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November Weekly Forecast 9th - 15th

Janeen D. Cain

Updated: Nov 11, 2020

We begin the week with Venus-Aries opposition going exact on Monday, November 9th. This opposition represents our dual nature of animal instincts and impulses (Mars in Aries) versus discernment and value judgment (Venus in Libra). Our collective evolutionary goal with this opposition is to incorporate mastery over our impulses.

Also on Monday, we have the Sun-Neptune trine going exact. The positive outcome of this aspect, if we do the work, is psychological growth through deep introspection, integration of unconscious material, and psychological transformation. When we do this, we can sense our unity consciousness and heal our ego traumas (Neptune in Pisces), gaining greater compassion for ourselves and others.

On Tuesday, November 10th, Mercury enters Scorpio. With Mercury shifting into Scorpio, we mentally shift into the evolutionary requirement of psychological examination and integration of unconscious material.

On Wednesday, November 11th, Venus-Neptune quincunx goes exact. Neptune in Pisces desires the ideal, to go back to the original state of indivisibility. Venus in Libra desires the real, to contend with individual differences and individual needs that sometimes cause conflict. The evolutionary solution is to learn to cooperate.

On Thursday, November 12th, we have the powerful Jupiter-Pluto-Pallas Athena triple conjunction at 22 degrees of Capricorn. The Jupiter-Pluto conjunction is expanding the transformation of our social structure. The integrity of our current social system is being scrutinized. We are required to have immense courage as we face inconceivable changes (Pallas Athena).

On Friday, November 13th, Mars goes direct after a two month retrograde. When Mars is retrograde it’s about planning our work. When it’s direct, it’s about working our plan. Now that it’s changing direction, moving away in proximity to Earth, we’ll begin to slowly regain our vital energy, notice injuries improving (particularly to the head, neck, and shoulder regions), and feel less confrontational.

On Saturday, November 14th we have a New Supermoon in Scorpio at 23 degrees that is in an extremely strong sextile to the triple conjunction that was exact on Thursday between Pluto, Jupiter, and Pallas Athena. The foundational integrity of our system is being scrutinized in order to maintain integrity and viability of our social system. On the flip side, distrust, paranoia, conflict, and destruction can result if aspects of the system are discovered detrimental or oppressive to the whole.

Healing of the collective starts with an individual doing his/her psychological work. This is being challenged however with the intense social distractions happening. The Scorpionic solution with all this intense energy between the T-Square and the Yod to the Sun/Moon is to stay centered in the now and tap into our inner power.

Finally, on Sunday, November 15th, Mercury-Chiron quincunx goes exact at roughly 5 degrees. We are reminded that healing requires an integration of unconscious processes (Mercury in Scorpio) and that means delaying gratification to do a proper healing (Chiron in Aries) which is a challenge for Chiron in Aries.

Planetary Retrogrades and Directs

Current Planets in Retrograde:

Mars - Retrograde on 9/9 will go direct on 11/13

Chiron - Retrograde on 7/11 will go direct on 12/15

Uranus - Retrograde on 8/15 will go direct 1/14/21*

Neptune - Retrograde on 6/22 will go direct 11/28

Eris - Retrograde on 7/20/2020 will go direct on 1/10/21*

Planets Going Direct this Month:

Mercury went Direct on 11/3

Mars goes Direct on 11/13

Neptune goes Direct on 11/28

Planets Going Retrograde this Month:


There are no more retrogrades this year. Our next retrograde will occur when Mercury goes retrograde on January 30, 2021.

Retrograde Planets by the End of the Month:

Chiron - Retrograde on 7/11 will go direct on 12/15

Uranus - Retrograde on 8/15 will go direct 1/14/21*

Eris - Retrograde on 7/20/2020 will go direct on 1/10/21*

Outer Planet Ingressions (Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto)

The next important outer planet ingression will be Jupiter and Saturn moving into Aquarius in December preparing us for the year ahead. This is connected to the Saturn-Uranus squares next year.

When outer planets shift into a new sign, we experience an endopsychic shift on a collective level. It creates a powerful shift in energy. I look forward to cover that in later weeks.

Inner Planet Ingressions (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars — this year Mars stays in Aries until the end of the year due to retrogradation)

  • Sun enters Sagittarius on 11/21

  • Mercury entered Libra on 10/27 will enter Scorpio on 11/10

  • Venus entered Libra on 10/27 will enter Scorpio on 11/21

  • Mars entered Aries on 6/27 will enter Taurus on 1/6/2021

Solstices and Equinoxes — Winter Solstice

  • Winter Solstice will occur on 12/21/2020

New, Full, and Quarter Moon Phase

  • Plutonic Infused New Supermoon in Scorpio forming a Yod to the Sun/Moon this week

  • November 30th, 2020

  • December 14th, 2020

November 30th, 2020 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Full Moon at 8 degrees 38 minutes of Gemini at 1:30am (roughly 11 degrees difference between lunar nodes and luminaries). This is part of the Lunar Saros series 116 eclipses that began in 993 CE and that will end in 2291 CE [Lunar Saros 116]. The most recent lunar eclipse that occurred connected to this series was on November 20, 2002. The following eclipse occurring in this series will be on December 11, 2038. All eclipses in this series occur on the Moon’s ascending node, North Node. This eclipse is visible in North and South America, Australia, and parts of Asia. You may see a darker Full Moon during the maximum phase of this eclipse (

December 14th, 2020 Total Solar Eclipse New Moon at 23 degrees 8 minutes of Sagittarius at 8:17am (4 degrees difference between lunar nodes and luminaries). This is part of the Solar Saros series 142 eclipses that began in 1624 CE and that will end in 2904 CE [Solar Saros 142]. The most recent lunar eclipse that occurred connected to this series was on December 4, 2002. The following eclipse occurring in this series will be on December 26, 2038. All eclipses in this series occur on the Moon’s descending node, South Node. This eclipse is visible in Chile, parts of Argentina, some regions in southern South America, south-west Africa, and Antarctica (

November & December Preparatory Months for the Upcoming Year Ahead 2021


November 12, 2020 Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction 4/4, 6/30

November 30, 2020 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Gemini


December 14, 2020 Total Solar Eclipse New Moon

December 16, 2020 Saturn enter Aquarius

December 19, 2020 Jupiter enters Aquarius

December 21, 2020 The Solstice and The Great Saturn-Jupiter Conjunction

November and December are imperative preparatory months. Because we are in eclipse season starting November 30th, we have Jupiter and Saturn ingressing into Aquarius in December, and we have two major outer planet conjunctions coming up in the next two months including Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in November and Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in December.

These next two months will be a critical time of getting our lives into order, grounding in daily routine, getting organized, reflecting on your raison d’être (what gives your life meaning), and doing our best to align our actions with our values.

11/9 Venus-Mars Opposition

Sun-Neptune Trine

11/10 Mercury enters Scorpio (Mercury remains in post-retrograde shadow until 11/19)

11/11 Venus-Neptune Quincunx

11/12 Jupiter-Pluto-Pallas Athena Conjunction — Triple Conjunction

11/13 Mars goes Direct

11/14 Plutonic Infused New Supermoon in Scorpio forming a Yod to Sun/Moon and T-Square between Eris, Venus, and the outer planets of Pluto, Jupiter, Pallas Athena, and Saturn

Sun-Pluto Sextile

Sun-Jupiter Sextile

11/15 Mercury-Chiron Quincunx (10/22) forming a Yod to Chiron

Venus-Pluto Square

Venus-Saturn Square

November 9th, 2020 - Monday

  • 8:08am PST Venus-Mars opposition goes exact at 15 degrees and 22 minutes of Libra and Aries

  • 9:11pm PST Sun-Neptune trine goes exact at 18 degrees and 16 minutes of Scorpio and Pisces

Venus-Mars Opposition

On Monday, November 9th, Venus-Mars opposition goes exact at roughly 15 degrees of Libra and Aries. Oppositions have to to with integration of paradox and contradiction. Here we’re contending with our dual nature of animal instincts and impulses (Mars in Aries) versus discernment and value judgment (Venus in Libra). In part, our collective evolution depends on our ability to incorporate mastery over our impulses. Which as we all have experienced is quite the challenge. Self control, self-mastery, self-determination requires an immense amount of discipline (which deals with Saturn which exalts). So we’re dealing with a need for discipline along this axis.

Also, it would benefit our individual and collective evolution to integrate the dueling needs of self and other and apply the social utility of both the paradoxical inclinations of hierarchy versus holarchy, competition versus cooperation.

Sun-Neptune Trine

Also on Monday, November 9th, Sun-Neptune trine goes exact at roughly 18 degrees. The trine energy is easy flow energy, but that doesn’t necessarily mean positive outcomes is the norm. We still have to contend with the shadow side of the constellations involved in order to benefit from the trine aspect.

The Sun (individual identity) in Scorpio is about deep introspection, integration of unconscious material, and psychological transformation. When we do the psychological work we can sense our unity consciousness and heal our ego traumas (Neptune in Pisces). When this happens we gain empathy and compassion for ourselves and others, we transcend old behaviors and thoughts. That’s the potential positive outcome of this trine.

If we refuse introspection we can become distrustful, paranoid, and destructive (shadow side of Scorpio). If this happens we can become confused, lack center, and go into escapism behaviors (drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling, etc.) (shadow side of Neptune/Pisces). Sometimes we can use escapism to avoid introspection because it’s too painful. But, we are in a time now that immensely requires our inner strength to do our individual psychological work.

November 10th, 2020 - Tuesday

  • 1:56pm PST Mercury enteres Scorpio

On Tuesday, November 10th, Mercury enters Scorpio, the threshold of the Libra/Scorpio conveyance.

This conveyance is within the post-retrograde shadow (roughly 25 degrees of Libra to 12 degrees of Scorpio) between November 3rd through to November 19th. This conveyance has to do with our ability to confront disorder and the unknown (entering into Mercury in Scorpio) whilst attempting to maintain balanced perspective (exiting Mercury in Libra).

The evolutionary goal of this conveyance is to control our sympathetic responses to stress, learn to calm ourselves down and regain mental equilibrium as we face the unknown. With Mercury shifting into Scorpio, we mentally shift into the the evolutionary requirement of psychological examination and integration of unconscious material.

November 11th, 2020 - Wednesday

  • 4:31pm Venus-Neptune quincunx goes exact at 18 degrees and 15 minutes of Libra and Pisces

Venus-Neptune Quincunx

On Wednesday November 11th Venus-Neptune quincunx goes exact at roughly 18 degrees of Libra and Pisces.

Quincunx energy is challenging because the constellations involved have nothing in common to communicate. So extreme adjustments must be made in order to ameliorate the communication distortion.

Here we have Neptune in Pisces (in its home sign), an endopsychic planet, that wants dissolution where there are no individual parts, everything is coequal and whole. Venus in Libra (in its home sign), an ectopsychic planet, is about relationships which is fundamentally comprised through the relationship between individual parts.

Neptune in Pisces desires the ideal, to go back to the original state of indivisibility. Venus in Libra desires the real, to contend with individual differences and individual needs that sometimes cause conflict. The evolutionary solution is to learn to cooperate.

November 12th, 2020 - Thursday

  • 1:39pm PST Jupiter-Pluto-Pallas Athena triple conjunction goes exact at 22 degrees and 52 minutes of Capricorn

On Thursday, November 12th, we have a remarkable triple conjunction between Jupiter, Pluto, and Pallas Athena at 22 degrees and 52 minutes of Capricorn.

  • Capricorn represents social structure, social establishments, and collective purpose and responsibilities. It symbolizes integrity, aligning symbiotically our actions with our values.

  • Pluto represents transformation and regeneration. The shadow side is destruction, distrust, and paranoia.

  • Jupiter represents faith, enthusiasm, and expansion. The shadow side is blind faith and naive utopianism.

  • Pallas Athena represents courage and spiritual warriorship. The shadow side is struggles and conflict.

On the positive possibility of the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction is expanding the transformation of our social structure. The integrity of our current social system is being scrutinized.

On the negative side, we see distrust, paranoia, and destruction of the social structure (shadow side of Pluto in Capricorn). We see blind faith and naive utopianism playing out in socio-cultural ideals causing polarization (shadow side of Jupiter in Capricorn). We see social struggles and conflicts (shadow side of Pallas Athena in Capricorn).

This is the third and last Jupiter-Pluto conjunction. The last two occurred on April 4th and on June 30th. During the Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions we’ve seen surges of Covid-19 cases reported. We are at the start of another surge as we move into the winter season. This conjunction is demarcating this trend.

With this triple conjunction this energy is at a pinnacle phase preempting the shift of Jupiter and Saturn into Aquarius in December. Pallas Athena is bequeathing us her courage as advised by Zeus (Jupiter conjunct Athena), infusing her spiritual warrior energy into the collective and remaining ever beside us during this massive Aquarian shift.

November 13th 2020 - Friday

  • 4:36pm PST Mars goes Direct 15 degrees and 14 minutes of Aries

On November 13th, Friday, Mars goes stationary direct at roughly 15 degrees. The two month period that Mars was retrograde was a time to review how you are using your vital energy.

Mars retrograde is about planning our work and when it’s direct it’s about working our plan. During a Mars retrograde the intense and fiery energy of Mars becomes intensified. This is due to the proximity of Mars to Earth, it getting closer in proximity to Earth during the retrograde. So, there’s a tendency for more accidents, emotional aggressiveness, and slowed progress during retrograde.

Now that it’s changing direction, moving away in proximity to Earth whilst in the post-retrograde shadow from November 13th to January 2nd (between roughly 15 degrees to 28 degrees of Aries), we’ll begin to slowly regain our vital energy, notice injuries improving (particularly to the head, neck, and shoulder regions), and feel less confrontational.

November 14th, 2020 - Saturday

  • 11:48am PST Sun-Pluto Sextile exact at 22 degrees and 54 minutes of Scorpio and Capricorn

  • 7:57pm PST Sun-Jupiter Sextile exact at 23 degrees and 15 minutes of Scorpio and Capricorn

  • 9:08pm PST New Supermoon in Scorpio at 23 degrees and 18 minutes

On Saturday, November 14th, we have a New Supermoon in Scorpio at 23 degrees. This New Supermoon is in an extremely strong sextile to the triple conjunction that was exact on Thursday between Pluto, Jupiter, and Pallas Athena.

The Jupiter-Pluto conjunction is expanding the transformation of our social structure and scrutinizing the foundational integrity of our system. The benefit to this is the maintenance of integrity and viability of our social system. On the negative side, distrust, paranoia, conflict, and destruction can result if aspects of the system are discovered detrimental or oppressive.

With the Sun-Moon conjunction in Scorpio tied into this dynamic (sextile to Pluto, Jupiter, Pallas Athena), our collective growth depends on the individual doing his/her psychological work. That means deep introspection, integration of unconscious material, acquiring individual integrity (aligning our actions with our values), and healing unresolved emotional wounds.

This is going to require a massive shift in consciousness and immense emotional transcendence because this means delaying gratification to do the work and shifting our perceptions to see varying view points whilst maintaining the integrity of the whole system.

This challenge is represented by the Yod to the Sun/Moon here with Eris and the North Node in quincunx to the Sun/Moon.

The Sun/Moon quincunx the North Node represents the difficulty in seeing varying viewpoints or having critical discourse when we have distrust for our opponents (shadow side of Scorpio).

Eris in quincunx to the Sun/Moon are making psychological introspection and healing extremely challenging with all the extra stressors happening right now. Eris is discord and strife which is forming a T-Square Between with Venus and the outer planets Jupiter, Pluto, Athena, and Saturn.

Eris in Aries causing collective discord and stress (Eris square Saturn, Athena, Jupiter, and Pluto) putting us in survival mode which gets in the way of both our ability to delay gratification (Eris opposing Venus in Libra) and maintain faith (Eris square Jupiter).

The Scorpionic solution with all this intense energy between the T-Square and the Yod to the Sun/Moon is to stay centered in the now and tap into our inner power.

November 15th, 2020 - Sunday

  • 1:35am PST Mercury-Chiron quincunx goes exact at 5 degrees and 21 minutes of Scorpio and Aries

  • 11:43am PST Venus-Pluto square goes exact at 22 degrees and 55 minutes of Libra and Capricorn

  • 9:33pm PST Venus-Jupiter square goes exact at 23 degrees and 26 minutes of Libra and Capricorn

On Sunday, November 15th, Mercury-Chiron quincunx goes exact at roughly 5 degrees. We harken back to the energy of mid-October when Mercury-Chiron quincunx went exact at that time. We’re reminded that the healing process takes time. We are reminded that healing requires an integration of unconscious processes (Mercury in Scorpio) and that means delaying gratification to do a proper healing (Chiron in Aries) which is a challenge for Chiron in Aries.

This Mercury-Chiron quincunx is part of a Yod to Chiron with Vesta in Virgo also in quincunx to Chiron in Aries. We’re reminded that as we heal, we have greater potential to heal the collective. As we do our inner work of psychological integration, we procure our inner spark of life which can be used in service to others (Vesta in Virgo).

Future Highlights for the Upcoming November Weekly Forecast:

11/17 Mercury-Uranus Opposition

11/18 Sun-Saturn Sextile

11/19 Venus-Saturn Square

11/21 Venus enters Scorpio

Sun enters Sagittarius

Sun-Moon Waxing Square (Pisces & Sag)

11/22 Mercury-Mars Quincunx

Weekly Forecasts will be Posted on Weekends for the Week Ahead!

Blessings and love my friend!

© 2020 Janeen Cain - Trident Astrology

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