn (going exact this week) and Mars squaring Uranus (going exact this week), and a Grand Fire Trine formed between Mars, JunoRx/SN, and Chiron/Moon with Mars-Chiron trine going exact this week. These energies will be influential all week.

This is Independence Day week! So it is synchronous that there is a T-Square to Uranus with Mars opposing SaturnRx in Aquarius and Mars squaring Uranus which rules Aquarius. Mars, Aquarius, and Uranus have shared archetypal energy of autonomy, independence, freedom, and revolution in common.

T-Square to Uranus

A T-Square energy is a tension for growth configuration. This is because the planets involved are forming hard aspects including an opposition and two squares.

Mars-SaturnRx Opposition

On Thursday, July 1st, we begin the first week of the month with Mars-SaturnRx opposition going exact at 12 degrees of Leo and Aquarius. The opposition here, a part of the T-Square, is about how we balance our focused energy, how we balance our will to action. Personal growth can happen when we balance opposition well. Here, the opposition lies on the Axis of Creation (Leo and Aquarius).

Mars in Leo is the will to acton in creativity and play, it’s the need for immediate gratification and individuality, and asserting our personal needs. Saturn in Aquarius is about disciplined ideas, structured revolution, constructive creativity, and boundaried liberation and humanitarianism.

So with these two dynamics at play in opposition the energy is about constructive play, and creative and constructive use of our time for the benefit of ourselves and others. Be mindful this week of unfruitful play where nothing constructive gets done or worse you wake up with a two day hangover where responsibilities don’t get done because you can’t get out of bed. This Mars-SaturnRx opposition is really about valuing your time and your ability to create.

Mars-Uranus Square

Mars-Uranus Square goes exact on Saturday, July 3rd, at 13 degrees Leo and Taurus. This energy is about moving our directed energy from our personal needs and immediate gratification to that of the needs of the whole community (Uranus in Taurus). Independence Day celebration is like that: we’re celebrating our individual freedom and individual rights with the whole of our countrymen and women.

As many of us are likely spending time with our families this weekend, this is a very positive thing. However, with this intense configuration we want to be mindful of balancing our individual needs with the needs of others. Familial conflicts can happen. So, we want to be aware of this. Using this T-Square tension for growth energy mindfully is key. The energies here remind us to move beyond our immediate impulses, to slow down, listen, and be thoughtful of the needs of others. Take into consideration the grand scheme of things, consider whether the conflict is worth the battle?

Grand Fire Trine Between Mars, Chiron, & JunoRx/SN

This Grand Fire Trine is really going to balance out that T-Square energy because there is an easy flow energy for healing in our relationships.

On Friday, July 2nd, Mars-Chiron Trine goes at 12 degrees Leo and Aries. This energy represents our will to action (Mars in Leo) in our personal and relational healing (Chiron in Aries). Chiron and Mars both are trining the South Node conjunct JunoRx in the sign of Sagittarius. With the South Node conjunct JunoRx in Sagittarius we are asked to reflect on the role our intimate partnerships have in forming our meaning in life. With this Grand Trine here, this week is a great time to evaluate how our perceptions impact our ability to relate, to love and be loved (SN/JunoRx Sagittarius).

Moon-Sun Waning Square

Also on Thursday, July 1st, we are beginning our first day of the month with the Moon-Sun Waning Square at 10 degrees and 14 minutes of Aries and Cancer with the Moon conjunct Chiron (The Wounded Healer). Again, we have repeating themes this week which include healing and personal development in our relationships and negotiating our needs with the needs of others.

With the Moon in fiery Aries (which is ruled by Mars; more Mars energy) we all need to be careful of emotional flare ups! Our emotions may be running high and our emotional expression may come out impulsively especially around old familial wounds (Chiron).

Now, the Sun-Chiron square will be going exact on Sunday, July 4th, (the day we’re all spending time with our families) increasing the intensity of possible familial conflicts. So, be very mindful.

July 2nd, 2021 - Friday

  • 1:41am PST Mars-Chiron Trine goes exact at 12 degrees and 51 minutes of Leo and Aries

July 3rd, 2021 - Saturday

  • 3:51pm PST Sun-SaturnRx Quincunx goes at 12 degrees and 13 minutes of Cancer and Aquarius

  • 6:40pm PST Mars-Uranus Square goes exact at 13 degrees and 55 minutes of Leo and Taurus

Sun-SaturnRx Quincunx

On Saturday, July 3rd, the Sun-SaturnRx Quincunx goes exact at 12 degrees and 13 minutes of Cancer and Aquarius. Quincunxes are the most difficult energies to ameliorate because the signs the planets are in have nothing in common to communicate. Cancer (where the Sun is) is Yin, Cardinal, and Water. Aquarius (where Saturn is residing) is Yang, Fixed, and Air.

Social Relevance:

Looking at Saturn in Aquarius and the Sun in Cancer quincunx alone, this is about the restructuring of society and rapid changes happening in society (Saturn in Aquarius) that will impede our comfort and sense of safety (Sun in Cancer).

Personal Relevance:

On a personal level, especially with the South Node and JunoRx in the mix, forming a Finger of God to the Sun, we’re dealing with the un-amendable tensions in intimate and personal relationships, conflicts in communication, and the difficulty in feeling stifled.

A Finger of God configuration is fairly rare configuration which forms with two planets in sextile to each other, each forming a quincunx with the focal planet. Here, we have Saturn in Aquarius sextiling the South/Node & Juno in Sagittarius. Each of these forming a quincunx to the Sun. The Finger of God configuration represents un-amendable burdens or challenges that one must bear through life. Those of us who understand life-long challenges, realize that this is where most of our personal growth comes from.

July 4th, 2021 - Sunday

  • 8:39am PST Sun-Chiron Square goes exact at 12 degrees and 53 minutes of Cancer and Aries

  • 9:41am PST Moon-Uranus Conjunct goes exact at 13 degrees and 56 minutes of Taurus

T-Square to the Moon-Uranus

On Sunday, July 4th (Independence Day), the Moon-Uranus conjunction goes exact at 13 degrees and 56 minutes of Taurus. The Moon, representing our emotions, joins into the T-Square to Uranus! It is also joining the South Node/JunoRx conjunction forming an intense quincunx.

So, our emotions will feel intense and eruptive. The dormant emotional volcano just might erupt! We’ll likely feel stubborn and won’t let things go. So, be mindful in your interactions with others. Walk away if un-amendable conflicts raise their ugly head.

7/5 Sun-Uranus Sextile goes exact

7/6 Mercury-Neptune Square goes exact

Venus-Saturn Opposition goes exact

7/7 Venus-Chiron Trine goes exact

7/8 Mercury-Pluto Quincunx goes exact

Venus-Uranus Square

7/9 New Moon in Cancer at 18 degrees and 2 minutes

7/11 Mercury Enters Cancer

I really appreciate you joining me for another Trident Astrology Weekly Forecast!

I look forward to you joining me next week!

Blessings and love my friend!

© 2021 Janeen Cain

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