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  • Janeen D. Cain

November Weekly Forecast 16th - 22nd

On Tuesday, November 17th, Mercury-Uranus opposition goes exact at 8 degrees of Scorpio and Taurus. The evolutionary resolution of Mercury-Uranus opposition is the interpolation of the phenomenal and noumenal realms — integrating the paradox inherent in the human condition, the process of individuation, bringing forth unconscious content into conscious awareness in order to integrate the whole of the personality.

On Wednesday, November 18th, Sun-Saturn sextile goes exact at 27 degrees of Scorpio and Capricorn. The portal energy from last weeks New Supermoon in Scorpio on the 15th is carrying over to this week. We are reminded of our responsibility to structure our lives, to create order, and maintain daily routine which benefits our ability to do our individual psychological work which ultimately benefits the growth of the whole.

On Thursday, November 19th, Venus-Saturn square goes exact at 27 degrees of Libra and Capricorn. This is forming a T-square between Eris, Venus, and Pluto, Jupiter, Pallas Athena, Moon, and Saturn. The evolutionary challenge with this Venus-Saturn square is to maintain consideration of the needs of others, to cooperate, to not lose sight of our values and relatedness in the process of collective achievement.

On Saturday, November 21st, we have several shifts occurring. These include Venus entering Scorpio, the Sun entering into Sagittarius, and the Moon-Sun waxing square in Pisces and Sagittarius. Venus entering Scorpio, collectively, is about moving our attention from social cooperation to social integration. Individually, Venus entering Scorpio is about moving your attention to working on your own psychological integration to benefit the group.

The Moon-Sun waxing square in Pisces and Sagittarius is about clarity versus confusion. Our ability to identify our philosophy and form a coherent ethic may be muddled by our emotions or disorientation. We may experience a sense of ungroundedness during this time. The solution here is to surrender to our inner processes of introspection. Allow ourselves to be confused for a time.

Finally, on Sunday, November 22nd, Mercury-Mars quincunx goes exact at 15 degrees of Scorpio and Aries. Mars Direct in Chiron expects immediate results during the healing process and is impatient with the slow process of integration that is taking place in our perceptions. We are reminded to take a deep breath, be in the now, as we are in the process of healing and integrating emotionally and psychologically.

Current Planets in Retrograde:

Chiron - Retrograde on 7/11 will go direct on 12/15

Uranus - Retrograde on 8/15 will go direct 1/14/21*

Neptune - Retrograde on 6/22 will go direct 11/28

Eris - Retrograde on 7/20/2020 will go direct on 1/10/21*

Planets Going Direct this Month:

Mercury went Direct on 11/3

Mars goes Direct on 11/13

Neptune goes Direct on 11/28

Planets Going Retrograde this Month:


There are no more retrogrades this year. Our next retrograde will occur when Mercury goes retrograde on January 30, 2021.

Retrograde Planets by the End of the Month:

Chiron - Retrograde on 7/11 will go direct on 12/15

Uranus - Retrograde on 8/15 will go direct 1/14/21*

Eris - Retrograde on 7/20/2020 will go direct on 1/10/21*

Outer Planet Ingressions (Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto)

The next important outer planet ingression will be Jupiter and Saturn moving into Aquarius in December preparing us for the year ahead. This is connected to the Saturn-Uranus squares next year.

When outer planets shift into a new sign, we experience an endopsychic shift on a collective level. It creates a powerful shift in energy. I look forward to cover that in later weeks.

Inner Planet Ingressions (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars — this year Mars stays in Aries until the end of the year due to retrogradation)

  • Sun enters Sagittarius on 11/21

  • Mercury entered Libra on 10/27 will enter Scorpio on 11/10

  • Venus entered Libra on 10/27 will enter Scorpio on 11/21

  • Mars entered Aries on 6/27 will enter Taurus on 1/6/2021

Solstices and Equinoxes — Winter Solstice

  • Winter Solstice will occur on 12/21/2020

New, Full, and Quarter Moon Phase

  • Moon-Sun Waxing Square in Pisces and Sagittarius

  • November 30th, 2020

  • December 14th, 2020

November 30th, 2020 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Full Moon at 8 degrees 38 minutes of Gemini at 1:30am (roughly 11 degrees difference between lunar nodes and luminaries). This is part of the Lunar Saros series 116 eclipses that began in 993 CE and that will end in 2291 CE [Lunar Saros 116]. The most recent lunar eclipse that occurred connected to this series was on November 20, 2002. The following eclipse occurring in this series will be on December 11, 2038. All eclipses in this series occur on the Moon’s ascending node, North Node. This eclipse is visible in North and South America, Australia, and parts of Asia. You may see a darker Full Moon during the maximum phase of this eclipse (

December 14th, 2020 Total Solar Eclipse New Moon at 23 degrees 8 minutes of Sagittarius at 8:17am (4 degrees difference between lunar nodes and luminaries). This is part of the Solar Saros series 142 eclipses that began in 1624 CE and that will end in 2904 CE [Solar Saros 142]. The most recent lunar eclipse that occurred connected to this series was on December 4, 2002. The following eclipse occurring in this series will be on December 26, 2038. All eclipses in this series occur on the Moon’s descending node, South Node. This eclipse is visible in Chile, parts of Argentina, some regions in southern South America, south-west Africa, and Antarctica (

November & December Preparatory Months for the Upcoming Year Ahead 2021


November 12, 2020 Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction 4/4, 6/30

November 30, 2020 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Gemini


December 14, 2020 Total Solar Eclipse New Moon

December 16, 2020 Saturn enter Aquarius

December 19, 2020 Jupiter enters Aquarius

December 21, 2020 The Solstice and The Great Saturn-Jupiter Conjunction

November and December are imperative preparatory months. Because we are in eclipse season starting November 30th, we have Jupiter and Saturn ingressing into Aquarius in December, and we have two major outer planet conjunctions coming up in the next two months including Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in November and Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in December.

These next two months will be a critical time of getting our lives into order, grounding in daily routine, getting organized, reflecting on your raison d’être (what gives your life meaning), and doing our best to align our actions with our values.

11/17 Mercury-Uranus Opposition

11/18 Sun-Saturn Sextile

11/19 Venus-Saturn Square a part of the T-Square between Eris, Venus and outer planets Pluto, Jupiter, Pallas Athena, and Saturn

11/21 Venus enters Scorpio

Sun enters Sagittarius

Moon-Sun Waxing Square (Pisces & Sag)

11/22 Mercury-Mars Quincunx

November 17th, 2020 - Tuesday

  • 12:07am PST Mercury-Uranus Opposition exact at 8 degrees and 1 minute of Scorpio and Taurus

On Tuesday, November 17th, we have Mercury-Uranus opposition going exact at 8 degrees of Scorpio and Taurus. We harken back to the energy of October 7th and 19th when Mercury-Uranus opposition went exact on those day. This is a very gorgeous opposition for several reasons.

  • First Mercury is ectopsychic. It is our ability to perceive reality in the domain of the five senses, the realm of the phenomenal or explicate. Mercury acts as a psychopomp and can bring forth information from the unconscious realm into the conscious realm.

Psychopomp: a guide of souls to the place of the dead, noumenal

  • Second, Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury. It is the Divine Mind that exists at the threshold of consciousness and the endopsychic. Uranus exists in the mysterium coniunctionis, the mysterious realm of irreconcilable opposites, taking residence at the threshold between the phenomenal and noumenal realms. Uranus is the Great Gate Keeper of contradiction and paradox. The function of Uranus is the alchemical duality of opposites, the process of individuation (integrating unconscious material into consciousness in order to evolve the whole of the personality).

  • Third, Mercury conveys the wisdom imparted by Uranus and synthesizes the union of the pair of opposites in the quaternio — which leads into the world of the explicate, the realm of the phenomenal, from the threshold of consciousness.

  • Fourth, Mercury and Uranus are in opposition along the Taurus/Scorpio Axis of Being which symbolizes the two domains of consciousness, the conscious (Taurus) and the unconscious (Scorpio).

  • Fifth, what is really divine about this configuration is that Mercury the ectopsychic planet is currently residing in Scorpio, the unconscious domain. Whereas Uranus the endopsychic planet is currently residing in Taurus, the conscious domain. The implicate and explicate are divinely intertwined here, merging and interpolating in opposition which is about integrating contradiction and paradox.

  • The image that best articulates this poetry of symbolism is the Vesica Piscis.

Interpolate: Insert (something of a difference nature) into something else.

The Vesica Piscis is a sacred mathematical shape that is formed by two disks of the same radius intersecting where the center of the disk lies on the perimeter of the other. The “mathematical ratio of the height of the Vesica Piscis to the width across its center is the square root of 3, or 1.7320508….” This is, of course, an irrational number which I believe expresses the infinite infused in nature. This substantiates the reason I use the Vesica Piscis as an overlay to Carl Jung’s Structure of Consciousness, the human condition of consciousness being of infinite nature reflecting the dualism between the phenomenal and the noumenal which I call the Primal Dichotomy.

The evolutionary resolution of Mercury-Uranus opposition is the interpolation of the phenomenal and the noumenal realms — integrating the paradox inherent in the human condition.

Uranus is Aion, the process of individuation, bringing forth unconscious content into conscious awareness in order to integrate the whole of the personality. Mercury is the conveyer of the divine message as received from the noumenal realms of the unconscious domain. It is through Mercury and Uranus that this process occurs.

As we move into Aquarian Energy next year, this opposition reminds us, both individually and collectively, how important it is to individuate.

Finally, with Uranus’s strong trine to Vesta, the Goddess of the Sacred Fire, we are inspired with atmavictu, the breath of life, as we delve deep into our underworlds for integration to find wholeness of personality. This applies both to the individual and the collective evolution.

November 18th, 2020 - Wednesday

  • 11:18pm PST Sun-Saturn Sextile exact at 27 degrees and 25 minutes of Scorpio and Capricorn

On Wednesday, November 18th, Sun-Saturn sextile goes exact at roughly 27 degrees of Scorpio and Capricorn. The portal energy from last weeks New Supermoon in Scorpio on the 15th is carrying over to this week, with the Sun-Saturn sextile going exact, and encourages us to discipline ourselves in deep introspection that can benefit our individual and collective evolution and help us reach our potential.

We are reminded of our responsibility (Saturn in Capricorn) to structure our lives, to create order, and maintain daily routine. With the Sun in sextile to Saturn, that structure we create benefits our ability to do our individual psychological work (Sun in Scorpio) which ultimately benefits the growth of the whole (Saturn in Capricorn).

November 19th, 2020 - Thursday

  • 3:29am PST Venus-Saturn Square exact at 27 degrees and 26 minutes of Libra and Capricorn

On Thursday, November 19th, Venus-Saturn square goes exact at 27 degrees of Libra and Capricorn. This is forming a T-square that is between Eris, Venus, and Pluto, Jupiter, Pallas Athena, Moon, and Saturn.

  • Venus is about our values, ethics, and value judgments (determining what is good/bad, right/wrong). It is in the sign of Libra which is about moderation, fairness, discernment, relatedness, compromise, and cooperation. Shadow side of Venus in Libra can be submitting self to appease others, lacking boundaries. It can also be a tyrannical imposition of order and harmony.

  • Saturn is about discipline, structure, integrity, success, determination, and responsibility. It is in its home sign of Capricorn which is restructuring and assessing social structure and organizations, collective purpose, and scrutinizing the uprightness of our current social system in order to achieve integrity and success. The shadow side of Saturn in Capricorn is success at whatever the cost and arbitrary use of power.

  • The evolutionary challenge with this Venus-Saturn square is to maintain consideration of the needs of others, to cooperate, to not lose sight of our values and relatedness in the process of collective achievement.

  • This square reminds us all to evaluate our principles and standards of behavior. To take a serious (Saturn) look at what is important in life (Venus in Libra) so beneficial social change occurs.

  • There is a T-Square tension for growth energy here involving Eris opposing Venus, both square the outer planet of Pluto, Jupiter, Pallas Athena, the Moon, and Saturn. With the Moon in Capricorn, our emotions may feel suppressed or controlled. This can be beneficial if it allows us to to make decisions without heated emotions involved. However, suppressing emotions can ricochet back with stronger force if we’re avoiding dealing them.

  • The challenge here is to maintain level headedness despite extreme turmoil and conflict (Eris in Aries). Gaining some traction of resolution here will be beneficial when Venus enters into Scorpio on Saturday which will be intensifying Venus’ archetypal functions.

November 21st, 2020 - Saturday

  • 5:22am PST Venus enters Scorpio

  • 12:40pm PST Sun enters Sagittarius

  • 8:45pm PST Moon-Sun Waxing Square at 0 degrees and 20 minutes of Pisces and Sagittarius

On Saturday, we have several shifts occurring. These include Venus entering Scorpio, the Sun entering into Sagittarius, and the Moon-Sun waxing square in Pisces and Sagittarius.

Venus Enters Scorpio

  • Venus is moving from the yang, air, and cardinal sign of Libra to the yin, water, and fixed sign of Scorpio. The constellations involved here are both social and collective archetypes.

  • Collectively. This conveyance is about moving our attention from social cooperation to social in integration. In order to truly cooperate, work toward a common goal together, deep introspection is necessary to assess the integrity of the goal, evaluate the principles forming the goal, and to gauge whether or not the goal is actually viable and beneficial for the group and the individual.

  • Individually. This conveyance from Libra to Scorpio is moving your attention to working on your own psychological integration to benefit the group. It’s also about assessing your principles and values in relationship to self and others and making balanced value judgments about who you’re making connections with so that your relationships align with your authentic self.

Moon-Sun Waxing Square in Pisces and Sagittarius

Also on Saturday, November 21st, we have waxing square between the Sun in Sagittarius and the Moon in Pisces.

  • The waxing square phase of the moon is about the preparation for the eventual letting go of things no longer serving you that occurs at the Full Moon. So, this is about evaluating your readiness to let go and acquiring clarity of purpose.

  • The Sun in Sagittarius is about developing your self through the synthesizing of knowledge and wisdom. It is about identifying your philosophy and forming a coherent ethic. The shadow side of the Sun in Sagittarius is unfounded idealistic enthusiasm or identification with naive ideologues.

  • The Moon in Pisces brings forth depth of emotion from the endopsychic and unconscious realms, the realms of the shadow. There is heightened intuition with this placement. There is a dreaminess, spiritual connectedness, and sense of unity consciousness. On the shadow side there may be a tendency for escapism or emotional confusion.

  • The challenge for growth here, with the square between the luminaries, is between clarity versus confusion. Our ability to identify our philosophy and form a coherent ethic may be muddled by our emotions or disorientation. We may experience a sense of ungroundedness during this time.

  • The solution here is to surrender to our inner processes of introspection (Venus in Scorpio trine Moon in Pisces). Allow ourselves to be confused for a time. Sometimes, we don’t know or understand or have all the answers. That is okay.

Quote from Manoj Arora

  • “Doubts are good. Confusion is excellent. Questions are awesome. All these are attempts to expand the wisdom of mind.”

November 22nd, 2020 - Sunday

  • 6:00am PST Mercury-Mars Quincunx goes exact at 15 degrees and 43 minutes of Scorpio and Aries

With Mercury having been counseled by Uranus in the threshold of consciousness and bringing back the unconscious material from the endopsychic domain to be processed into conscious awareness (Mercury-Uranus opposition), we have a lot of psychological work to do this week.

On Sunday, November 22nd, Mercury-Mars quincunx goes exact at 15 degrees. This aspect harkens us back to the energy of September 4, just before the Mars retrograde, when Mercury-Mars quincunx went exact on that day.

Mars Direct in Chiron expects immediate results during the healing process and is impatient with the slow process of integration that is taking place in our perceptions (Mercury in Scorpio). We are reminded to take a deep breath, be in the now (Scorpio), as we are in the process of healing and integrating emotionally and psychologically.

Future Highlights for the Upcoming November Weekly Forecast:

11/23 Mercury-Neptune Trine

11/25 Venus-Chiron Quincunx

11/26 Sun-Chiron Trine

11/27 Mercury-Pluto Sextile

Venus-Uranus Opposition

11/28 Neptune Direct

Mercury-Jupiter Sextile

11/29 Sun-Uranus Quincunx

11/30 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Full Moon at 8 degrees 38 minutes of Gemini

Blessings and love my friend!

© 2020 Janeen Cain - Trident Astrology™

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