October Weekly Forecast
19th through the 25th
Planetary Retrogrades and Directs
Current Planets in Retrograde: Six Planets
Mercury, Mars, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, and Eris
Mercury - Retrograde on 10/13 will go direct on 11/3
Mars - Retrograde on 9/9 will go direct on 11/13
Chiron - Retrograde on 7/11 will go direct on 12/15
Uranus - Retrograde on 8/15 will go direct 1/14/21*
Neptune - Retrograde on 6/22 will go direct 11/28
Eris - Retrograde on 7/20/2020 will go direct on 1/10/21*
Planets Going Direct this Month:
Pluto went Direct on 10/4
Planets Going Retrograde this Month:
Mercury goes Retrograde 10/13
Retrograde Planets by the End of the Month: Six Planets
Mercury, Mars, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, and Eris
Outer Planetary Ingressions (Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto)
Next important ingression will be Jupiter and Saturn moving into Aquarius in December preparing us for the year 2021. Which will consist of the Saturn-Uranus Square ushering us into a new era!
Inner Planet Ingressions (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars — this year Mars stays in Aries until the end of the year due to retrogradation)
☿ Inner Planets ♁
♀ ♂
Sun enters Scorpio on 10/22
Mercury entered Scorpio on 9/27 will enter Libra on 10/27
Venus enters Virgo on 10/2 will enter Libra on 10/27
Mars entered Aries on 6/27 will enter Taurus on 1/6/2021
Solstices and Equinoxes — Winter Solstice 12/21/20
New, Full, and Quarter Moon — We are having a Blue Moon this month (10/31) with two Full Moons occurring this month!
Eclipses (next eclipses for 2020 are Nov. 30 and Dec 14)
Major Planetary Aspects and Synodic Cycles
10/19 Venus-Mars Quincunx
Venus-Jupiter Trine
Mercury-Uranus Opposition
Grand Mutable Cross
10/21 Venus-Pluto Trine
10/22 Sun enters Scorpio
Mercury-Chiron Quincunx
10/23 Quarter Moon Phase — Sun-Moon Waxing Square
10/24 Venus-Saturn Trine
10/25 Sun-Mercury Conjunct
Planetary Aspects and Interpretation of the Week:
☌ = Conjunction 0 degrees
☍ = Opposition 180 degrees
▢ = Square 90 degrees
✶ = Sextile 60 degrees
▵ = Trine 120 degrees
October 19, 2020 Monday
12:03am PST Venus-Mars quincunx goes exact at 19 degrees and 26 minutes
So, on Monday the 19th, we have a quincunx between Venus in Virgo and Mars in Aries at 19 degrees. A quincunx is one of those aspects that are the most challenging to adjust to. The signs involved, Aries and Virgo, have nothing in common, they have different orientations all around — Aries is personal and Virgo is social, Aries is Fiery Yang whilst Virgo is Earthy Yin, Aries is cardinal and Virgo is mutable.
So, the adjustment that needs to be made is moving from the Mars in Aries fighting, extreme autonomy, and extreme competition (Mars in Aries) to the Venus in Virgo energy of consideration, cooperation, and compromise (Venus) in service to others (Virgo). We need to move from merely survival instincts and what is good for “me” to intimacy and relating, what is good for the “group,” what is good for “us.” So the question is, how can my abilities and strengths to be in service to others to help the whole evolve?
Cardinal signs are about moving to point A to point B. It’s goal oriented and wants results now. It’s like get the heck out of my way energy. Mutability is spiral like movement, the energy is like reaching out to all points of view, looking at all the detail. So, there is need to adjust from a myopic, cardinal, view point to open the mind to see the other perspectives around (mutable).
From chatting with individuals from the online astrology community, people have explained their experience with Mars retrograde as influencing feelings of aggression, frustration, and irritability and others have experienced head, neck, or shoulder injuries that are taking time to heal. So, Mars retrograde can kind of constrain or hinder our personal will on things and it will require patience. With Venus in Virgo, part of making adjustments here with this quincunx is taking the time needed to heal our bodies and minds and spirits and, for those of us experiencing frustration, try to be patient with those things triggering irritation. Things will pass.
12:35am PST Venus-Jupiter trine goes exact at 19 degrees and 27 minutes
So, also on Monday, we have Venus trining Jupiter going exact at 19 degrees. This is a can be a very positive aspect, especially as we work on making the needed adjustments required from the two quincunxes happening this week.
So, we have the Venus-Mars quincunx, but also on Thursday, Mercury is in exact quincunx to Chiron and will require energetic adjustment. I will talk more about that soon.
So, as Venus moves forward this week it is going to be making an exact trine to Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn through the week. Monday Venus-Jupiter trine will be exact at 19 degrees, on Wednesday the 21st Venus-Pluto trine will be exact at 22 degrees, and then finally on Saturday (Saturnday) Venus-Saturn trine will be exact at 25 degrees.
So making the adjustments to see more than one’s own individual perspective to the consideration of others (Aries in Mars vs Venus in Virgo), and by allowing ourselves to slow down, surrender to the unknown (Chiron in Aries vs Mercury in Scorpio), we can be aware of and focus our energy on the benefits of the social changes (Venus trine Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn) — expanding integrity, transforming and integrating societal structure, creating meaning that aligns with our truths, discovering structures that will benefit everyone.
So, we have to make the adjustments if we want to transform our society to benefit everyone, we have to be focused energetically in that direct, social conscientiousness.
With Mars and Mercury retrograde, circumstances are put into place that force us to slow down and go inward, to consider multiple possibilities and surrender to the unknown.
So, it will be good to do that, slow down and surrender, so that we can gain healthy perspective on things. When we don’t have control the only choice we have is to surrender, to let go. The greatest growth come from these instances.
Grand Mutable Cross — Grand Unification/Integration
So as we can see here, we have a Grand Mutable Cross formed here.
So, on September 3rd, a T-square between Neptune in Pisces and the Lunar Nodes (Gemini/Sagittarius) began and will continue until mid-March of 2021. In January of 2021 this T-square strengthens in intensity.
Sunday the 18th of October, Venus and Neptune opposition is exact. As we can see, Venus has joined the mix forming a T-square with the North Nodes, thus is also forming a Grand Mutable Cross between Neptune and the North/South nodes.
So, as we move away from extreme focus on the personal needs and desires (Mars in Aries) and integrate the needs of others, considering what benefits others, and how we all can be in service to each other (Venus in Virgo) to help the whole (Neptune in Pisces), we become better equipped to evolve a all encompassing perspective of unity consciousness (Neptune in Pisces) with the aim of incorporating other perspectives (North Node in Gemini) creating greater insight and wisdom (South Node in Sagittarius.)
7:53pm PST Mercury-Uranus Opposition 9 degrees and 9 minutes
Also on Monday the 19th, Mercury and Uranus move back into exact opposition at 9 degrees. We can also see the Chiron-Mercury quincunx that goes exact on Thursday.
Mercury is the ectopsychic aspect of our minds. It is the capacity to think, perceive, reason, and understand as we experience the external world of the senses. Whilst Mercury is ectopsychic, it can receive and cogitate on information from the endopsychic realm.
Uranus is the capacity of the mind to integrate information from the endopsychic domain, the unconscious, through dreams, associations, and integration of paradox. It’s the bringing forth to conscious awareness the collective archetypes. Uranus represents the evolution of our consciousness, the goal of evolution to meet our personal archetypal potential.
With Uranus in the sign of Taurus, we are being forced to face radical changes happening in the physical world that moves us away from the known, moves away from order, moves us away from stability.
When abrupt change happens, we have to integrate, accept, and surrender to the unknown and chaos (Mercury in Scorpio). Change is a necessary component in the Law of Evolution. We often learn our greatest lessons as we have to become adjustable to the changes. If we just rested in a state of infinite stability we wouldn’t evolve, we couldn’t evolve. We are here to evolve to manifest our greatest individual and collective archetypal potential. This is Uranus.
The Axis of Being is triggered here (Taurus-Scorpio) which is about the integration of and the constant necessity to balance the known and the unknown, order and chaos, and the physical and the spiritual as a means of evolution and growth.
October 21, 2020 Wednesday
2:42pm PST Venus-Pluto trine goes exact at 22 degrees and 34 minutes
October 22, 2020 Thursday
4:00pm PST Sun enters Scorpio
6:34pm PST Mercury-Chiron quincunx goes exact at 6 degrees and 9 minutes
We have a quincunx between Chiron in Aries and Mercury in Scorpio going exact at 6 degrees on Thursday. That’s the same day the Sun enters Scorpio. The Sun is going to eventually catch up to Mercury by the end of the week, Sunday the 25th, it will illuminate this quincunx energy when it conjuncts Mercury at 2 degrees and 48 minutes of Scorpio.
With the planets, Mercury and Chiron in quincunx, they are having a difficult time adjusting to each other because the signs that the the planets are in have no orientation to each other, they have nothing in common for which to make adjustment easy. Aries is personal and Scorpio is social. Aries is fiery yang and Scorpio is watery yin. Aries is cardinal and Scorpio is fixed. Aries is ectopsychic and Scorpio is endopsychic.
So, Chiron can show us where our wounding is, where we need healing. With it in Aries, the focus of our healing has to do with our sense of identity and how we use our will power. When there is a wound to our sense of identity, there is a concomitant wound to intimate relationships, fear of intimacy, fear of being absorbed by the other, or a fear of not being in control. So, the difficulty here is surrendering our healing of identity to things that we are not in control over. Scorpio is all about the unknown emotional realms. This is a frightening prospect for Aries, to be out of control. We are encouraged with this aspect to use the courage and strength of Aries to delve into the unknown, to surrender to chaos of our emotional experiences.
Cardinality of Aries is moving forward, it’s moving fast, and it does not want to stop. With Chiron in Aries quincunx to Mercury in Scorpio, we need to slow down, move into fixity, a mental meditation. This is especially not easy for fast fiery moving Aries. Aries is goal oriented. It is not easy for Aries to just be.
Finally, Aries can have a tendency for instant gratification. The healing process is antithetical to that. Healing takes time, it’s operational (fixed). This quincunx involves the process of moving our focus of energy from the ectopsychic, from the need for instant gratification, to the endopsychic domain where healing requires an integration of unconscious processes and that means delaying gratification to do a proper healing.
October 23, 2020 Friday
6:23am PST Moon-Sun waxing square at 0 degrees and 36 minutes
Finally, we have our Sun-Moon waxing square at 0 degrees and 36 minutes of Scorpio and Aquarius. So after we have planted the seeds of new beginnings during the New Moon, we move into a waxing square between the Sun and Moon which is about growth, taking care of the foundations we created to form our new start.
The Scorpio and Aquarius energies actually have a lot in common, they both symbolize transformation, integration of the deep unconscious parts of our minds. They symbolize insight and change. Uranus rules Aquarius and Uranus exalts Scorpio (Phipps). This certainly substantiates the theme of this week.
Pluto, which rules Scorpio, symbolizes the process of spiritual evolution. As we experience change, we are required to surrender to unity consciousness, to the unknown.
Uranus symbolizes the process of integration. It is the “spirit working through matter to unite the two poles of consciousness,” yin and yang polarities (Phipps).
Both Pluto and Uranus represent how we evolve, integrate, and transmute in response to change.
October 24, 2020 Saturday
8:41am PST Venus-Saturn Trine exact at 25 degrees and 52 minutes
October 25, 2020 Sunday
11:23am PST Sun-Mercury conjunct exact at 2 degrees and 48 minutes
So, we begin the week with Venus-Mars quincunx going exact on Monday the 19th encouraging us to make adjustments from extreme autonomy and “me” orientation to consideration, cooperation, and compromise in service to others.
Going exact, Venus trines Jupiter on Monday, Venus trines Pluto on Wednesday, and Venus trines Saturn on Saturday. This positive aspect focuses on the benefits of social change which can, at its best, expand integrity, transform and integrate societal structure, create alignment with our truth, and help discover structures that will benefit everyone which can help evolve the individual and the collective.
Also on Monday the 19th, Mercury-Uranus opposition goes exact reminding us that change is necessary to evolve and meet our greatest individual and collective archetypal potential.
Finally, on Monday, we look at the Grand Mutable Cross between Venus, Neptune, and the North/South Nodes. Encouraging us to evolve an all encompassing perspective of union consciousness (Neptune in Pisces) with the aim of incorporating other perspectives (North Node in Gemini) creating greater insight and wisdom (South Node in Sagittarius).
On Thursday, the Sun enters Scorpio eventually moving into conjunction with Mercury which is in quincunx to Chiron. The Mercury-Chiron quincunx reminds us that the healing process takes time, it’s operational. It means moving our focus of healing energy from the ectopsychic, from the need for instant gratification, to the endopsychic domain where healing requires an integration of unconscious processes and that means delaying gratification to do a proper healing.
Future Highlights for the Upcoming October Weekly Forecast:
10/27 Mercury enters Libra
Venus enters Libra
10/28 Sun-Chiron Quincunx
10/31 Full Moon in Taurus (Blue Moon)
Thank you for joining me!
Do join me next week for another Trident Astrology Weekly Forecast!