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November Weekly Forecast 1st - 8th

Janeen D. Cain

Updated: Nov 4, 2020

November Weekly Forecast

1st through the 8th

Planetary Retrogrades and Directs

Current Planets in Retrograde: Six Planets

Mercury, Mars, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, and Eris

Mercury - Retrograde on 10/13 will go direct on 11/3

Mars - Retrograde on 9/9 will go direct on 11/13

Chiron - Retrograde on 7/11 will go direct on 12/15

Uranus - Retrograde on 8/15 will go direct 1/14/21*

Neptune - Retrograde on 6/22 will go direct 11/28

Eris - Retrograde on 7/20/2020 will go direct on 1/10/21*

Planets Going Direct this Month:

Mercury goes Direct on 11/3

Mars goes Direct on 11/13

Neptune goes Direct on 11/28

Planets Going Retrograde this Month:


There are no more retrogrades this year. Our next retrograde will occur when Mercury goes retrograde on January 30, 2021.

Retrograde Planets by the End of the Month: Three Planets

Chiron, Uranus, and Eris

Outer Planet Ingressions (Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto)

The next important outer planet ingression will be Jupiter and Saturn moving into Aquarius in December preparing us for the year ahead. This is connected to the Saturn-Uranus squares next year.

When outer planets shift into a new sign, we experience an endopsychic shift on a collective level. It creates a powerful shift in energy. I look forward to cover that in later weeks.

Inner Planet Ingressions (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars — this year Mars stays in Aries until the end of the year due to retrogradation)

Inner Planet Ingressions (Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars)

Sun enters Sagittarius on 11/21

Mercury entered Libra on 10/27 will enter Scorpio on 11/10

Venus entered Libra on 10/27 will enter Scorpio on 11/21

Mars entered Aries on 6/27 will enter Taurus on 1/6/2021

Solstices and Equinoxes — Winter Solstice 12/21/20

New, Full, and Quarter Moon Phase


The next eclipses for 2020 are Nov. 30th Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Gemini and Dec 14)

November & December Preparatory Months for the Upcoming Year Ahead 2021


November 12, 2020 Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction 4/4, 6/30

November 30, 2020 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Gemini (This is fairly connected to the North/South Nodes of our collective destiny which are square to Neptune)


December 14, 2020 Total Solar Eclipse New Moon

December 16, 2020 Saturn enter Aquarius

December 19, 2020 Jupiter enters Aquarius

December 21, 2020 The Solstice and The Great Saturn-Jupiter Conjunction

November and December are imperative preparatory months. Because we are in eclipse season starting November 30th, we have Jupiter and Saturn ingressing into Aquarius in December, and we have two major outer planet conjunctions coming up in the next two months including Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in November and Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in December.

These next two months will be a critical time of getting our lives into order, grounding in daily routine, getting organized, reflecting on your raison d’être (what gives your life meaning), and doing our best to align our actions with our values.

November and December 2020 Eclipses

November 30th, 2020 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Full Moon at 8 degrees 38 minutes of Gemini at 1:30am (roughly 11 degrees difference between lunar nodes and luminaries). This is part of the Lunar Saros series 116 eclipses that began in 993 CE and that will end in 2291 CE [Lunar Saros 116]. The most recent lunar eclipse that occurred connected to this series was on November 20, 2002. The following eclipse occurring in this series will be on December 11, 2038. All eclipses in this series occur on the Moon’s ascending node, North Node. This eclipse is visible in North and South America, Australia, and parts of Asia. You may see a darker Full Moon during the maximum phase of this eclipse (

December 14th, 2020 Total Solar Eclipse New Moon at 23 degrees 8 minutes of Sagittarius at 8:17am (4 degrees difference between lunar nodes and luminaries). This is part of the Solar Saros series 142 eclipses that began in 1624 CE and that will end in 2904 CE [Solar Saros 142]. The most recent lunar eclipse that occurred connected to this series was on December 4, 2002. The following eclipse occurring in this series will be on December 26, 2038. All eclipses in this series occur on the Moon’s descending node, South Node. This eclipse is visible in Chile, parts of Argentina, some regions in southern South America, south-west Africa, and Antarctica (

Major Planetary Aspects and Synodic Cycles

11/1 Mercury-Saturn Square going exact forming a T-Square Venus-Chiron Opposition goes exact

11/3 Mercury goes Direct

Venus-Uranus Quincunx

11/6 Mercury-Saturn Square going exact

11/7 Sun-Mars Quincunx

11/8 Sun-Moon Waning Square (Quarter Moon Phase)

Planetary Aspects and Their Interpretations for the Week:

November 1, 2020 Sunday

11:06am PST Mercury-Saturn Square exact at 26 degrees and 16 minutes

11:55am PST Venus-Chiron Opposition exact at 5 degrees and 47 minutes

Mercury-Saturn Square and T-Square

On Sunday November 1st, Mercury-Saturn square goes exact at 26 degrees and 16 minutes. This is part of a T-Square between Mercury/Eris in opposition whilst squaring the outer planets of Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter. The Mercury-Saturn square will go exact again on Friday the 6th due to the Mercury going direct on the 3rd. This square is following us all the way through to the end of the week.

Eris in Aries squaring the outer planets (Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter) in Capricorn is causing discord to group identity (Eris in Aries squaring Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter in Capricorn). Our collective purpose — our ability to aim for a coherent goal that benefits the individual and the group (positive potential of Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter in Capricorn) has been challenged by the discordant energy of Eris.

We’ve experienced radical conflict and disagreement between groups (Mercury in Libra squaring Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter in Capricorn) due in large part to extreme polarity in viewpoints (Eris in Aries opposing Mercury in Libra).

The challenge with this T-Square is to reconcile our polarized thinking (Mercury in Libra) in order to ameliorate the social disunity (Eris square Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter).

We’re challenged to think critically, unselfishly, and communally (Mercury in Libra) in face of emotionally charged social-political disagreements (Eris in Aries squaring Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter in Capricorn). A very challenging T-square indeed.

Venus-Chiron Opposition

On the same day, November 1st, the Venus-Chiron opposition goes exact at 5 degrees and 47 minutes.

The Venus-Chiron opposition is also along the Aries-Libra Axis of Life which deals with the archetypal integration of self versus other, competition and hierarchy versus cooperation and holarchy, autonomous identity versus relational identity, and fight or flight response (sympathetic nervous system) versus parasympathetic response of calming ourselves down.

Venus is the psychological Feeling Function which deals with making value judgments, it deals with ethics, to determine what is good or bad, right or wrong. Chiron is the psychological function of healing.

With these involved in this archetypal dynamic of opposition, we are challenged to not allow our wounding or emotional fight or flight reactions (Chiron in Aries) triggered in the face of crisis to restrict our ability to make healthy, balanced value judgments (Venus in Libra).

November 3, 2020 Tuesday

9:50am PST Mercury goes Direct at 25 degrees and 54 minutes of Libra

6:22pm PST Venus-Uranus quincunx goes exact at 8 degrees and 33 minutes

Mercury goes Direct

On Tuesday November 3rd, Mercury is going direct at 25 degrees and 54 minutes of Libra the same day as the presidential election in the U.S. The last time Mercury was changing directions during an election was in 2000. That year we experienced the Florida’s presidential recount with many of the ballets having incomplete punched holes.

The difference between this year and twenty years ago is that Mercury is moving direct rather than retrograde. The issues in 2020 concern the Libra/Scorpio conveyance which deals with our ability to cope with extreme stress and our ability to confront the unknown and possibly chaotic whilst maintaining critical and balanced perspective. This is a very intense conveyance because we’re dealing with both the emotional intensity and the unknowns associated with Scorpio.

This dynamic will continue from the 3rd through to the 19th of November as we traverse through the post-retrograde shadow, revisiting the Libra/Scorpio conveyance (roughly 25 degrees of Libra to 12 degrees of Scorpio). So, it may happen that we see increased social tensions during this time frame.

Venus-Uranus Quincunx

Later on Tuesday November 3rd, Venus-Uranus Quincunx goes exact at 8 degrees and 33 minutes.

Uranus in Taurus is changing and evolving the current order and stability of the external world. With this energetic, the natural world and our bodies are needing to adapt to what appears to be extreme Uranian changes — new advances in wireless technologies (i.e., 5g), the digital transformation of artificial intelligence (i.e., Neurolink), and advances toward us becoming “spacefaring civilization” and becoming multiplanetary (i.e., SpaceX).

The fast pass progress of Uranus in Taurus quincunx Venus in Libra is advancing us faster than our balanced judgment can respond. We are challenged with this quincunx to adapt our value judgements and ethical evaluations with the technological changes happening now and into the future.

November 6, 2020 Friday

1:12am PST Mercury-Saturn square exact at 26 degrees and 31 minutes

November 7, 2020 Saturday

3:41am PST Sun-Mars quincunx goes exact at 15 degrees and 31 minutes

Yod to the Sun — Finger of God

As we see here, there is a Yod to the Sun with the Sun quincunx both Mars and the North Node, with Mars and the NN in sextile. The Yod is also known as the Finger of God.

On Saturday November 7th the Sun-Mars quincunx goes exact at 15 degrees and 31 minutes.

This Yod is connected to the upcoming New Supermoon on November14th with the variation of the Sun being in conjunction to the Moon quincunx to Eris.

With the North Node connection here to this Yod, we are needing to make some major collective adjustments in perception.

The North and South Nodes are along the Axis of Insight. As such our collective growth depends on our capacity to perceive beyond our individual blind spots of perception and let go of idealogues.

Mars in Aries wants control. The Sun in Scorpio illuminates the unknown which when we face it, we lose a sense of control. With the North Node in Gemini we are shown the way we can collectively grow. In this case, our collective growth depends on our capacity to see varying view points.

So with this Yod here our desire to be in control over the outcomes of our ideals is challenged (Mars in Aries quincunx the Sun in Scorpio and sextile to North Node).

By moving beyond extreme ideologues, to see varying viewpoints (North Node in Gemini), facing our fear of the unknown (Sun in Scorpio) and letting go of control — that’s what we do when we have the courage to see another’s point of view, we move from the known to the unknown, we let go of control — when we can do this we become better equipped to view ourselves and others more integrally (integrity is very Scorpionic). Thus, we are better equipped to shape our collective future in a positive direction.

November 8, 2020 Sunday

5:46am PST Moon-Sun square exact at 16 degrees and 37 minutes

On Sunday November 8th, we are in a quarter Moon phase with the Moon-Sun square going exact at roughly 16 degrees. We are in a waning square which is about preparation into a new beginning.

With the Sun in Scorpio square the Moon in Leo, we are challenged to remember our childlike and creative nature despite the difficulties of facing so many unknowns.

With all the extreme polarity and opposition occurring socio-politically, it is easy to forget how joyous it can be to create, to play, and to express our humanity (Moon in Leo). The act of creativity can find expression from suffering. Creative expression is a wonderful way to get through difficult times. This waning square reminds us that in the darkness, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.


On Sunday November 1st, Mercury-Saturn square goes exact and will follow us through to the end of the week. This T-square brings radical conflict and disagreement between groups due in large part to extreme polarity in viewpoints. The challenge with this T-Square is to reconcile our polarized thinking in order to ameliorate social disunity.

Also on November 1st, Venus-Chiron opposition goes exact. This archetypal dynamic of opposition challenges us to not allow our wounding or emotional fight or flight reactions to restrict our ability to make healthy, balanced value judgments.

Then on Tuesday November 3rd, Mercury is going direct at roughly 25 degrees of Libra the same day as the presidential election in the U.S. The issues that arise from this change concern the Libra/Scorpio conveyance which deals with our ability to cope with extreme stress and our ability to confront the unknown whilst maintaining critical and balanced perspective.

Later on Tuesday November 3rd, Venus-Uranus quincunx goes exact. We are challenged to adapt our value judgements and ethical evaluations with the technological changes happening now into the future.

On Saturday November 7th the Sun-Mars quincunx goes exact. This is forming a Yod to the Sun involving the North Node and Mars. Our desire to be in control over the outcomes of our ideals is challenged.

Finally, on Sunday November 8th, the Moon-Sun square is exact. This waning square reminds us that in the darkness, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, that never far away is our innate inner spark of creative life force waiting for us to tap into and to find joy in.

Future Highlights for the Upcoming November Weekly Forecast:

11/9 Venus-Mars Opposition

Sun-Neptune Trine

11/10 Mercury enters Scorpio (Mercury remains in post-retrograde shadow until 11/19)

11/11 Venus-Neptune Quincunx

11/12 Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction

11/13 Mars goes Direct

11/14 Plutonic Infused New Supermoon in Scorpio and Yod to Sun/Moon

11/15 Mercury-Chiron Quincunx (also occurred on 10/22) forming a Yod to Chiron

Thank you for joining me for another Trident Astrology Weekly Forecast!

I am sending you love and prayers to get through these turbulent times with grace.

We will get through this, together.

Weekly Forecasts will be Posted on Weekends for the Week Ahead!

Blessings and love my friend!

Copyright © 2020 Janeen Cain - Trident Astrology

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