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November Weekly Forecast 23rd - 30th

Janeen D. Cain

On Monday, November 23rd, we begin the week with Mercury-Neptune trine going exact at 18 degrees of Scorpio and Pisces. The healing wisdom of Neptune infuses our minds with love and infinite truth as we delve deep into our psyches. We are reminded that healing comes from facing suffering and transmuting that into wisdom.

On Saturday, November 28th, Neptune goes stationary direct at 18 degrees of Pisces. There is a great likelihood that as Neptune goes direct, joining last week's Jupiter-Pluto conjunction dynamic, we will see increases in illness, lethargy, confusion, and escapism. The main theme that runs through the week is that the significance of illness is as a spiritual healer. The outcome of Neptune’s shadow side (i.e., illness) is greater attunement and connection to universal source. One learns greater compassion for self and others. With Neptune forming a T-square to the Lunar Nodes, the dynamic infuses its energy into this week's Lunar Eclipse in Gemini.

On Monday, November 30th, we have a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Full Moon at 8 degrees and 38 minutes of Gemini. This portal energy is causing significant shifts in collective perceptions. We are reminded by Uranus (as the planet semi-sextiles the Moon in Gemini) and Neptune (in T-square to the Lunar Nodes) that truth is beyond ideas, ideals, ideologies, or idealogues (South Node in Sagittarius). Truth is not limited by the bounds of the physical form. It is limitless, mutable, and infinite existing beyond the attachment to ego which ideas are formed. Truth can nearly be approached by the experience of our spirit, an attempt to know it by detaching from the ego. This has so much to do with the Pisces/Virgo Axis of Spirit.

When the Moon is in Gemini, emotions are intellectualized. We are also reminded that we can’t ignore our emotions that come from the atemporal realms, the unconscious, the spirit realms. Emotions are vital in understanding deeper truths.

Finally, with Chiron sextile the Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Gemini, we are encouraged to heal and purge inner wounds as we become aware of unconscious content being assimilated into consciousness.

Current Planets in Retrograde:

Chiron - Retrograde on 7/11 will go direct on 12/15

Uranus - Retrograde on 8/15 will go direct 1/14/21*

Neptune - Retrograde on 6/22 will go direct 11/28

Eris - Retrograde on 7/20/2020 will go direct on 1/10/21*

Planets Going Direct this Month:

Mercury went Direct on 11/3

Mars goes Direct on 11/13

Neptune goes Direct on 11/28

Planets Going Retrograde this Month:


There are no more retrogrades this year. Our next retrograde will occur when Mercury goes retrograde on January 30, 2021.

Retrograde Planets by the End of the Month:

Chiron - Retrograde on 7/11 will go direct on 12/15

Uranus - Retrograde on 8/15 will go direct 1/14/21*

Eris - Retrograde on 7/20/2020 will go direct on 1/10/21* [next Rx 7/21/21 - 1/11/22]

Jupiter: Entered Capricorn on 12/2/19 will enter Aquarius on 12/19/20 - 12/28/20

Saturn: Entered Capricorn on 12/19/17 will enter Aquarius on 12/16/20 - 3/7/23

Chiron: Entered Aries on 2/18/19 will enter Taurus on 6/19/26 - 7/19/33

Uranus: Entered Taurus on 5/15/18 will enter Gemini 4/25/26 - 5/22/33

Neptune: Entered Pisces 2/3/12 will enter Aries on 3/30/25 - 3/23/39

Pluto: Entered Capricorn on 1/26/08 will enter Aquarius on 1/21/24 - 1/19/44

Eris: Entered Aries on 3/11/1925 will enter Taurus on 4/10/47 (remains in Taurus through 2100)

The next important outer planet ingression will be Jupiter and Saturn moving into Aquarius in December preparing us for the year ahead. This is connected to the Saturn-Uranus squares next year.

When outer planets shift into a new sign, we experience an endopsychic shift on a collective level. It creates a powerful shift in energy. I look forward to covering that in later weeks.

Sun: Entered Sagittarius on 11/21

Mercury: Entered Scorpio on 11/10 will enter Sagittarius on 12/1

Venus: Entered Scorpio on 11/21will enter Sagittarius on 12/15

Mars: Entered Aries on 6/27 will enter Taurus on 1/6/2021

  • Winter Solstice will occur on 12/21/2020

  • November 30th, 2020 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Gemini

  • December 14th, 2020

December 14th, 2020 Total Solar Eclipse New Moon at 23 degrees 8 minutes of Sagittarius at 8:17am (4 degrees difference between lunar nodes and luminaries). This is part of the Solar Saros series 142 eclipses that began in 1624 CE and that will end in 2904 CE [Solar Saros 142]. The most recent lunar eclipse that occurred connected to this series was on December 4, 2002. The following eclipse occurring in this series will be on December 26, 2038. All eclipses in this series occur on the Moon’s descending node, South Node. This eclipse is visible in Chile, parts of Argentina, some regions in southern South America, south-west Africa, and Antarctica (

November & December Preparatory Months for the Upcoming Year Ahead 2021


November 12, 2020 Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction 4/4, 6/30

November 30, 2020 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Gemini


December 14, 2020 Total Solar Eclipse New Moon

December 16, 2020 Saturn enter Aquarius

December 19, 2020 Jupiter enters Aquarius

December 21, 2020 The Solstice and The Great Saturn-Jupiter Conjunction

November and December are imperative preparatory months. Because we are in eclipse season starting November 30th, we have Jupiter and Saturn ingressing into Aquarius in December, and we have two major outer planet conjunctions coming up in the next two months including Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in November and Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in December.

These next two months will be a critical time of getting our lives into order, grounding in daily routine, getting organized, reflecting on your raison d’être (what gives your life meaning), and doing our best to align our actions with our values.

11/23 Mercury-Neptune Trine

11/25 Venus-Chiron Quincunx

11/26 Sun-Chiron Trine

11/27 Mercury-Pluto Sextile

Venus-Uranus Opposition

11/28 Neptune Direct

Mercury-Jupiter Sextile

11/29 Sun-Uranus Quincunx

11/30 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Full Moon at 8 degrees 38 minutes of Gemini — Uranian and Neptune Infused

November 23rd, 2020 - Monday

  • 8:40pm PST Mercury-Neptune Trine exact at 18 degrees and 10 minutes of Scorpio and Pisces

On Monday, November 23rd, we begin the week with Mercury-Neptune trine going exit at 18 degrees.

Neptune is infusing insight into our soul (Moon) and our mind (Mercury). It is infusing the concept of infinite truth and love that comes from delving deep into our psyches (Neptune trine Mercury). Healing (Neptunian theme) comes from facing suffering and transmuting that into wisdom (Mercury in Scorpio). Pluto rules Scorpio which is about transmutation of suffering into wisdom. This is so much of the theme of this week.

November 25th, 2020 - Wednesday

  • 8:47am PST Venus-Chiron Quincunx exact at 5 degrees and 8 minutes of Scorpio and Aries

November 26th, 2020 - Thursday

  • 1:52pm PST Sun-Chiron Trine exact at 5 degrees and 6 minutes of Sagittarius and Aries

November 27th, 2020 - Friday

  • 2:38am PST Mercury-Pluto Sextile exact at 23 degrees and 11 minutes of Scorpio and Capricorn

  • 9:11am PST Venus-Uranus Opposition exact at 7 degrees and 38 degrees and Scorpio and Taurus

November 28th, 2020 - Saturday

  • 4:36pm PST Neptune goes Direct at 18 degrees and 10 minutes of Pisces

  • 6:51pm PST Mercury-Jupiter Sextile exact at 25 degrees and 47 minutes of Scorpio and Capricorn

Neptune Stationary Direct

On Saturday, November 28th, Neptune goes stationary direct at roughly 18 degrees of Pisces. When a planet goes retrograde, it’s about going inward and reflecting on the archetypal and psychological functioning of that planet. Here Neptune’s going direct. When the planet goes direct, it’s about putting things we reflected on into action. When Neptune goes direct, its energy becomes significantly stronger.

The archetypal symbology and psychological function of Neptune in Pisces

  • Neptune’s psychological function is to empathize and to connect to your inner Self. It’s our ability to connect to God Consciousness (varying in how each individual connects to that).

  • Pisces is the motivation toward universal compassion, selflessness, spiritual connection, spiritual growth, and oneness with the universe.

  • The one side of Neptune in Pisces going stationary direct is the likelihood of increase in illness, lethargy, confusion, and escapism. Since the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction on November 12th, we’ve seen a surge in reported Covid-19 cases. With Neptune going direct, this isn’t likely to help matters as Neptune is associated with illness.

  • I would beg one to consider the meaning that comes from suffering and the significance of illness as a spiritual healer. Anyone who as experienced prolonged illness or chronic illness understands the level of transcendence required from such an experience and how illness shifts our perceptions away from the physical to the spiritual.

  • The outcome of Neptune’s shadow side (i.e., illness) is greater attunement and connection to universal source. One learns greater compassion for self and other.

  • Because of how powerful Neptune’s energy is, you could feel this energy many days before it goes direct and many days after. It’s definitely an important time to take care of your health and wellbeing and keep grounded.

Neptune T-Square to North/South Node — 9/3/20 - 3/15/21

Let’s now take a look at Neptune forming a T-square with the North and South Nodes because the theme of this T-square significantly impacts the energy of the Lunar Eclipse on Monday, the 30th.

  • Neptune is in its home sign of Pisces where it will stay until 2025. Now through mid 2021, Neptune is lightening focused on our collective path (Lunar Nodes).

  • The Lunar Nodes are currently in the constellations of Gemini (North Node) and Sagittarius (South Node). South Node is our collective past. North Node is our collective future.

  • This is a tension for growth energy. Collectively we are evolving through the interpolation between Sagittarius and Gemini archetypes. Which is greatly connected to the Lunar Eclipse in Gemini.

  • Neptune is associated with illness, the Covid 19, which has been greatly impacting our collective experience (Lunar Nodes). The reason why Neptune is associated with illness is because when we have illness, we are reminded of the fragility of the body, of the physical vessel we’re temporarily traveling in. Illness reminds us that the body is temporal. It’s temporary. The soul is infinite even without the attachment to an ego. Which Virgo holds on tight to.

  • Collectively and individually we are experiencing immense polarization and conflict. With this configuration, we want to expand from a narrow point of view to seeing an all-embracing perspective (Neptune). Illness does this. Neptune is about our inevitable dissolution back to oneness with the universe. In the end, our limited, space-time, philosophies and beliefs (Gemini & Sagittarius) that have been wreaking havoc on social unity and have been creating collective disharmony, dies. Ultimately, egoic pursuits are futile because only compassion and love are everlasting. Death the great equalizer reminds us of this. When we’re ill or face a likelihood of death, greater perspective on life emerges.

November 29th, 2020 - Sunday

  • 10:20am PST Sun-Uranus Quincunx exact at 7 degrees and 34 minutes of Sagittarius and Taurus

November 30th, 2020 - Monday

  • 1:30am PST Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Full Moon at 8 degrees 38 minutes of Gemini.

  • 11:01am PST Mercury-Saturn sextile exact at 28 degrees and 23 minutes of Scorpio and Capricorn

On Monday, November 30th, we have a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Full Moon at 8 degrees and 38 minutes of Gemini. Lunar eclipses occur on Full Moons, when the Moon and the Sun are in opposition, and expand the energy of letting go process facilitated during the Full Moon. Eclipses are portal energies that move us toward our right path. What you are doing in your life is greatly setting into action your future, even more so on an eclipse.

  • A Lunar eclipse occurs when the lunar nodes are no farther away than 11 degrees from the luminaries. As we can see, there is a 11 degree difference. So, we’re just at the mark to have an eclipse. The closer the nodes are to the luminaries the more powerful the energy of the eclipse. Nonetheless, eclipses are always significant times to be centered into being, connecting into source. And the archetypal energies are thus amplified and carry weighty significance.

We have several significant aspects bearing weight during this Lunar Eclipse. This includes the T-square between Neptune and the Lunar Nodes that we talked about earlier, the Uranus in Taurus semi-sextile to the Moon in Gemini and Uranus quincunx the Sun in Sagittarius, and Chiron in Aries sextile to the Moon in Gemini.

Moon-Uranus Semi-Sextile and Sun-Uranus Quincunx

  • The planets in the signs that are semi-sextile and in quincunx have a more difficult time hearing each other because the signs involved have nothing in common. There is challenge here.

  • Uranus semi-sextile to the Moon in Gemini is about freeing our minds and souls in order to attempt to see the true nature of reality. With the aspect here this is challenging.

  • The question that Uranus has for the Moon in Gemini: How close to truth are we really getting if we ignore our emotions and we’re only defining our truth formed by beliefs (Moon in Gemini) based in the phenomenal perceptions of reality? We can’t. We can’t ignore our emotions that come from the atemporal realms, the unconscious, the spirit realms. When the Moon is in Gemini, emotions are intellectualized.

  • Truth is beyond ideas, ideals, ideologies, or idealogues (South Node in Sagittarius). Truth is not limited by the bounds of the physical form. It is limitless, mutable, and infinite existing beyond the attachment to ego which ideas are formed. Truth can nearly be approached by the experience of our spirit, an attempt to know it by detaching from the ego. This has so much to do with the Pisces/Virgo Axis of Spirit because the Lunar Nodes are Squaring Neptune.

  • With Neptune squaring the Nodes which are forming the Lunar Eclipse, this is the message. We’re reminded that this is a classroom for the soul, a place to spiritually learn, a minute glimpse in the grand scheme of infinity. We’re having a major portal energy shift in perceptions. And illness has been a huge part of this collective shift. We are collectively moving beyond the Mercurial, ectopsychic, and phenomenal realms to the Uranian, Neptunian, endopsychic, and noumenal realms.

  • We are receiving major endopsychic downloads from the endopsychic realms, the realm of spirit with Uranus and Neptune infusing themselves into this Eclipse.

  • In order to get through illness, we have to transcend the body in a way. Ultimately, we always transcend the body when we leave it upon our death. This is the kind of perceptual shift that we’re in right now with the Covid era. We’re all experiencing together the fragility of the body which in juxtaposition expands our awareness of the infinite nature of our souls.

  • You’re likely to feel a little out of sorts during this eclipse. Feelings of anxiety or restlessness may occur because there is a major download of endopsychic information (Uranus) to be integrated into consciousness (Mercury).

Moon-Chiron Sextile

  • We have to go into the depths of our souls into the places that hurt, allow ourselves to purge out wounds (Moon-Chiron sextile), and make aware unconscious content (Moon-Uranus semi-sextile)

  • As new information comes into our awareness (Uranus semi-sextile the Moon in Gemini) causing disorientation (Uranus semi-sextile the Moon), it will be very much a healing experience because we’re moving beyond old ways of thinking into new all-embracing ways of perceiving things (Neptune). This is a major paradigm shift.

  • This is part of the Lunar Saros series 116 eclipses that began in 993 CE and that will end in 2291 CE [Lunar Saros 116]. The most recent lunar eclipse that occurred connected to this series was on November 20, 2002. The following eclipse occurring in this series will be on December 11, 2038. All eclipses in this series occur on the Moon’s ascending node, North Node. This eclipse is visible in North and South America, Australia, and parts of Asia. You may see a darker Full Moon during the maximum phase of this eclipse (

  • You want to look back at what events were happening for you during mid-November 2002. There are likely similar themes occurring to the present.

Intercepting Evolutionary Dynamics of the Grand Mutable Cross and Illness

Mercury-Saturn Sextile Exact at 27 Degrees

  • We are having a very Mercury themed Lunar Eclipse. With Mercury the ruler of Gemini in Scorpio, we are mentally integrating, introspecting, and reflecting on information from the very depths of our psyches. This is very Plutonic energy. And with Mercury in sextile with Saturn in Capricorn, much of that is in response to the restructuring of society happening, the restrictions imposed upon us from the lock downs. We’re going in deep and facing a lot of inner demons.

  • Throughout this week, Mercury sextiled the outer planets exactly. First, Mercury-Pluto sextile went exact on Friday, November 27th, at 23 degrees and 11 minutes of Scorpio and Capricorn. Then, on Saturday, the 28th, Mercury-Jupiter sextile was exact at 25 degrees and 47 minutes. Then on the same day as the Lunar eclipse Mercury-Saturn sextile goes exact at 28 degrees and 23 minutes.

  • The evolutionary solution here is seeking truth and the discovery of being our authentic selves (Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto), and then reflecting that out into the world (Saturn in Capricorn) in the most genuine way, having faith in ourselves and the course of events that are shaping our lives (Jupiter in Capricorn).

12/1 Mercury enters Sagittarius

12/4 Mercury-Chiron Trine

12/5 Venus-Neptune Trine

Venus-Mars Quincunx

12/6 Mercury-Uranus Quincunx

I really appreciate you joining me for another Trident Astrology Weekly Forecast!

I look forward to you joining me next week!

Weekly Forecasts will be Posted on Weekends for the Week Ahead!

Blessings and love my friend!

© 2020 Janeen Cain

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