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October Weekly Forecast 26th - 31st

Janeen D. Cain

Updated: Nov 4, 2020

October Weekly Forecast

26th through the 31st

Planetary Retrogrades and Directs

Current Planets in Retrograde: Six Planets

Mercury, Mars, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, and Eris

Mercury - Retrograde on 10/13 will go direct on 11/3

Mars - Retrograde on 9/9 will go direct on 11/13

Chiron - Retrograde on 7/11 will go direct on 12/15

Uranus - Retrograde on 8/15 will go direct 1/14/21*

Neptune - Retrograde on 6/22 will go direct 11/28

Eris - Retrograde on 7/20/2020 will go direct on 1/10/21*

Planets that went Direct this Month:

Pluto went Direct on 10/4

Planets that went Retrograde this Month:

Mercury goes Retrograde 10/13

Retrograde Planets by the End of the Month: Six Planets

Mercury, Mars, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, and Eris

Outer Planetary Ingressions (Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto)

Next important ingression will be Jupiter and Saturn moving into Aquarius in December preparing us for the year 2021. Which will consist of the Saturn-Uranus Square ushering us into a new era!

Inner Planet Ingressions (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars — this year Mars stays in Aries until the end of the year due to retrogradation)

Sun entered Scorpio on 10/22

Mercury entered Scorpio on 9/27 will enter Libra on 10/27

Venus enters Virgo on 10/2 will enter Libra on 10/27

Mars entered Aries on 6/27 will enter Taurus on 1/6/2021

Solstices and Equinoxes — Winter Solstice 12/21/20

New, Full (Blue Moon), and Quarter Moon — We are having a Blue Moon this month (10/31) with two Full Moons occurring this month!

Eclipses (next eclipses for 2020 are Nov. 30 and Dec 14)

Major Planetary Aspects and Synodic Cycles

10/27 Mercury enters Libra

Venus enters Libra

10/28 Sun-Chiron Quincunx forming a Yod to Chiron

10/31 Full Moon in Taurus (Blue Moon)

Sun-Uranus Opposition

T-Square between Mercury, Eris, and Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter

Planetary Aspects and Interpretation of the Week:

October 27, 2020 Tuesday

6:33pm PST Mercury enters Libra

6:42pm PST Venus enter Libra

On Tuesday the 27th we have Mercury and Venus entering into Libra. Mercury moves from Scorpio to Libra whilst retrograde. And Venus is moving from Virgo to Libra.

The shifts in energy move in a similar direction, toward Libra, but they are moving from two different vantage points and from two different psychological functions.

Mercury is the psychological function of thinking. It is the the ability to think, rationalize, and perceive. With it in retrograde, we’ve been exploring and learning from the unconscious. Suppressed or repressed material is moving to the surface of our conscious awareness, often triggered by outside events.

We are two weeks into our three week Mercury retrograde. With Mercury moving from Scorpio to Libra, we’re shifting from the intensity of chaos and the unknown (Scorpio) to the capacity to handle intense stress (Libra). During this time, events are put into place that necessitate coping skills in time of stress.

Mercury goes direct on November 3rd. From the 3rd through November 19th, we’ll be revisiting the lessons we’ve been learning during this Mercury retrograde. So be mindful of the habits you are forming.

The lesson with Mercury moving into Libra represents the ability to calm down our sympathetic nervous systems. Libra represents the parasympathetic nervous system, the body’s ability to calm down in response to stress. After a fight or flight experience, the parasympathetic system helps calm us down.

Parasympathetic nervous system “is responsible for the body's rest and digestion response when the body is relaxed, resting, or feeding. It basically undoes the work of sympathetic division after a stressful situation. The parasympathetic nervous system decreases respiration and heart rate and increases digestion.”

With Mercury moving from Scorpio to Libra it symbolizes the learned (Mercury) capacity to cope with intense stressors (Libra) and the capacity to calm one’s anxiety and insecurity as you face the unknown and chaotic (Scorpio). Mercury moving from Scorpio to Libra is restoring order from chaos.

Venus is the psychological function of feeling. This isn’t dealing with emotion which comes from the endopsychic realms of the psyche. Emotions are often influenced by the outer planets or the Moon. Venus is the function of discerning what is good or bad. It is a rational function which deals with our value judgments. Venus also deals with relationships. Venus in Virgo is about fixing things, trouble-shooting, and healing ourselves, healing our relationships. Venus moving from Virgo to Libra can improve our capacity to relate as we have taken the time to psychologically heal.

This month, life situations out of our control have put many of us in fight or flight mode, in states of anxiety and uncertainty. We’ve had to practice measures of staying calm in order to control our fight or flight responses. Circumstances have encouraged inner healing which can improve our ability to relate and increases our compassion for ourselves and others.

October 28, 2020 Wednesday

2:32pm PST Sun-Chiron quincunx exact at 5 degrees and 55 minutes (555)

On Wednesday the 28th the Sun-Chiron quincunx goes exact at 5 degrees and 55 minutes (555) forming a Yod to Chiron/Moon conjunction involving the Sun and Vesta.

This is a wonderful synchronicity of numerological significance. We end our week of October, a universal five month, whilst we have two planets shifting into the sign of Libra (Libra is associated with the number 5) and have the numbers 555 show up.

Five means that there is likely something unexpected coming around the corner that we need to adjust to and need temperance to handle. Here we have a Yod to Chiron which deals with adjusting our need for control.

With Chiron and the Moon conjunct in Aries, we are encouraged to emotionally heal our sense of self (Quincunx to the Sun in Scorpio) as we experience circumstances out of our control (Sun in Scorpio). The challenge is to let go of control over things we don’t have control over and focus on the things that we do and do something about it (Vesta in Virgo).

We we are encouraged to tap into our Vestian power, our inner spark of life, to forge through challenging times (Vesta sextile Sun in Scorpio).

Aries wants to be in control. With Chiron in Aries quincunx the Sun in Scorpio, we need to let go of control. We need to focus on the things we do have control over (Vesta in Virgo). We need to tap into our own inner power.

So much of the month of October, and certainly the last week in October, is about finding balance and coping with intense stress (Venus/Mercury shifting to Libra), facing the unknown (Sun and Mercury in Scorpio), healing our inner lives (Chiron in Aries), problem solving and finding viable solutions during challenges (Vesta in Virgo and Venus shifting from Virgo to Libra).

We’ve had a strong Libra, Chiron, and Uranian emphasis this month having in large part to do with the numerology of five and healing in times of challenge.

Full Moon in Aries opposing the Sun in Libra

Mercury in Scorpio quincunx Chiron in Aries

Mercury in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus

Venus in Virgo quincunx Chiron in Aries

New Moon in Libra

Mercury and Venus entering Libra

Uranian infused Full Moon in Taurus

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

We are in a universal five month and five symbolism seems to be coming up a fair amount the month of October. Symbolically, the number five can be understood as a “pivotal point of change.” Very similar to the Libra symbolism of the balancing scales which foresees change and encourages a balanced response. When things change for the good or the bad, temperance, level-headedness, adjustment, and balance are often necessity. This is so much of the lessons we have been encouraged to learn this month!!

October 31, 2020 Saturday

7:49am PST Full Moon at 8 degrees and 39 minutes of Taurus

8:53am PST Sun-Uranus opposition exact at 8 degrees

and 41 minutes

On Saturday October 31st we have our second Full Moon of the month, a Blue moon. This Full Moon is in Taurus exactly conjunct Uranus at 8 degrees. The Sun-Uranus opposition is going exact 8:53am PST.

This is an intense Uranian infused Full Moon. You can’t get more intense than this. This can challenge our sense of safety, stability, and order. Uranus is about change, psychological integration, and soul evolution which usually comes about through change. When things feel safe and cozy, there’s not usually a necessity for growth as comes with change.

With Uranus in the most ordered and stable of all signs, earthy fixed Taurus, there are changes happening to the exterior realms of reality, changes to our physical environment, changes happening to our body, forcing us face the chaotic and Scorpionic unknown and unstable realms (Sun in Scorpio).

The kind of change that Uranian change can bring about often times can be the upmost benefit to our psychological evolution as we experience conflict, paradox, or a threshold of intensity in situations that inevitably lead to some kind of psychological integration eventually.

The Moon (representing our our emotions and intuition) conjunct Uranus may bring about intense and shifting emotions, powerful emotions that need integrated into consciousness. This is not a good time to suppress your emotions. It will benefit your growth and healing if you allow yourself to experience them, feel them, identify them, and integrate them. Both the Moon and Uranus represent our intuitive capacity. Trust your intuition.

With Uranus conjunct the Earth, which represents our five senses, we may actually physically experience the electrifying energy of Uranus a couple days before and after this Full Moon. You may have a difficulty sleeping. It would benefit you to have all your ducks in a row financially, physically, mentally, and emotionally, taking extra good care of your physical well being.

Uranus exalts Scorpio and Falls in Taurus. As such, the conflicts and paradoxes of the Taurus/Scorpio Axis of Being are amplified with Uranus in its Fall in Taurus opposing the Sun in Scorpio.

The lessons of the Axis of Being, Taurus/Scorpio, are amplified. We are born into this life, this adventure, this adventure of all adventures, experiencing the eternal dance between order (Taurus) and chaos (Scorpio). If we are taking care of ourselves, making good and productive decisions, being around people who want the best for us, taking care of our bodies, and working to reach our personal potential (Taurus), we are bettered equipped in our day to day lives to deal with chaos and unpredictability (Scorpio) when it inevitably comes around. We have the capacity to restore order out of chaos. But, we have to have as much of ourselves in order as we can possibly have.

This is what the Taurus/Scorpio Axis is about learning to restore order from chaos, to learn from change. So, chaos isn’t always a bad thing, it teaches us, challenges, and helps us reach evolutionary potential. And this Full Moon on the 31st illuminates this dynamic.

Uranus can be described as the process of “spirit working through matter to unite the two poles of consciousness,” yin/yang. With Uranus in Taurus we’re talking about the yin and yang between Taurus and Scorpio which deals with the paradox between order/chaos, known/unknown, and ectopsychic/endopsychic.


T-Square between Mercury, Eris, and outer planets, Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter with outer planets as focal point. The Mercury-Saturn square is exact November 1st at 26 degrees and 16 minutes. So, I’ll talk more about that in the November forecast.

But, let’s go ahead and take a look at this T-square since it is apart of the Full Moon. The outer planets are in Capricorn. Capricorn has to do with the social world around us. And with Saturn the planet of restructuring and integrity, Pluto the planet of transformation and regeneration, and Jupiter the planet of expansion expanding these dynamics of social change in our society, we all need to make adjustments in our thinking (Mercury in Libra).

With Eris squaring these outer planets there has been discord and anarchy occurring in the social world. This most certainly impacts our perceptions of reality. With Mercury in Libra we’re challenged to maintain balanced and thoughtful decision making in the midst of chaos and to consider the needs that will benefit both ourselves and others in the world.

Mercury is going direct on November 3rd, election day. It will moving through the post-retrograde shadow between 25 degrees and 54 minutes of Libra through 11 degrees and 40 minutes of Scorpio from November 3rd to November 19th.

Between the 3rd to 19th of November we’re going to be revisiting the lessons we learned during the three week Mercury retrograde (Oct. 13 - Nov 3). We want to really be careful about the decisions we’re making right now and really focus on how well we are managing change and stressors.


On Tuesday October 27th we have Mercury and Venus entering into the relationship and cooperation oriented sign of Libra. Mercury moving from Scorpio to Libra is restoring order from chaos. Venus moving from Virgo to Libra can improve our capacity to relate as we have taken the time to psychologically heal.

On Wednesday the 28th we have the Sun-Chiron quincunx going exact forming a Yod to Chiron which includes the Sun and Vesta. We are encouraged to emotionally heal our sense of self as we experience circumstances out of our control. The challenge is to let go of control over things we don’t have control over and focus on the things that we do have control over and do something about it. We’re encouraged to tap into our inner power to forge through challenging times.

Finally, on October 31st we have our an intense second Full Moon this month (Blue Moon). This Uranian infused Full Moon illuminates the Axis of Being of Taurus/Scorpio encouraging us to tap into our ability to create order from chaos, to learn from change, and face challenges in order to reach our evolutionary potential.

Future Highlights for the Upcoming November Weekly Forecast:

11/1 Mercury-Saturn Square going exact

Venus-Chiron Opposition goes exact

11/3 Mercury goes Direct

Venus-Uranus Quincunx

11/6 Mercury-Saturn Square going exact

11/7 Sun-Mars Quincunx

11/8 Sun-Moon Wanning Square (Quarter Moon Phase)

Thank you for joining me!

Do join me next week for another Trident Astrology Weekly Forecast!

Weekly Forecasts will be Posted on Weekends for the Week Ahead!

Blessings and love my friend!

Copyright © 2020 Janeen Cain - Trident Astrology

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