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June Weekly Forecast 7th - 13th

Janeen D. Cain

On Thursday, June 10th, we have a New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees of Gemini conjunct Mercury and squaring Neptune. This very Mercurial eclipse brings an erratic and rattling energy. There may be a sense of ungroundedness, scatter-mindedness, and a lack of focus. With Neptune in the mix, we’re challenged to stay centered as we confront feelings of confusion. On the positive side, our perceptions may expand to connect deeply with the divine. It is not a good time however, to overindulge or attempt to escape uncomfortable and overwhelming thoughts being brought into our awareness. This is a time of great new beginnings and bringing our intentions into focus. What is it that you really want for your future? However, this may be challenging with the mutable and changing energies at this time influencing a change of mind or perceptual overwhelm.

On Friday, June 11th, Mars enters into the fiery sign of Leo. Moving our will-power and energetic focus from the home and emotional sensitivity of Cancer to the creative, self-expressive, and fun-loving energy of Leo. Where you may have been feeling little energy the last few weeks, this week our energy levels may greatly increase.

Saturday and Sunday Venus, which represents our value judgments, ethical and moral considerations, aspects several outer planets. Venus-Chiron square encourages each one of us to reflect on how challenges and inner wounds help us develop personally and how that development helps others. Venus aspecting the Saturn-Uranus square (which goes exact next week) encourages us to reflect on our ethical stance on the technological advances re-shaping society.

Current Planets in Retrograde:

Mercury - Retrograde on 5/29/21 will go direct on 6/22/21

Saturn - Retrograde on 5/23/21 will go direct on 10/10/21

Pluto - Retrograde on 4/27/21 will go direct on 10/6/21

Planets Going Direct this Month:

Mercury - Goes Direct on 6/22/21 will go retrograde on 9/26/21

Planets Going Retrograde this Month:

Jupiter - Retrograde on 6/20/21 will go direct on 10/17/21

Neptune - Retrograde on 6/25/21 will go direct on 12/1/21

Retrograde Planets by the End of the Month:

Jupiter - Retrograde on 6/20/21 will go direct on 10/17/21

Saturn - Retrograde on 5/23/2021 will go direct on 10/10/2021

Neptune - Retrograde on 6/25/21 will go direct on 12/1/21

Pluto - Retrograde on 4/27/2021 will go direct on 10/6/2021

Jupiter: Entered Pisces on 5/13/21 will re-enter Aquarius on 7/28/21 - 12/28/21

Saturn: Entered Aquarius on 12/16/20 will enter Pisces on 3/7/23 - 2/14/2026

Chiron: Entered Aries on 2/18/19 will enter Taurus on 6/19/26 - 7/19/33

Uranus: Entered Taurus on 5/15/18 will enter Gemini 4/25/26 - 5/22/33

Neptune: Entered Pisces 2/3/12 will enter Aries on 3/30/25 - 3/23/39

Pluto: Entered Capricorn on 1/26/08 will enter Aquarius on 1/21/24 - 1/19/44

Eris: Entered Aries on 3/11/1925 will enter Taurus on 4/10/47 (remains in Taurus through 2100)

When outer planets shift into a new sign, we experience an endopsychic shift on a collective level. It creates a powerful shift in energy.

Sun: Entered Gemini on 5/20 will enter Cancer on 6/20

Mercury: Entered Gemini on 5/3 will enter Cancer on 7/11

Venus: Entered Cancer on 6/2 will enter Leo on 6/26

Mars: Enters Leo on 6/11 will enter Virgo on 7/29

  • Spring Equinox occurred on 3/20/2021

  • Summer Solstice will occur on 6/20/2021

  • Autumnal Equinox will occur on 9/22/2021

  • Winter Solstice will occur on 12/21/2021

  • May 26th, 2021

  • June 10th, 2021

  • November 19th, 2021

  • December 4th, 2021

6/10 New Moon Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees and 47 minutes of Gemini

Sun-Mercury Conjunct goes exact

Moon-Mercury Conjunct goes exact

6/11 Mars enters Leo

6/12 Venus-Chiron Square goes exact

Venus-Uranus Sextile goes exact

6/13 Venus-Saturn Quincunx goes exact

Sun-Neptune Square goes exact

June 10th, 2021 - Thursday

  • 3:53am PST New Moon Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees and 47 minutes of Gemini

  • 5:37am PST Moon-Mercury Conjunct goes exact at 20 degrees and 39 minutes of Gemini

  • 6:13pm PST Sun-Mercury Conjunct goes exact at 20 degrees and 21 minutes of Gemini

  • 7:01pm PST Ceres-Uranus Conjunct goes exact at 12 degrees and 56 minutes of Taurus

June 10th, 2021 New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees and 47 minutes of Gemini at 3:53am PST (9 degree difference between lunar nodes and luminaries). This is part of Solar Saros Series 147 eclipses that began in 1624 CE and that will end in 3049 CE [Solar Saros 147]. The most recent lunar eclipse that occurred connected to this series was on May 31, 2003. The following eclipse occurring in this series will be on June 21, 2039. All eclipses in this series occur on the Moon’s ascending node (North Node). This eclipse is visible in Russia, Greenland, and northern Canada. A partial eclipse may be visible in Northern Asia, Europe, and the United States.

  • On Thursday, June 10th, we have a New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees of Gemini. As we can see, the Luminaries, the Sun and Moon that are conjunct in Gemini are within 9 degrees of the North Node. So this is a strong eclipse, but not as strong of an eclipse as the last Lunar eclipse, because the luminaries are not as close to the Node(s) as last eclipse, but there is a lot of shifting and mutable energy associated with this eclipse because of the sign the luminaries are in (Gemini) and the number of planets in mutable signs during this eclipse. Jupiter, Neptune, Mercury, and the Sun and the Moon are all in Mutable signs, including the asteroids Pallas Athena, Vesta, and Juno.

  • The two main aspects of this very energetic eclipse is, first that the luminaries are conjunct the ruler of Gemini, which is Mercury. As such this is very Mercurial eclipse. This means it’s a very mental and mind oriented eclipse. It’s mutable and airy and has a lot of mental movement, a lot of mental energy. Think of a hurricane going on in the mind. That is the energy of this eclipse. So we all my be experiencing erratic mental shifts of perception. There may be a sense of ungroundedness, scatter-mindedness, and lack of focus, kind of a intense stream of consciousness causing an overflow in thinking. It’s very overwhelming energy right now.

  • Second, the luminaries are square Neptune, with the Sun-Neptune square going exact on Sunday at 23 degrees of Gemini and Pisces. So, Neptune brings in some confusion and a more muddled lack of focus. On the positive end of this, we are challenged to seek spiritual connection to life and expand our perceptions in connection with the divine.

  • Many of us sensitive this energy may feel rattled fluttering in our minds and bodies. There is a sense of physical and mental disturbance which may invoke a desire for escapism (Neptune). So, each one of us need to be aware of this energy as to attempt to keep ourselves from over indulging and especially, keeping ourselves from escapism behavior.

  • Because the energy of this eclipse is so rattling, some of us may feel our mental and emotional well-being is being challenged. It’s most certainly not a good time for overindulging or escapism, but rather focusing on healthy and healing activities that will help our minds and bodies to calm down.

  • Eclipses, because they illuminate the collective and individual growth and karmic path for all of us, the energies involved often can bring out growth conflicts and very uncomfortable feelings and sensations. So it’s just best to keep yourself as centered as possible and focus your will power on healthy and productive habits.

June 11th, 2021 - Friday

  • 6:34am PST Mars enters Leo

  • On Friday, June 11th, Mars moves from Cancer to Leo. This conveyance moves our energy and will power (Mars) from the home and feeling orientation to play, creativity, and self-expression.

  • With Mars in Cancer we may have experienced less energy levels and high emotional sensitivity. Now with Mars shifting into Leo, our energy levels may regain momentum and we may find ourselves focusing on creative things, things the promote fun and enjoyment.

June 12th, 2021 - Saturday

  • 11:28am PST Venus-Chiron Square goes exact at 12 degrees and 28 minutes of Cancer and Aries

  • 10:38pm PST Venus-Uranus Sextile goes exact at 13 degrees and 2 minutes of Cancer and Taurus

  • On Saturday and Sunday, Venus interacts with several outer planets. Venus represents how we love. It represents our value systems and our moral-ethics, how we reflect on what something or someone means to us. It is a reflective act of consciousness.

  • So, those of us sensitive to this energy may find ourselves reflecting on the state of things, internally and externally.

  • On a personal level, Looking at Venus-Chiron Square, there may be an inclination to reflect on what has shaped our character, looking particularly at inner wounds that remain influential in our lives that require growth and personal development. Chiron is not about healing wounds per se, but accepting that some wounds are not necessarily healable and that some wounds leave such tremendous scars, we just have to learn how to live with the burden of challenge. It is about an ongoing process of healing how we view our woundedness and learn how to alchemize that into helping others.

  • With Venus aspecting the Saturn-Uranus Square (which is going exact next week) we are called to reflect on the ethical considerations of the rapid changes happening technologically that is re-shaping our society and social milieu. How can we balance the challenge between the necessity of tradition and the need for invention.

June 13th, 2021 - Sunday

  • 1:15am PST Venus-Saturn Quincunx goes exact at 13 degrees and 10 minutes of Cancer and Aquarius

  • 4:40pm PST Sun-Neptune Square goes exact at 23 degrees and 10 minutes of Gemini and Pisces

6/14 Saturn-Uranus Square (2nd of 3) forming a T-Square with the Moon

Mars-Jupiter Quincunx goes exact

6/16 Sun-Pluto Quincunx goes exact

6/17 Quarter Moon Phase Sun-Moon Waxing Square at 27 degrees of Gemini and Virgo

6/20 Summer Solstice Sun enters Cancer

Jupiter goes Retrograde

I really appreciate you joining me for another Trident Astrology Weekly Forecast!

I look forward to you joining me next week!

Weekly Forecasts will be Posted on Weekends for the Week Ahead!

Blessings and love my friend!

© 2021 Janeen Cain

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