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  • Janeen D. Cain

June Weekly Forecast 14th - 20th

On Monday, June 14th we have the second of three Saturn-Uranus squares going exact at 13 degrees of Aquarius and Taurus! This square represents the re-shaping of our society and social milieu as we experience rapid advancements in A.I. technologies. With the Moon in Leo forming an exact T-Square with Saturn and Uranus, our personal and emotional experiences will be tied to this powerful dynamic.

Also on Monday, there is a Grand Trine with the Moon, Chiron, and Juno opening up healing opportunities in our intimate relationships.

On Thursday, June 17th, we have a Quarter Moon Phase with the Moon-Sun Waxing Square at 27 degrees of Virgo and Gemini forming a T-Square with Neptune in Pisces. This tension for growth energy challenges us to maintain groundedness and curb our impulsivity. This moon phase prepares us for next week's Full Moon in Capricorn by reflecting on those things no longer serving us

On Sunday, June 20th, we have two significant celestial events that together expand our conscious awareness toward Source. These include the Jupiter retrograde in Pisces and the Sun entering Cancer marking our Summer Solstice.

Current Planets in Retrograde:

Mercury - Retrograde on 5/29/21 will go direct on 6/22/21

Saturn - Retrograde on 5/23/21 will go direct on 10/10/21

Pluto - Retrograde on 4/27/21 will go direct on 10/6/21

Planets Going Direct this Month:

Mercury - Goes Direct on 6/22/21 will go retrograde on 9/26/21

Planets Going Retrograde this Month:

Jupiter - Retrograde on 6/20/21 will go direct on 10/17/21

Neptune - Retrograde on 6/25/21 will go direct on 12/1/21

Retrograde Planets by the End of the Month:

Jupiter - Retrograde on 6/20/21 will go direct on 10/17/21

Saturn - Retrograde on 5/23/2021 will go direct on 10/10/2021

Neptune - Retrograde on 6/25/21 will go direct on 12/1/21

Pluto - Retrograde on 4/27/2021 will go direct on 10/6/2021

Jupiter: Entered Pisces on 5/13/21 will re-enter Aquarius on 7/28/21 - 12/28/21

Saturn: Entered Aquarius on 12/16/20 will enter Pisces on 3/7/23 - 2/14/2026

Chiron: Entered Aries on 2/18/19 will enter Taurus on 6/19/26 - 7/19/33

Uranus: Entered Taurus on 5/15/18 will enter Gemini 4/25/26 - 5/22/33

Neptune: Entered Pisces 2/3/12 will enter Aries on 3/30/25 - 3/23/39

Pluto: Entered Capricorn on 1/26/08 will enter Aquarius on 1/21/24 - 1/19/44

Eris: Entered Aries on 3/11/1925 will enter Taurus on 4/10/47 (remains in Taurus through 2100)

When outer planets shift into a new sign, we experience an endopsychic shift on a collective level. It creates a powerful shift in energy.

Sun: Enters Cancer on 6/20 (Summer Solstice) will enter Leo on 7/22

Mercury: Entered Gemini on 5/3 will enter Cancer on 7/11

Venus: Entered Cancer on 6/2 will enter Leo on 6/26

Mars: Entered Leo on 6/11 will enter Virgo on 7/29

  • Spring Equinox occurred on 3/20/2021

  • Summer Solstice will occur on 6/20/2021

  • Autumnal Equinox will occur on 9/22/2021

  • Winter Solstice will occur on 12/21/2021

  • May 26th, 2021

  • June 10th, 2021

  • November 19th, 2021

  • December 4th, 2021

6/14 Saturn-Uranus Square (2nd of 3) forming a T-Square with the Moon

Grand Trine with the Moon, Chiron, and Juno

6/17 Quarter Moon Phase Moon-Sun Waxing Square at 27 degrees of Virgo and Gemini

6/20 Jupiter goes Retrograde

Summer Solstice Sun enters Cancer

June 14th, 2021 - Monday

  • 12:28pm PST Moon-Uranus Square goes exact 13 degrees and 7 minutes of Leo and Taurus

  • 12:28pm PST Moon-Saturn Opposition goes exact 13 degrees and 7 minutes of Leo and Aquarius

  • 3:01pm PST Saturn-Uranus Square goes exact 13 degrees and 7 minutes Aquarius and Taurus

  • 5:39pm PST Mars-Jupiter Quincunx goes exact at 2 degrees and 8 minutes of Leo and Pisces

This Monday, June 14th, we have the second of three Saturn-Uranus squares going exact at 13 degrees of Aquarius and Taurus! This is a very important aspect. It’s this years important synodic meeting of outer planets like last years Saturn-Pluto conjunction.

Saturn-Uranus Squares 2021:

February 17th, 2021

June 14th, 2021

December 24th, 2021

  • Saturn-Uranus square is a 45 year cycle with a square occurring approximately every 21/22 years. The last time Saturn-Uranus squared (Saturn in Taurus & Uranus in Aquarius) was in 1999-2000 when internet became mainstream after its conception in the 1950s. The digital realm squaring off with the material and tangible realm. The next time this square occurs will be in 2043 and I suspect that the expansion of the digital realm will have readily been integrated into the corporeal, in other words, our bodies.

  • This square represents rapid changes happening in technology (Uranus in Taurus) that is re-shaping our society and social milieu (Saturn in Aquarius). The square energy is a tension for growth dynamic. The challenge between the necessity of tradition (Saturn) and the need for invention and growth (Uranus) are squaring off for dominance. It’s basically control and boundaries versus freedom and invention.

  • A good example of the dynamic of this square playing out in reality is how new advances in A.I. (artificial intelligence) is being utilized to manipulate and control society and artificial intelligence’s eventual and inevitable integration into the body and minds of each of us citizens (Uranus in Taurus). An excellent example of this is China’s use of various technologies, including facial recognition and A.I. social scoring to manage the behavior of its citizens. European societies are not too far behind this trend of A.I. social integration.

  • Via social media platforms, the internet, we’re living in an artificial intelligent technological social milieu, an artificial intelligent reality, an alternate reality for social engagement outside our natural physical world where our social interactions, identities, and behaviors are being surveyed, modified, and manipulated for capitalistic aims and social control.

  • As of yet, there are no ethical regulations on surveillance capitalism’s use. A good example of this is how Facebook, google, and other Big Tech companies (The Big Five), use artificial intelligence to analyze our behavior and preferences to personalize advertisements of which modify our choices and perceptions of reality. Whether you believe it or not, this is us becoming cyborg-like. We are certainly moving in that direction. With Taurus representing the physical world, nature, and our bodies, I have little doubt that within the next few decades our bodies will be integrated with the web.

  • As you can see we have some major ethical and social conventions to consider with these Uranus in Taurus advancements in A.I.

T-Square with the Moon:

  • With the Moon (our emotions) creating a perfect T-Square between Saturn and Uranus, each at 13 degrees and 7 minutes of Leo, Taurus, and Aquarius, we are not detached from the energy of this square. All of us, especially those of us sensitive, will feel emotionally affixed to this dynamic energy.

Grand Trine with the Moon:

  • Also on Monday, we have a Grand Trine to the Moon with Chiron (the Wounded Healer) and Juno (Goddess of Love and Marriage. Whilst the Moon moves swiftly through the constellations, this trine is not long lasting, but it provides a healing opportunity this week in our intimate relationships, a beneficial energy that can help each one of us connect with the emotional depths in our relating.

June 16th, 2021 - Wednesday

  • 10:24pm PST Sun-Pluto Quincunx goes exact at 26 degrees and 15 minutes of Gemini and Capricorn

June 17th, 2021 - Thursday

  • 8:54pm PST Quarter Moon Phase Moon-Sun Waxing Square Square at 27 degrees and 9 minutes of Virgo and Gemini in a T-Square with Neptune in Pisces

On Thursday, June 17th, we have a Quarter Moon Phase with the Moon-Sun Waxing Square at 27 degrees and 9 minutes of Virgo and Gemini forming a T-Square with Neptune in Pisces.

  • With this T-Square, tension for growth energy of this moon phase in mutable signs, the energy will be challenging. It’s important not to make swift decisions at this time, be careful of impulsivity. It is imperative we all keep grounded.

  • Quarter moon phases are preparatory in nature, guiding us toward the next moon phase. With a waxing square, we’re preparing for our Full Moon in Capricorn next week. This is a time to reflect on what things are no longer serving your greater good so that by the Full Moon next week, you’re prepared to let go, or at least have a more focused awareness of those things no longer serving you so that you can make the gradual adjustments.

  • Also, the Sun and Pluto are in Quincunx, having gone exact on Wednesday at 26 degrees of Gemini and Capricorn. Quincunx is the most challenging energy to contend with because the placement of the planets involved have absolutely nothing in common and can’t hear each other, Pluto in Capricorn is Cardinal Earth and the Sun in Gemini is Mutable Air.

  • Pluto in Capricorn is about transformation of social structures and revealing truth. Our perception of truth, or our ability to discern it, is going to be challenged with this configuration. A good example of this challenge can be seen in discerning truth in media. There are so many polarized view points, fake news, and theories out there discerning truth for ourselves is difficult.

June 20th, 2021 - Sunday

  • 8:06am PST Jupiter Retrograde at 2 degrees and 11 minutes of Pisces. Jupiter will go direct on October 17th at 22 degrees and 20 minutes of Aquarius

  • 8:33pm PST Sun enter Cancer Summer Solstice

On Sunday, June 20th, we have two significant celestial events coming together to expand our conscious awareness toward Source (represented by both Cancer and Pisces).

  • First we have Jupiter in Pisces going retrograde at 2 degrees and 11 minutes. This shift in energetic direction moves Jupiter’s emphasis on truth, wisdom, faith, trust, and discovery of higher power from the outside world to our inner world! This is a wonderful time for each one of us to seek inner guidance, to find our truth from the inner depths of our souls and to connect with Source as we connect to the depths of ourselves. Meditation is a wonderful tool to utilize at this energetic time.

Jupiter Retrograde Shadow Dates

The retrograde shadow is the period before and after the retrograde when Jupiter revisits the degrees covered during the retrograde.

March 27th - June 19th: Pre-retrograde shadow Jupiter at 22 degrees of Aquarius - 2 degrees of Pisces.

October 18th - January 8th, 2022: Post-retrograde shadow Jupiter at 22 degrees of Aquarius - 2 degrees of Pisces.

  • Second, we have the Sun entering into Cancer which marks the onset of summer and is the longest day of the year. Archetypally this symbolizes the apex of etheric connection, a pinnacle link to the Great Mother. Summer Solstice represents the highest attainment of wisdom gleaned from this imperative relationship with our emotions (which is associated with Cancer which is ruled by the Moon). It is a very good time to connect with our emotions, feeling our emotions is one way we connect with deeper aspects of our being.

  • So, Sunday is a very conscious expanding day moving our personal and collective energetic awareness from the physical to the ethereal, to the unconscious realms of our being. These two watery energetic shifts, the Jupiter Retrograde in Pisces and the Sun entering into Cancer, will guide and encourage each one of us to connect with our Higher Power, to connect with Source.

6/21 T-Square to Saturn with Moon-Saturn Square going exact and Moon-Uranus opposition

going exact

Venus-Neptune Trine goes exact

6/22 Mercury goes Direct

6/23 Sun-Jupiter Trine goes exact

Venus-Pluto Opposition goes exact

Saturn-Chiron Sextile goes exact (2/9 was the last exact aspect)

6/24 Full Moon at 3 degrees and 28 minutes of Capricorn

6/25 Neptune Retrograde

6/26 Venus enter Leo

I really appreciate you joining me for another Trident Astrology Weekly Forecast!

I look forward to you joining me next week!

Weekly Forecasts will be Posted on Weekends for the Week Ahead!

Blessings and love my friend!

© 2021 Janeen Cain

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