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September Weekly Forecast 14th - 20th

Janeen D. Cain

Updated: Nov 4, 2020

September Weekly Forecast

14th through the 20th

Planetary Retrogrades and Directs — Saturn will be going direct on 29th

Outer Planetary Ingressions (Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto)

Next important ingression will be Jupiter and Saturn moving into Aquarius in December preparing us for the year 2021. Which will consist of the Saturn-Uranus Square ushering us into a new era!

Inner Planet Sign Changes (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars — this year Mars stays in Aries until the end of the year due to retrogradation)

Mercury entered Libra on 9/5 @ 12:46pm PST Will enter Scorpio on 9/27

Venus entered Leo on 9/6 @ 12:22am PST Will enter Virgo on 10/2

Mars entered Aries on June 27 and will enter Taurus on January 6, 2021

Sun enters Libra 9/22 marking our Equinox

Solstices and Equinoxes

New and Full Moons — Quarter Moons

Eclipses (next eclipses for 2020 are Nov. 30 and Dec 14)

Major Planetary Aspects and Synodic Cycles

Numerology and Tarot Symbolism for the Month

Sneak Peek of the Week:

9/14 Monday

Sun Trine Pluto (exact)

Sun Trining Saturn and Jupiter, Sun-SaturnTrine exact on Thurs. New Moon (9/17)

Grand Mutable Cross following us through to the New Supermoon in Virgo on Thursday and through to the end of month (9/24)

Sun Square North/South Nodes (9/8)

Neptune Square North/South Nodes (9/3)

Venus in weak Conjunct Moon Trining Chiron

Venus Square Uranus* (annual) exact on Tuesday (9/15)

9/15 Tuesday

Venus Square Uranus goes exact

9/17 Thursday

New Supermoon (Perigean Moon) in Virgo

Grand Mutable Cross

Moon and Sun Square North/South Nodes and Neptune Square North/South Nodes

Sun and Moon Inconjunct (Quincunx) Mars-Eris Conjunction which was exact when many of the fires began in both California and Oregon on Aug 17 — the inconjunct exact (9/19)

Sun and Moon Trine Saturn, Sun-Saturn Trine Exact at 2:36pm

Mercury Square Jupiter which was exact before the New Moon at 3:34am

Mercury Quincunx Neptune exact Friday (9/18)

9/18 Friday

Mercury Quincunx Neptune

9/19 Saturday

Sun Quincunx Mars

T-Square between Moon, Mars, Saturn, Pluto

T-Square between Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Pluto with Mercury-Pluto Square exact on Sun. (9/20)

9/20 Sunday

Mercury Square Pluto

Planetary Aspects and Interpretation of the Week:

☌ = Conjunction 0 degrees

☍ = Opposition 180 degrees

▢ = Square 90 degrees

✶ = Sextile 60 degrees

▵ = Trine 120 degrees

September 14, 2020 Monday

4:09pm PST Sun Trine Pluto (exact)

Sun Trining Saturn and Jupiter as well, Sun-Saturn Trine exact on Thrus. New Moon (9/17)

Sun Square North/South Nodes (9/8)

Neptune Square North/South Nodes (9/3)

Grand Mutable Cross following us through to the New Supermoon in Virgo on Thursday and through the month until (9/24)

Venus in weak Conjunct Moon Trining Chiron

Venus Square Uranus* (annual) exact on Tuesday (9/15)

There are very significant and many varied energetic aspects this week, so please bear with me as I navigate the vast amount of information I would like to provide you. I hope that my interpretation does the divine message justice. I humble myself as I attempt to communicate the important and heavy messages for us this week as written in skies.

First, I will identify the patterns and then I will go into the interpretation. I am doing this to attempt to organize the multi-complex information. We do have quite a bit to get through for this week. So, again please bear with me.

Okay, so what I am looking at Monday the 14th is the Sun trining Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn. As we can see, the Pluto-Sun trine is exact at 22 degrees of the earth signs, Virgo and Capricorn. On Thursday the 17th, the Sun will be in an exact trine to Saturn at 25 degrees, the same day of the New Supermoon in Virgo. So, the Moon will join in on the energetic.

We’re also looking at the Sun square to the South and North Nodes. This square began on September 8th and will end around September 23/24th. This is very significant as the the Sun is illuminating the collective destiny. That is what the North/South Nodes represent, they are known as the “Nodes of Fate.” They symbolize the collective spiritual path and show us what we need to let go of collectively, what we need to learn.

I’m not going to get into the details about the astronomy here, but I do want to state very succinctly that the Nodes of the moon are two points where the moon’s orbit and the ecliptic intersect. So they are points in space. They are not objects. In other words, the lunar nodes are the two points of intersection where the Moon crosses the Earth’s ecliptic during its orbit around the Earth. I will be writing extensively on this later and creating a video course.

Also, very succinctly, the lunar Nodes play a specific role in whether or not we have an eclipse. A lunar or solar eclipse occurs when the orbit of the Moon crosses the ecliptic (the lunar nodes) on a full or new Moon within 12 to 18 degrees difference. In Astrology, the closeness of the luminaries (Sun/Moon) to the lunar Nodes determines the power of the eclipse.

Now, we’re certainly not having an eclipse on this New Moon on Thursday. As we can see the luminaries, the Sun/Moon, are not in close proximity to the nodes, which needs to be no more than 18 degrees apart.

Moving on from that. Also, very important, as we can see, the Sun remains in opposition to Neptune which was exact last week on the 11th. This annual event is significant this week because Neptune is also in square to the South/North nodes which began on the September 3rd and will last all the way through to mid-March 2021, tightening up in January 2021.

So, I am going to take off the single planetary aspects to show you the significant configuration formed here by the Sun-Neptune opposition and the North/South Nodes in opposition (which are always opposite each other for reasons that will be discussed more thoroughly in another video).

The ecliptic is the trace of the Sun’s path across the Earth as the Earth orbits the Sun in the course of one year. The north node (ascending node) is where the Moon moves into the northern ecliptic hemisphere. The south node (descending node) is where the Moon enters the southern ecliptic hemisphere (Wikipedia on the Lunar Nodes).

So, what we have here — I know it’s difficult to see with the other aspects in view — what forms here is a very rare configuration called the Grand Cross. This Grand Cross is a Mutable Grand Cross because each of the planets/nodes involved are in mutable signs. A Grand Cross is formed when two sets of opposites form squares between the planets.

This Mutable Grand Cross will stay intact through to the end of the month, until September 23/24th when the Sun ends its square with the lunar Nodes. This Mutable Grand Cross is very significant energy in the upcoming New Supermoon in Virgo.

Okay, going back to single planet aspects and moving into interpretation. So we have the Sun squaring the Lunar Nodes, trining the outer planets Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter, and opposing Neptune. We also have the Sun quincunx Mar/Eris which I will go over at the New Supermoon in Virgo section.

The Sun represents our sense of self in the world, our identity. The South and North Nodes represent our collective destiny. The outer planets here in conjunction have created immense amount of expansion (Jupiter), change, transformation (Pluto), and constriction (Saturn) in our world to say the least.

With the world around us in drastic state of change (Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter conjunct), we are in a constant need to adapt. In subtle and deep psychological way (Pluto), the world changes us and we are in some way also a cause of that change (Sun Trine Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn/Sun Square Nodes).

Here is a suitable Jungian quote that I believe, to some extent, does this energetic configuration justice.

Change is inevitable part of life experience. Change can be very painful especially when we have to face horrific and unpredictable events. Jung stated that there is no growth of consciousness, individually (Sun) or collectively (South and North Nodes), without pain (Pluto). For many of us, we are in a painful process of letting go (i.e., the fires destroying homes; Covid-19). Collectively we’re experiencing immense amount of loss.

The South/North Nodes remind us that, “no man is an island.” We are taking a collective journey into the shadow toward growth together (Grand Mutable Cross — Neptune Square North/South Node, Sun Square North/South Node).

The outer planets Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in conjunction here, not exact — thought they were throughout the year — have expanded us (Jupiter), have created painful changes and transformation (Pluto), and has constricted us (Saturn) (i.e., the lockdowns). But we’re learning from this, becoming stronger, individually (Sun) and collectively (North/South Nodes) and I believe it has caused us to expand spiritually (Neptune opposing Sun).

And we are most certainly doing that as the darkness of life experience, whether we like it or not or ready or not, makes its way to our consciousness as we face crisis and chaos. Pluto symbolizes the Phoenix, the rising from the ashes after being transformed by the mutable flames. This is the Sun Trine Pluto in each of us as we face darker days.

Now, we moving on to Venus conjunt the Moon whilst trining Chiron and squaring Uranus. The Venus-Uranus Square goes exact on Tuesday the 15th.

Venus represents our values, resources, money, and relationships which square to Uranus can bring in a unpredictable change to those areas. Uranus brings in a shifty energy. And with the emotions of the Moon involved, we may find our emotions erupting and changing swiftly. We may find ourselves dealing with very deep emotional wounds (Chiron).

If you are dealing with intense emotions at this time be mindful, if you can, to not take it out on your loved ones. We need each other more now than ever. It’s easy sometimes to take out things on those closest to us. When we’re very intimate with others, we can emotionally bounce off of each other. This energy with Moon/Venus square Uranus trining Chiron, can really intensify that dynamic.

September 15, 2020 Tuesday

8:29am PST Venus Square Uranus goes exact

September 17, 2020 Thursday

4:00am PST New Supermoon (Perigean Moon) in Virgo

Grand Mutable Cross

Moon and Sun Square North/South Nodes and Neptune Square North/South Nodes

Sun and Moon Inconjunct (Quincunx) Mars-Eris Conjunction which was exact when many of the fires began in both California and Oregon on Aug 17 — the inconjunct exact (9/19)

2:36pm PST Sun and Moon Trine Saturn, Sun-Saturn Trine

Mercury Square Jupiter which was exact before the New Moon at 3:34am

Mercury Quincunx Neptune exact Friday (9/18)

Okay, so at 4:00am PST we have our New Supermoon, also know as a Perigean Moon, at 25 degrees of Virgo. A Supermoon occurs when the Moon is nearest to the Earth, at perigee. A Perigean Moon occurs about three to four times a year. We have two more New Supermoon’s this year which will occur on October 16th and November 15th. So, when the Moon is in perigee, its effects are felt more intensely. Besides the fact we have a rare configuration, Grand Mutable Cross, this New Moon is going to be really powerful because it’s in perigee.

The Moon joins the energy of the Mutable Grand Cross that remains until the end the month. Let me put this in single planetary aspects now. The luminaries (Sun/Moon) are in exact trine to Saturn at 25 degrees. So, some of us may really feel (Moon) and experience(Sun) limitations and contraints (Saturn) being imposed on us. There will be some real challenges (Saturn) ahead that will require immense amount of effort, strength, and fortitude (Saturn) as many of us are entering into new beginnings, to say the least. We can use that Saturn energy for strength of will, fortitude.

New Moon’s are about letting go and new beginnings. So, we are being Phoenixed (Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn) into massive spiritual growth (Luminaries opposing Neptune) and letting go process, especially collectively (Luminaries squaring the Lunar Nodes). This New Moon is exceptionally more powerful in that message with the configurations involved and the Moon being in perigee.

The Luminaries are directing our attention, very poignantly here, to several planets and the lunar nodes. In particular, the Luminaries are highlighting the Neptune square to the Lunar Nodes which has a very significant and powerful message for us collectively. This Neptune Square to the Lunar Nodes will last until mid-March of 2021, so will build up in intensity and strength, and will tighten in January of 2021.

First, let’s talk about the mutability in the Grand Cross here and what it means. A Grand Cross is formed by two oppositions and four squares, very intense growth oriented energy. With this combination there is extreme tension for growth or change. It can be very heavy energy to bear. With the mutability, there is even more emphasis on change or the need for adaptation in order to get through the challenging times ahead. If we can, we have the potential to grow very deeply.

Mutable comes from the latin root mutabilis meaning change. With a Mutable Grand Cross it’s a message that a massive change is going to happen. With the Lunar Nodes involved we collectively need to adapt, be flexible, and adjust to the rapid changes ahead.

The Spiritual Big-whammy: Neptune Square the Lunar Nodes 9/3/20 - 3/15/21

Neptune is the influential planet here. It is in its home constellation of Pisces where it will stay until 2025. Quoting from my mentor Kelly Lee Phipps, Neptune is a “magnetic feminine archetype, the infinite water-mother” (Phipps, 1997). It symbolizes spiritual growth, transcendence, and compassion. And, it is lightening focused on our collective path (Lunar Nodes).

The Lunar Nodes are currently in the constellations of Gemini (North Node) and Sagittarius (South Node). A tad bit of astronomy again. The orbital plane of the Moon precesses in space. As such, the Lunar Nodes also precess around the ecliptic, completing an orbit in 18.612958 years. This is called a nodal period.

So, what I am trying to get to is that the Lunar Nodes precess through the constellations. For example they were recently in the constellations of Cancer and Capricorn. As of May 5th, 2020 they shifted into 29 degrees of Gemini/Sagittarius. They are now at 24 degrees. They are moving backwards through the signs.

The South Node in Sagittarius is the collective past and the North Node in Gemini is the collective future. As I have explained before, everything exists in a Dualistic Unity. This is the idea that everything exists with an opposite polarity for which their interaction, forming an axial interactivity, interpolates and connects to learn from each other, seeking harmony and equilibrium, in the process of integration and wholeness.

So collectively we’re trying to seek wholeness out of crisis and chaos. The energetic direction we’re growing toward moves from Sagittarius archetypes to Gemini archetypes. So our collective perceptions and philosophy of reality are growing toward greater levels of wisdom and respect for one other. That’s the potential of this energy.

The Gemini/Sagittarius axis is named, by Kelly Lee Phipps, as the Axis of Insight. Gemini represents neighbors, social environment, relatives, communication, education, expression ideas, and spiritual awareness. Sagittarius symbolizes personal beliefs, principles, faith, seeking a higher destiny (Phipps, 1997). This is where our collective path is growing toward the 18 and half months whilst the Lunar Nodes are in Gemini/Sagitarius.

The dark side of the Neptune influence on the Lunar Nodes is the tendency that we may have for escapism (media, social media, drugs, alcohol, sex, relationships, etc.). Things are difficult and it sometimes seems easier to escape the growing pains. And it’s easy to get ourselves into patterns of behavior where we are automatically escaping when bad things happen or tigger us. But if we do that, we lose out on the growth opportunity.

Also, Neptune can influence idealization and disillusionment. We may idealize a person or an idea or a social construct as perfect or the perfect solution to our problems and later discover that person, idea, or social construct is not as good as one believed it to be. So, we could collectively “split” as it’s called in psychology. That is a darker potential of this energy. And this energy, the Spiritual Big-whammy is going on into March of 2021.

So, also during this New Supermoon in Virgo, the luminaries are in a quincunx to Mars and Eris which are in conjunction. A quincunx is when planets are 150 degrees apart or five signs away. And this makes sense since each sign makes up 30 degrees, times 5 signs equal 150 degrees.

This energy can create a kind of energy of confusion between them. The planets involved can’t hear each other. The energy is challenging. We feel that something is wrong, but we can’t figure it or fix it.

The extreme growth energy formed by the Mutable Grand Cross and its message of transcendence is most certainly tied to the fires pervading the California and the pacific northwest. I know that because Mars and Eris conjunction play a significant role in the fires as well as the Mars retrograde. The luminaries are lightening focused on these two planets.

On August 17, 2020 when many of these fires started the Mars-Eris conjunction was exact! Also, there was a Grand Fire Trine during those days before and after the fires began. On August 17th, Mars was .56 AU away from Earth! This proximity of Mars to the Earth is extremely close. As I have learned from the Sky Astrology Conference community the Earth proximity is critical in understanding the Mars retrograde. Because during the retrograde the fiery energy becomes intensified.

This graph is from webpage.

There are so many other very significant synchronicities that I will cover in a video I will post soon on the astrology of the fires, current and from 2018.

So the symbol of this Phoenix energy of this New Supermoon in Virgo has so much to do with “coping with reality, attention to the moment,” embracing the unknown, and “evolving emotions” (Phipps, 1997). Virgo exists on the axis of spirit, our souls are in a transcendental trajectory with all that is happening.

Finally, I am going to look at Mercury squaring Jupiter which is exact during the New Moon. And, I will be looking at the Mercury quincunx Neptune which goes exact on Friday, the 18th.

With Mercury squaring Jupiter we are challenged to maintain a hopeful perspective. However, Jupiter reminds us that we do heal eventually and we do rebuild.

Mercury quincunx Neptune brings in a very mentally foggy energy. And with everything going on, the poor air quality, the tensions in society, the loss that many of us are experiencing, we can become mentally exhausted. The Virgo Luminary emphasis (Sun/Moon conjunction) reminds us how important it is to take care of ourselves, to have compassion for yourself.

September 18, 2020 Friday

1:05pm PST Mercury Quincunx Neptune goes exact

September 19, 2020 Saturday

2:55pm PST Sun Quincunx Mars exact

T-Square between Moon, Mars, Saturn, Pluto

T-Square between Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Pluto with Mercury-Pluto Square exact on Sunday (9/20)

Now, we’re looking at the T-Square configurations happening on the 19th and 20th. As we can see here there is a T-Square between the Moon, Mars/Eris, Saturn, and Pluto. And a T-Square between Mercury, Mars/Eris, and Saturn and Pluto with the Mercury-Pluto Square going exact on Sunday.

So another tension for growth configuration which I believe can ignite our will to survive (Mars opposing Mercury and Moon) even with all that is happening in the world (Pluto/Saturn).

So a T-Square is formed with two planets in opposition both squaring another planet, or planets in this case Pluto and Saturn, which becomes the focal planet(s). Here the focal planets are Pluto and Saturn symbolize transcendence (Phoenix energy of Pluto rising out of the ashes) and fortitude and persistence even when things are difficult (Saturn). When things become difficult we rise up and we find the will to survive (Mars).

September 20, 2020 Sunday

10:21pm PST Mercury Square Pluto goes exact

So we can see on the 20th the T-Square is much more differentiated with Mercury in exact square to Pluto at 22 degrees. So, we’re ending this week with an intense growth energy. This whole week is about coping with crisis, integrating wounds, and taping into our will to survive, not letting go of hope for the future. The energetic configuration of this week completely support our healing and growth collectively and individually. And it is powerful because it moving us through the year and into the year 2021.

Future Highlights for the Upcoming September Weekly Forecasts:

9/22 Autumnal Equinox! Sun enters Libra!

9/23 2nd Quarter Moon Phase

Mercury-Saturn Square

Venus-Neptune Quincunx

9/24 Mercury-Mars Opposition

9/26 Venus-Pluto Quincunx

9/27 Mercury entering Scorpio

9/28 Saturn going Direct

Venus-Mars Trine

9/29 Mars-Saturn Square (8/24)

Thank you for joining me!

Do join me next week for another Trident Astrology Weekly Forecast!

Weekly Forecasts will be Posted on Weekends for the Week Ahead!

Blessings and love my friend!

Janeen Cain — Trident Astrology

Copyright © 2020 Janeen Cain - Trident Astrology

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