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September Weekly Forecast 1st - 6th

Janeen D. Cain

Updated: Nov 4, 2020

September Weekly Forecast

1st through the 6th

Planetary Retrogrades and Directs

Outer Planetary Ingressions (Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto)

Next important ingression will be Jupiter and Saturn moving into Aquarius in December preparing us for the year 2021. Which will consist of the Saturn-Uranus Square ushering us into a new era!

Inner Planet Sign Changes (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars — this year Mars stays in Aries until the end of the year due to retrogradation)

Solstices and Equinoxes

New and Full Moons

Eclipses (next eclipses for 2020 are Nov. 30 and Dec 14)

Major Planetary Aspects and Synodic Cycles

Numerology and Tarot Symbolism for the Month

Synodic cycles can be defined as the angular and cyclic relationship between any two planets. It begins with the conjunction, moves into a waxing square, then an opposition, the waning square, and back into conjunction and repeats.

Snapshot for the Week Ahead:

Current Planets in Retrograde: Six Planets

Jupiter - Retrograde on 5/14 will go direct 9/12

Saturn - Retrograde on 5/10 will go direct 9/28

Chiron - Retrograde on 7/11 will go direct on 12/15

Uranus - Retrograde on 8/15 will go direct 1/14/21*

Neptune - Retrograde on 6/22 will go direct 11/28

Pluto - Retrograde on 4/25 will go direct 10/4

Planets Going Direct this Month:

Jupiter - Will go direct on 9/12

Saturn - Will go direct on 9/28

Planets Going Retrograde this Month:

Mars - Will go retrograde on 9/9 will go direct on 11/13

Retrograde Planets by the End of the Month: Five Planets

Mars, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto

Retrogradation and directness of planets are compensatory mechanisms to balance out the yin/yang energies of the seasons because everything exists in Dualistic Unity — the balancing of yin/yang principles in nature. Astrology is absolutely a symbolic language of this foundational dynamic in reality.

Dualistic Unity is the idea that everything exists with an opposite polarity for which their interaction, forming an axial interactivity, interpolates and connects to learn from each other, seeking harmony and equilibrium, in the process of integration and wholeness.

In astrology there are 12 constellations making up 6 pairs of opposites or polarities of which form an axial interactivity for integration. For example, Aries (Self) grows from the experience of other (Libra). One is better equipped in relationships (Libra), if they have integrated their personality (Aries).

This principle is nonstatic by nature and forms the basis of what Carl Jung called the individuation process. Astrology is an ancient tool that supports understanding of this principle and guides us symbolically toward our own personal integration process toward wholeness using the archetypes infused in the symbolism.

The Vesica piscis is a perfect symbol of Dualistic Unity. It is pictured as two circles intersecting with the same radius. In Latin, “‘vesica piscis’ literally means ‘bladder of a fish’, reflecting the shape's resemblance to the conjoined dual air bladders found in most fish” (wikipedia). Pisces is symbolized by the fish and corresponds to the 12th House of transcendence, spirituality, and the interconnectedness of all things.

Interpolate means to insert something of a different nature into something else. When opposites are in the process of integration they are interpolating and alchemically transforming themselves. This process forms the process of enantiodromia which is one of the most important principles in nature.

*I will be posting a video soon describing more extensively about the Yin and Yang of Retrogradation and Directness of Planets, discussing the taoism infused in astrology and the principles of Dualistic Unity and Enantiodromia.

Yang in Summer — Planets go Retrograde (introspection yin)

Yang energy is fiery and hot. It's light over darkness, energetic and active. It is also characterized as dry.

Yin in Winter — Planets go Direct (outward looking yang)

Yin is the dark, cold, slow, inward energy. It is darkness over light. It is marked by inactivity and hibernation.

Note: These descriptions can be found in google search.

☿ Inner Planets ♁

♀ ♂

Ectopsychic Planetary Energy Shifts — Personal Planets Entering into New Signs:

Mercury enters Libra on 9/5 @ 12:46pm PST

Will enter Scorpio on 9/27

Venus enters Leo on 9/6 @ 12:22am PST

Will enter Virgo on 10/2

This month is our Autumnal Equinox! Sun enters Libra on 9/22 @ 6:31am

Equinoxes occur twice a year when the Sun crosses the celestial equator when the day and night are equal in length.

Full Moon this Week: The Harvest Moon

September 1st the Moon opposes the Sun at 10:22pm PST at 10 degrees and 12 minutes of Pisces (9/2 1:22am EST)

Numerology and Tarot Symbolism for the Month:

This month is a Universal Four Month!

Found by adding the year (2020) with the month (9). i.e. 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 9 = 13 reduces to 4.

Four symbolizes structure, responsibility, discipline, the physical, the masculine, order, stability, and calmness. It’s Saturnian in nature ♄. Four corresponds with the planet Saturn.

The corresponding Tarot cards are the Emperor (IV) card and the Death (XIII) card.

The Emperor Card symbolizes leadership, power, responsibility, structure, solidity. Symbol of our own power over our lives. It symbolizes mastery of the physical plane. The Emperor’s corresponding planets are Saturn and Mars.

The Death Card symbolizes endings and beginning, cycles, transformation. It symbolizes the mutable nature of reality. Every ending is a new beginning. The Death card is suitable symbol here as we’re moving from the summer season to the fall! In astrotheology, the “fall” is symbolic of the Sun’s entry into Libra preparing for the Saturnian realms of the Winter! Interestingly Libra is exalted by Saturn, the Death card corresponding to the planet Saturn and also the transformative energy of Pluto.

Anyone familiar with this idea, knows that Saturn and Pluto in astrology are often equated with death in its complex symbolic meaning.

Overview of the Week with Planetary Aspects:

☌ = Conjunction 0 degrees

☍ = Opposition 180 degrees

▢ = Square 90 degrees

✶ = Sextile 60 degrees

▵ = Trine 120 degrees

September 1st, 2020

The powerful energy of this week is catapulted with the Uranian infused Full Moon in Pisces, the Mercury trine Pluto energy, and the T-Square between Saturn, Venus, and Mars, with mars being the focal point, starting on September 1st.

3:42am PST Mercury (Virgo) Trine Pluto (Capricorn)

Pluto trine the planet of communication and perceptions (Mercury) brings profundity, passion, and intensity to communication. What we say to others has a stronger transformative effect during this aspect which is in orb through September 4th.

With Pluto in opposition with the planet of relationships (Venus) and in weak square to Mars (will), be mindful of your communication with those closest to you, especially if you experience the urge to assert your will or needs over theirs.

Do your best to use this Mercury trine Pluto energy to empower your relationship communication.

With Pluto symbolizing the Divine Will, you might find yourself saying things you wished you would have kept to yourself, finding little control over passionate communication as your emotions become involved in a situation.

However, with Saturn in trine with Mercury (exact on the 3rd) and Saturn in opposition to Venus (exact on the 2nd) forming a T-Square with Mars as focal planet, if we tap into that growth oriented energy in a productive way, we may have some assistance in restraint. These planetary energies will be activated more during the Full Moon in Pisces.

10:22pm PST Full Moon in Pisces at 10 degrees and 12 minutes.

Important Configurations of the Full Moon Chart —

Uranus in strong sextile to Moon and strong trine to Sun.

A strongly Uranian infused Full Moon in Pisces opens the thresholds to our unconscious. The energies are very mutable and turbulent and full of change. If you use this Full Moon energy appropriately, entering the the deeper parts of our mind via meditation, you can delve in deep and emerge back more integrated. Be careful of escapism or excessive substance use at this time as this can create turbulence and imbalance in the psyche.

Our emotions may be vulnerable to abrupt mood changes. There may be a tendency for increased impulsivity and escapism at this time. So, it is vital that we ground ourselves a couple days before and after this Full Moon. If we find ourselves in a passionate encounter with our loved ones, especially with Pluto trine Mercury, try to remember to take space to be away from one another.

Full Moons are important times for the culmination of projects. They represent endings and letting go. It is a great time of completion.

With the Full Moon in the axis of Pisces/Virgo the energetic focus is on self-development, emotional maturation, spiritual exploration, growth during crisis, the practice of good health habits, and focusing on work, creative projects, or helping others. It is a wonderful time to try something new (Uranus), pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. Whilst we are self-developing (Pisces), allow for mistakes to be a fun part of the process of growth, try not to get wrapped up in perfectionism or unproductive self-criticism (Virgo).

T-Square between Saturn, Venus, and Mars with Mars being the focal planet.

When there is a T-Square energy in a chart, it means there is a wonderful tension for growth. We see Saturn, the planet of responsibility and discipline in opposition to the planet of values and relationships (Venus) both in square with Mars, our will and energy.

When we have an opposition, it means we need to balance those opposing and conflicting energies. We may find that we need to balance our values and relationships with our responsibilities as these things may be in conflict. With Mars in Aries at the focal point, we can use this energizing and powerful energy to get things done to make time for our relationships.

There may be tensions between what we want (Mars) and our current responsibilities (Saturn) and values (Venus). And, with Pluto square Mars, there may be tensions between what we want (Mars - Personal Will) and what is actually happening (Pluto - Divine Will). It’s a time for us to surrender, to accept the things we cannot change and change the things we can!

It’s important that we keep our priorities straight (Saturn/Venus) and put our energy (Mars) into things that have the most positive and productive outcomes. Otherwise, we may find ourselves in unwanted situations experiencing negative consequences for our actions (Mars).

The aspects between Venus-Saturn opposition and Venus-Mars square will go exact during the week and intensify the energies.

September 2, 2020

5:18am PST Venus (Cancer) Opposing Saturn (Cap.)

The Venus opposing Saturn energy is exact. The conflicting energy between work and responsibilities and relationships and our values will be strong this day.

September 3, 2020

12:23 am PST Mercury (Virgo) Trine Saturn (Cap)

Mercury trine Saturn brings a serious and somber energy to our thinking, perceptions, and communication style. There is a real intense energy of mental focus that might be beneficial for writing and communication. This aspect balances out the Pluto-Mercury Trine that occurred the beginning of the week.

September 4, 2020 — Relational Healing Energy

2:12am PST Venus (Cancer) Square Mars (Aries)

Venus square Mars can bring tension into relationships prompting relational growth and compromise. It may be wise to postpone making long-term decisions about your relationships or financial decisions during the remainder of this aspect which will last until September 8th (with a five degree orb).

5:51am PST Moon (Aries) Conjunct Chiron (Aries)

You may find that an abruption of healing emotions may come up today as the Moon goes into an exact conjunction with Chiron (Wounded Healer). There may be a strong urge to help someone else in need.

1:32pm PST Mercury (Virgo) Sextile Venus (Cancer)

Mercury sextile Venus benefits our communication in relationships as we become more heart focused rather than so rational and somber as was the energy on the 3rd.

September 5, 2020

12:26am PST Moon (Aries) Squares Jupiter (Cap)

10:54am PST Moon (Aries) Squares Pluto (Cap)

5:09pm PST Moon (Aries) Squares Saturn (Cap)

Our emotions (Moon) may be intensified by the Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn energies. We may find ourselves emotionally (Moon) caught up in issues around cultural (Jupiter) and organizational (Saturn) transformations (Pluto) happening in the world right now.

9:45pm PST Moon (Aries) Conjunct Mars (Aries)

With the Moon-Mars conjunction going exact in Aries, we should be mindful of possible emotional outbursts, especially relating to the social-cultural milieu (Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto in Capricorn), having heated political arguments and confrontations with others.

12:46pm PST Mercury enters Libra

Mercury entering Libra will be helpful in negotiations as our thinking shifts toward cooperative, balanced, and peacemaking sign of Libra.

September 6, 2020

12:22am PST Venus enters Leo

Venus moves into Leo is very helpful in shifting this weeks intense, mutable, and serious energy to a more playful and benevolent energy!

Future Highlights for the Upcoming September Weekly Forecasts:

9/9 Jupiter-Sun Trine

Mars Retrograde

9/11 Sun-Neptune Opposition

9/12 Jupiter Direct

9/17 New Moon in Virgo

9/22 Autumnal Equinox! Sun enters Libra!

9/28 Venus-Mars Trine

9/29 Mars-Saturn Conjunction

Saturn Direct

Thank you for joining me today! I look forward to you joining me next week for another Weekly Forecast!

Weekly Forecasts will be Posted on Weekends for the Week Ahead!

Blessings and love my friend!

Copyright © 2020 Janeen Cain — Trident Astrology

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