October Weekly Forecast
5th through the 11th
Planetary Retrogrades and Directs
Current Planets in Retrograde: Five Planets
Mars, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto
Mars - Retrograde on 9/9 will go direct on 11/13
Chiron - Retrograde on 7/11 will go direct on 12/15
Uranus - Retrograde on 8/15 will go direct 1/14/21*
Neptune - Retrograde on 6/22 will go direct 11/28
Pluto - Retrograde on 4/25 will go direct 10/4
Planets Going Direct this Month:
Pluto goes Direct on 10/4
Planets Going Retrograde this Month:
Mercury goes Retrograde 10/13
Retrograde Planets by the End of the Month: Five Planets
Mercury, Mars, Chiron, Uranus, and Neptune
Outer Planetary Ingressions (Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto)
Next important ingression will be Jupiter and Saturn moving into Aquarius in December preparing us for the year 2021. Which will consist of the Saturn-Uranus Square ushering us into a new era!
Inner Planet Ingressions (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars — this year Mars stays in Aries until the end of the year due to retrogradation)
☿ Inner Planets ♁
♀ ♂
Sun enters Scorpio on 10/22
Mercury entered Scorpio on 9/27 will enter Libra on 10/27
Venus enters Virgo on 10/2 will enter Libra on 10/27
Mars entered Aries on 6/27 will enter Taurus on 1/6/2021
Solstices and Equinoxes — Winter Solstice 12/21/20
New, Full, and Quarter Moon — We are having a Blue Moon this month (10/31) with two Full Moons occurring this month!
Eclipses (next eclipses for 2020 are Nov. 30 and Dec 14)
Major Planetary Aspects and Synodic Cycles
10/7 Mercury-Uranus Opposition goes exact
10/8 Venus Quincunx Chiron forming a Yod to Chiron
10/9 Mars Square Pluto going exact
Quarter Moon Phase
Grand Cardinal Cross
10/10 Venus Trine Uranus
Planetary Aspects and Interpretation of the Week:
☌ = Conjunction 0 degrees
☍ = Opposition 180 degrees
▢ = Square 90 degrees
✶ = Sextile 60 degrees
▵ = Trine 120 degrees
October 7, 2020 Wednesday
1:55pm PST Mercury-Uranus Opposition exact 9 degrees and 37 minutes.
Here we have an opposition which is about learning to balance opposites, attempting to ameliorate paradox, and sometimes it means attempting to amend irreconcilable contradiction. To ameliorate contradiction in the psyche is a simple way of describing the Individuation process. With Mercury and Uranus involved in an opposition here symbolizes the individuation process as proposed by Jung is symbolized here.
Uranus represents the process of becoming whole and amending contradictions in the psyche, Aion or the Imago Chrisi, the Image of Christ and wholeness that the psyche seeks.
Mercury represents the Mind in the ectopsychic domain of reality, the mind existing in the world of the physical, of the five senses. Which in oversimplified terms is about the imperative function of the ego and intellect, how we perceive and make sense of reality. It is our personal, experiential mind. Mind perceiving the outside world.
Uranus is the opposite of that, it represents Divine Mind and exists in the domain of the Endopsychic, which is inside the unconscious realms of the psychic structure, inside the mind. In etymological terms it means within the psyche.
The challenge here is to balance our ego that works to make sense of reality of the outside world with our divine nature, the mind that exists in the unconscious inner world.
I think it is easy to forget that we are souls experiencing reality in physical form. That we are potentially infinite divine beings experiencing the constriction of the body for a short time.
The Axis of Being between Taurus and Scorpio challenges us to balance our values between physical “things” and spiritual “things,” especially as things are changing (Uranus).
In the Western world we are out of balance and we collectively focus too much on materialism, our sense of what is valuable is associated with what we own or have, what we have accomplished or acquired.
We’re getting stripped of “things” in the physical world whether it is from the fires or illness or abrupt economically changes (Uranus in Taurus). We’re being forced to rely more and more on intrinsic values of our inner domain.
Uranus is Trine Venus which goes exact on Saturday the 10th at 9 degrees and 31 minutes
Venus is the function of what we value as good and bad. With Venus in Virgo this represents Self-Mastery and the value of healing (Virgo). And with the abrupt changes happening (Uranus) to force us to look at our inner world more and more we become servants (Virgo) to our inner healing (Venus in Virgo).
October 8, 2020 Thursday
8:18am PST Venus-Chiron Quincunx Exact at 6 degrees and 46 minutes and there is a Yod to Chiron with Chiron Quincunx Mercury and Venus.
Speaking of becoming servants to our inner healing (Chiron quincunx Venus in Virgo). Yod is challenging energy. We need to make adjustments in our value system (Venus) and our perceptions of reality (Mercury) in order to heal our sense of being in the world (Chiron in Aries).
October 9, 2020 Friday
5:40pm PST Quarter Moon phase with the Sun-Moon square at 17 degrees and 10 minutes. This is forming a T-Square with the Moon at the focal point where the Sun is in opposition to Mars/Eris.
A Quarter Moon phase is about evaluating ourselves, evaluating our situation, determining what our true intentions are, what we really want and need. As the Moon is in wanning phase toward the New Moon of next week, it is a good time to meditate on what is really important for you as we begin anew next week.
6:09am PST Mars-Pluto Square Exact at 22 degrees and 30 minutes. This is forming a T-Square with Pluto-Jupiter as focal points where the Sun is in opposition to Mars/Eris.
Grand Cardinal Cross
These two T-Squares form a Cardinal Grand Cross. A very intense, forward moving, competitive, tension for growth energy involving very powerful and intense planets — Mars (War), Eris (Discord, Anarchy), Pallas Athena (Spiritual Warriorship, Courage), Pluto (Transformation through experience of spiritual and emotional Fires), Saturn (Death, constriction, societal reconstruction) and impacting our sense of self in the world (Sun) and our emotions (Moon).
A Grand Cross forms when there are four planets squaring each other and two sets of opposites. So there is need for balance and conciliation between the energies involved. With the planets all in cardinal signs there is a lack of patience or intolerance for negotiation.
Our current social milieu is very challenging at this time. We may see an immense emotional build up to these energies of extreme civil unrest, anarchy (Mars, Eris), social-cultural restructuring, (Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto), perhaps more social constrictions. The energies are conflicting and there is no sense of negotiation. My way or the highway energy.
The Sun-Jupiter square here will go exact on Sunday 11th at 18 degrees.
So, within this dynamic we have the Sun squaring Jupiter going exact on Sunday the 11th at 18 degrees. We may tend to take on more commitments than we can actually fulfill. We might see this play out in the social-political milieu, social figureheads making promises that they simply cannot keep.
October 10th, 2020 Saturday
4:08pm PST Venus-Uranus Trine Exact 9 degrees and 31 minutes
October 11th, 2020 Sunday
6:34am PST Sun-Jupiter Square exact 18 degrees and 41 minutes.
Recapture of the Week
So we start the week with Mercury-Uranus opposition going exact on Wednesday the 7th, requiring the balancing of our objective perception of reality with that of our inner spiritual lives. We’re challenged to balance our values between physical “things” and spiritual “things,” especially our social-political-economic world is changing (Uranus) all around us.
We have a Yod to Chiron with Venus-Chiron quincunx going exact on Thursday the 8th, reminding us to be servants to our inner healing (Chiron quincunx Venus in Virgo).
On Friday the 9th we have intense and conflicting energies with the Grand Cardinal Cross between the Sun, Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn, Mars, Eris, and the Moon creating potential for extreme civil unrest, social restructuring and constrictions, intense social-political challenges, and no sense of negotiation impacting us collectively, individually, and emotionally.
Future Highlights for the Upcoming October Weekly Forecast:

10/12 Jupiter-Neptune Sextile exact
Mercury-Venus Sextile exact
10/13 Mercury going Retrograde
10/15 New Supermoon in Libra
10/18 Sun-Saturn Square exact
Venus-Neptune Opposition
Mars-Jupiter Square
Thank you for joining me!
Do join me next week for another Trident Astrology Weekly Forecast!
Weekly Forecasts will be Posted on Weekends for the Week Ahead!
Blessings and love my friend!

Copyright 2020 Janeen Cain - Trident Astrology