October Weekly Forecast
12th through the 18th
Planetary Retrogrades and Directs
Current Planets in Retrograde: Five Planets
Mars, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, and Eris
Mars - Retrograde on 9/9 will go direct on 11/13
Chiron - Retrograde on 7/11 will go direct on 12/15
Uranus - Retrograde on 8/15 will go direct 1/14/21*
Neptune - Retrograde on 6/22 will go direct 11/28
Eris - Retrograde on 7/20/2020 will go direct on 1/10/21*
Planets Going Direct this Month:
Pluto went Direct on 10/4
Planets Going Retrograde this Month:
Mercury goes Retrograde 10/13
Retrograde Planets by the End of the Month: Six Planets
Mercury, Mars, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, and Eris
Outer Planetary Ingressions (Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto)
Next important ingression will be Jupiter and Saturn moving into Aquarius in December preparing us for the year 2021. Which will consist of the Saturn-Uranus Square ushering us into a new era!
Inner Planet Ingressions (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars — this year Mars stays in Aries until the end of the year due to retrogradation)
☿ Inner Planets ♁
♀ ♂
Sun enters Scorpio on 10/22
Mercury entered Scorpio on 9/27 will enter Libra on 10/27
Venus enters Virgo on 10/2 will enter Libra on 10/27
Mars entered Aries on 6/27 will enter Taurus on 1/6/2021
Solstices and Equinoxes — Winter Solstice 12/21/20
New Supermoon, Full, and Quarter Moon — We are having a Blue Moon this month (10/31) with two Full Moons occurring this month!
Eclipses (next eclipses for 2020 are Nov. 30 and Dec 14)
Major Planetary Aspects and Synodic Cycles
10/12 Jupiter-Neptune Sextile exact
Mercury-Venus Sextile exact connected to the Grand Earth Trine Venus, Pallas Athena, and Uranus
10/13 Mercury going Retrograde
Sun-Mars Opposition exact
10/14 Sun-Pluto Square exact
10/15 New Supermoon in Libra — T-Square between Sun/Moon, Mars/Eris, and Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter.
10/18 Sun-Saturn Square exact
Venus-Neptune Opposition
Mars-Jupiter Square
Planetary Aspects and Interpretation of the Week:
☌ = Conjunction 0 degrees
☍ = Opposition 180 degrees
▢ = Square 90 degrees
✶ = Sextile 60 degrees
▵ = Trine 120 degrees
October 12, 2020 Monday
12:06 am PST Jupiter-Neptune Sextile exact at 18 degrees and 45 minutes
Jupiter-Neptune sextile goes exact on Monday at 18 degrees in connection to the T-square with the Sun, Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn, and Mars/Eris.
This is exciting spiritual (Neptune) expansion (Jupiter) as we adapt our sense of self (Sun) in the world (Sun square Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter) with all the radical changes and challenges happening in the socio-political, economical, and cultural milieu (T-square between Sun, Mars/Eris, and outer planets Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter).
9:39am PST Mercury-Venus Sextile exact 11 degrees and 34 minutes
We Mercury-Venus sextile going exact on Monday at 11 degrees. This sextile invigorates service to our inner healing (Venus in Virgo) as we delve deep into the unknown of our psyches (Mercury in Scorpio). This is especially true this week as Mercury goes retrograde.
Benefiting this dynamic is the Grand Earth Trine between Venus in Virgo, Jupiter/Pallas Athena in Capricorn, and Uranus in Taurus. We have the opportunity for great personal growth and integration as we learn to adapt to the changing world (Uranus in Taurus). Jupiter is hope and faith conjunct Pallas Athena the Spiritual Warrior infusing us with courage as we experience (Venus in Virgo) the changing landscape of the world around us (Uranus in Taurus).
Grand Earth Trine between Venus, Pallas Athena, and Uranus.
October 13, 2020 Tuesday
6:05pm PST Mercury going Retrograde 11 degrees and 40 minutes of Scorpio
Ancient symbolism of hermaphroditic, androgynous, Mercury ☿ signifies the process of Universal Consciousness learning from opposites, the capacity to witness spirit and physical manifestation, to find balanced thought. It represents Universal Consciousness learning from the polarity of the yin/yang principles.
This definition of the Mercury symbolism is strongly influences the processes of the Mercury retrograde.
Learning from yang/yin, explicate/implicate, masculine/feminine, ectopsychic/endopsychic, the known/unknown.
During Mercury retrogrades technology can malfunction, appointments may be delayed, and other slight mishaps may occur. But these mishaps create events that are outside of our control (Pluto/Scorpio) persuade us to look deeper into ourselves for contentment, to be patient with constraints, delay gratification, and it teaches us to trust the flow of life. It teaches us to go inward, from the material to the spirit.
So why is Mercury hermaphroditic? Because it symbolizes the combination of the masculine (Yang) and feminine (Yin) principles.
Mercury is the Wayfinder, a psychopomp, he can move between the ectopsychic and the endopsychic.
Mercury retrograde is a great time to meditate, daydream, go for a long walk, or work on projects that we’ve been procrastinating on.
With Mercury in Scorpio going retrograde, our minds have the opportunity to connect with the Plutonic depths of our inner unknown domain. Taurus is about the known, the physical, what we have control over and Scorpio is about the unknown, the spiritual, things we do not have control over.
Whilst it’s not easy — because I don’t think many of us enjoy the unknown or not being in control over things — it is important nonetheless to learn to accept the unknown, perhaps even to embrace the unknown because it is imperative component to us evolving as we are consistently faced with the change. Pluto, which rules Scorpio, is about cyclic nature of change and regeneration.
This is a time of great inner self-reflection.
4:26pm PST Sun opposes Mars exact at 21 degrees and 5 minutes
When the Sun-Mars opposition goes exact at 21 degrees this is when Mars is at its closest proximity to Earth at .42 Astronomical Units. This strengthens the Mars retrograde energy and the T-square tension for growth energy between Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter, Athena, Mars, Eris, and Sun. So we may feel more of our personal will is being restricted. We may feel more intensity from what is happening in the world.
The next time Mars gets near this proximity is in 2033 and 2035.
This T-square is central to this week!
Also, the Sun square Pluto goes exact on 15th, Thursday. The Sun square Saturn goes exact on 18th, Sunday. Then the Mars-Jupiter square goes exact on 18th, Sunday.
This T-Square is part of the New Supermoon in Libra so let’s talk about that.
October 15th, 2020 Thursday
3:15am PST Sun-Pluto Square exact at 22 degrees and 31 minutes.
October 16th, 2020 Friday
12:31pm PST New Supermoon in Libra at 23 degrees and 53 minutes.
This New Supermoon in Libra is strongly tied into the T-square we talked about last week. The Moon (emotions) has now joined this dynamic as it conjuncts the Sun. The Sun/Moon conjunction is in opposition to Mars-Eris conjunction squaring the social shifter outer planets Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter, and Pallas Athena. This is really intense energy.
These outer planets are creating social-political and cultural restructuring and regeneration (Saturn, Pluto Jupiter, Pallas Athena) which is greatly impacting our sense of self in the world (Sun in Libra) and our emotions (Moon), shaking things up emotionally and bringing up intense and sometimes confrontational and discordant social energy (Mars-Eris in Aries square Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter, and Athena).
This New Supermoon in Libra is so much about the individual existing in the world (Sun in Libra) and how we are forming a relationship to ourselves personally and with the social world (Aries-Libra axis). New Moons begin a new lunar cycle and so are about new beginnings. The collective energetic focus of this new start is about the individual’s relationship to the world.
How we form a sense of self in the world is through the interaction with others. There is a working inter-influence of polarity between the individual (Aries) and the collective (Libra). Our social and personal worlds are formed by these two inter-influencing dynamics.
These two things need integrating. And this is a constant process throughout the lifetime. Oppositions in astrology are about integrating polarities and contradiction in the psyche. Here we have the Axis of Life being triggered by this New Supermoon, the personal (Mars-Eris in Aries) on axis with the social (Sun-Moon in Libra).
They can be out of balance when we focus too much on ourselves without the consideration of others (Mars in Aries) or when we are not thinking enough for ourselves (Sun in Libra). You see, the Sun is in its fall in Libra. With this set-up, the social world has a primary influence on shaping identity and it is challenging for the Sun in Libra to form a sense of self autonomously.
So what this is indicating is that with the social-political and culture changes happening (the Outer Planets of Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter, and Pallas Athena), it’s easy to get swept up in the collective dynamic influence and lose our capacity to think for ourselves and critically think with balance, moderation, and careful consideration without letting our intense emotions (Mars opposing Moon) get in the way of sober thinking.
Libra is a cardinal air sign ruled by Venus and exalted by Saturn, it is so much about thinking carefully, methodically, and clearly, forming opinion pragmatically in order to form cooperative relationships with others. That’s a challenge right now with social-political polarity (Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter) and the intense emotions involved with that (Mars retrograde square Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter).
We see here that the Sun-Moon conjunction is in trine with the North Node in Gemini. Also, the Sun-Moon conjunction is in the Gemini decan. A great collective mental shift of perception (North Node in Gemini) is taking place. And that shift involves, among many things, the integration of the individual and collective needs (Sun-Moon in the Axis of Life, Self and Other).
We also see that the North Node in Gemini is quincunx Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter. When planets are in quincunx they just cannot hear each other. They have nothing in common. So making adjustments toward growth requires an immense amount of effort. This indicates that the collective destiny of society is having a difficult time adjusting with the social challenges and changes happening.
But the trine between the North Node and the Sun-Moon conjunction may indicate that the collective shift has a lot more to do with us making personal shifts and integrating the Axis of Self and Other.
October 18th, 2020 Sunday
Happy Birthday Chiron!! Chiron Discovered on October 18th, 1977 by Charles Kowal from a photographic plate taken.
7:49 am PST Venus-Neptune Opposition 18 degrees and 37 minutes
This is about integrating the Axis of Spirit. Venus in Virgo is about service to our own inner healing. Neptune in Pisces is about dissolution into the universal consciousness. There is no separation of self with Neptune in Pisces .
So, component to integrating this opposition is about compassion for our wounds with the realization that we all experience some form and spectrum of emotional and physical pain temporally as we inhabit the physical manifest, but eventually when we leave this body we dissolve back into source.
So this is a lot to integrate. It takes an immense amount of insight and enlightenment to reach this level of integration.
6:58 am PST Sun-Saturn Square exact at 25 degrees and 39 minutes
10:38pm PST Mars-Jupiter Square exact at 19 degrees and 27 minutes
So, we begin with week with Jupiter-Neptune sextile going exact on Monday the 12th expanding spiritual growth as we adapt our sense of self in the world with the challenging socio-political and cultural shifts happening. Then, we have Venus-Mercury sextile going exact the same day emphasizing service to our inner healing as we connect to the deeper spaces of our inner psyches. This dynamic is aided with the Grand Earth Trine, grounding us in the process of integration.
On Tuesday the 13th, Mercury goes retrograde persuading us to move from the material domain of perceptions into the inner domain of spiritual insight. We benefit from letting go of control during this time, meditating and working on things we have previously procrastinated on.
When the Sun-Mars opposition goes exact Mars proximity to Earth is at its closest increasing the intensity of the T-Square between the Sun, Mars/Eris, and Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter, making collaborative interaction with others a challenge.
On Friday the 16th we have a powerful New Supermoon in Libra emphasizing the integration of personal and social aspects of identity, balancing the need to think for ourselves whilst cooperating with others.
The Venus-Neptune opposition going exact on Sunday the 18th emphasizes the process of integrating
Future Highlights for the Upcoming October Weekly Forecast:
10/19 Venus-Mars Quincunx
Venus-Jupiter Trine
Mercury-Uranus Opposition
10/21 Venus-Pluto Trine
10/22 Sun enters Scorpio
Mercury-Chiron Quincunx
10/23 Quarter Moon Phase — Sun-Moon Waxing Square
10/24 Venus-Saturn Trine
Thank you for joining me!
Do join me next week for another Trident Astrology Weekly Forecast!
Weekly Forecasts will be Posted on Weekends for the Week Ahead!
Blessings and love my friend!
Janeen Cain — Trident Astrology
Copyright 2020 Janeen Cain - Trident Astrology