September Weekly Forecast
7th through the 13th
Planetary Retrogrades and Directs
Outer Planetary Ingressions (Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto)
Next important ingression will be Jupiter and Saturn moving into Aquarius in December preparing us for the year 2021. Which will consist of the Saturn-Uranus Square ushering us into a new era!
Inner Planet Sign Changes (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars — this year Mars stays in Aries until the end of the year due to retrogradation)
Mercury enters Libra on 9/5 @ 12:46pm PST Will enter Scorpio on 9/27
Venus enters Leo on 9/6 @ 12:22am PST Will enter Virgo on 10/2
Mars entered Aries on June 27 and will enter Taurus on January 6, 2021
Sun enters Libra 9/22 marking our Equinox
Solstices and Equinoxes
New and Full Moons — Quarter Moons
Eclipses (next eclipses for 2020 are Nov. 30 and Dec 14)
Major Planetary Aspects and Synodic Cycles
Numerology and Tarot Symbolism for the Month
Numerology and Tarot Symbolism for the Month:
September is our Fall Equinox, Sun moving into Libra, so it is very fitting that our numerology for the month is a Universal Four Month which is Saturnian and Pluto energy.
This month is a Universal Four Month!
Found by adding the year (2020) with the month (9). i.e. 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 9 = 13 reduces to 4.
Four symbolizes structure, responsibility, discipline, the physical, the masculine, order, stability, and calmness. It’s also representative of mutability and transformation.
The corresponding Tarot cards are the Emperor (IV) card and the Death (XIII) card.
Quick Overview for the Week:
9/7 Grand Earth Trine between Sun, Moon, and the outer planets Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto
9/9 Mars goes retrograde*
Sun trine Jupiter is exact
9/10 Moon in a waning square to the Sun marking the 4th quarter Moon.
T-Square between Sun, Moon, and Neptune, with Moon as the focal point
Mercury opposing Chiron is exact
9/11 Sun in opposition to Neptune is exact T-Square between Moon, Mercury, and Chiron, with the Moon as focal point
9/12 Jupiter goes direct*
9/13 Venus trine Chiron is exact
Current Planets in Retrograde: Six Planets
Jupiter - Retrograde on 5/14 will go direct 9/12
Saturn - Retrograde on 5/10 will go direct 9/28
Chiron - Retrograde on 7/11 will go direct on 12/15
Uranus - Retrograde on 8/15 will go direct 1/14/21*
Neptune - Retrograde on 6/22 will go direct 11/28
Pluto - Retrograde on 4/25 will go direct 10/4
Planets Going Direct this Month:
Jupiter - Will go direct on 9/12
Saturn - Will go direct on 9/28
Planets Going Retrograde this Month:
Mars - Will go retrograde on Wednesday 9/9 will go direct on 11/13
Retrograde Planets by the End of the Month: Five Planets
Mars, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto
You’ll see that as we move into the Yin winter season the planets will be going direct, Yang energy, to balance out the yin/yang energy polarities.
Overview of the Week with Planetary Aspects and Interpretation:
☌ = Conjunction 0 degrees
☍ = Opposition 180 degrees
▢ = Square 90 degrees
✶ = Sextile 60 degrees
▵ = Trine 120 degrees
September 7, 2020
9:09am PST Moon (Taurus) Trine Sun (Virgo)
1:08pm PST Moon (Taurus) Trine Jupiter (Cap)
11:39pm PST Moon (Taurus) Trine Pluto (Cap)
9/8 5:47am PST Moon (Taurus) Trine Satr. (Cap)
Grand Earth Trine between Sun, Moon, and outer planets Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto
What I am really excited about this week is starting off with a Grand Earth Trine. To me, a configuration like that of a Grand Trine is a portal energy. It moves us, encourages us, toward personal growth.
The world is in a massive shift of change this year, so much turbulence in society and culture, so much unknown about the future, as we’re moving into a completely new age — Aquarian, Digital Age. This Grand Earth Trine reminds us keep our faith.
So we’re looking at the outer planets of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto that have energetically initiated the tearing away of the old structures of society and culture to bring in the new paradigm.
This all started in January with the Saturn-Pluto conjunction. Then in April and in June we had the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction, which will occur exact again November 12. Then, in December we’re having the Great Saturn-Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius.
I consider this Grand Earth Trine as a symbol that we are not without hope of a wonderful future. If each one of us takes this time to integrate (Uranus) our Self (Sun) and emotional experience (Moon) with the massive shifts happening in our culture and society (Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto) we can help ourselves and the world by us becoming more centered and whole, integrated, functioning contributors to the world. This happens first by working on ourselves.
We have to do that for ourselves first. We have to love ourselves, take care of ourselves, so that we have the potential to make positive contributions to those things and others around us.
So this hope for the future is possible with us taking this time to grow.
I feel like this is a portal of hope and a symbol of encouragement to grow ourselves to be the best human beings that we can be. And, when we do that, we help the world.
And with the Neptune opposing the Sun here, which occurs annually, going exact on the 11th, we have the opportunity for deep self-transcendence and spiritual growth. And, whilst this energy can create a mental fogginess, a feeling of ungroundedness, the Earth energy of this trine grounds us whilst we visit the depths of our psychological and spiritual inner depths.
Also, on the the 9th the Sun trine Jupiter will go exact. So the energy of the Grand Trine follows us through the week. This energetic aspect, Sun-Jupiter trine, infuses us with hope, faith, and optimism as we face the unknown.
So, this energy is transmutative and personal. It’s about how we’re taking the responsibility of ourselves during this turbulent and changing time.
Also, with the Chiron energy this week, with Mercury opposing Chiron and Venus trining Chiron, it’s about healing our inner wounds too as an important component to self-transcendence and personal growth.
September 9, 2020
3:22pm PST Mars goes Retrograde
Mars goes retrograde whilst its in its home sign of Aries until November 13th. This occurs every two years and lasts about eleven weeks. So, it’s pretty significant when Mars goes retrograde. Especially this year, as Mars remains in its home sign of Aries until January 6th, 2021.
Anyone with an Aries or Mars emphasis in their chart will feel this more intensely.
This is a time to review how you have been using your will and your intentions. What has been your energetic focus? How have you been using your vital energy? Has it been on positive and productive endeavors? Or has it been destructive, obsessive, and negative?
As we take this next two months for inner review, consider what is really important to focus your energy on and think of ways you can use your intention to manifest healthy and productive things in your life.
Mars being a Yang energy is now going inward, Yin. It’s moving opposite to its natural inclination which is full force ahead. Mars is forced to slow down. As such, Mars retrograde can feel unsettling. We may also feel that our vital energy has lowered. So, it’s important to really ground ourselves and practice good habits for calming down aggressive and restless energy and take care to use our energy wisely, especially us Arians and those with strong Mars influence.
Not that I am discouraging anyone from starting something new at this time, just realize that if you do, progress may be slower going.
9:04am PST Sun trine Jupiter
The Sun trine Jupiter that was part of the Grand Earth Trine on Monday will go exact Wednesday, 9th, the same day Mars goes Retrograde. So the energy of the Grand Trine follows us through the week. This energetic aspect infuses us with hope, faith, and optimism as we face the unknown.
It’s beneficial to have this energizing aspect, especially with going Mars retrograde and the potential fogginess of the Sun opposing Neptune energy going exact on Friday the 11th.
September 10, 2020
2:26am PST Moon in a waning square to the Sun marking the 4th quarter Moon.
T-Square with Moon, Sun, and Neptune
On the 10th we move into our fourth quarter Moon phase where the Moon is in a waning square to the Sun. As it moves toward its eventual conjunction with the Sun, New Moon.
So, as the Moon catches up to the Sun in a square, it fuses into a T-Square with the Sun-Neptune opposition. This sparks a wonderful tension for growth.
So the energy of Neptune’s self-transcendent and otherworldly influence on our sense of self will have an emotional impact. We want to learn to listen to our emotions as they open us to awareness of our inner equilibrium, spiritual attunement. Emotions direct us in the ways we need to grow and change to find harmony.
3:24pm PST Mercury opposing Chiron 7deg 59 min
On the 10th we are in our fourth quarter Moon phase with a T-Square between the Moon, Sun, and Neptune.
Then we have an exact Mercury-Chiron opposition that supports mental healing and awareness of perceptual influences on our wellbeing.
September 11, 2020
1:26pm PST Sun in opposition to Neptune 19deg 33min
T-Square between Moon, Mercury, and Chiron
Then, on the 11th the Moon catches up with the Mercury-Chiron opposition to form a T-Square bringing in an emotional element into the healing process. Our perceptions and cognitive health influence our emotional well-being. If our perceptions are out of balance with the truth in reality and we’re living with cognitive distortion our emotions will follow with that dynamic. Emotions are strong indicators of needed changes in perception and cognition.
As stated earlier, Neptune opposing the Sun, which occurs annually, goes exact on the 11th, we have the opportunity for deep self-transcendence and spiritual growth. And, whilst this energy can create a mental fogginess, a feeling of ungroundedness there have been many beneficial aspects this week that help balance this out including Jupiter going direct on the 12th.
September 12, 2020
5:41pm PST Jupiter goes Direct
Jupiter’s faith oriented, optimistic, and hopeful energy infuses us with its positive energy as it goes direct. And, with it trining to Uranus, we are encouraged to make needed changes recognizing that inner growth is a continual and never-ending process.
September 13, 2020
4:25am PST Venus trine Chiron
Venus in smooth aspect to Chiron, conjunct the Moon, and squaring Mars, our relationships are encouraged to heal along side us. As we grow individually, our relationships grow and flourish alongside our inner journey.
So this week is infused with positive, hopeful, grounding, and healing influences. And though we are in the middle of immense changes, hardship, and conflict in the world, we are reminded this week to have faith for the future even though it remains unknown.
Future Highlights for the Upcoming September Weekly Forecasts:
9/14 Sun Trine Pluto
9/15 Venus Square Uranus
9/17 New Moon in Virgo
Sun Trine Saturn
Mercury Trine Pluto
9/18 Mercury Quincunx Neptune
9/19 Sun Quincunx Mars
9/20 Mercury Square Pluto
9/22 Autumnal Equinox! Sun enters Libra!
9/28 Venus-Mars Trine
9/29 Mars-Saturn Square
Saturn Direct
Thank you for joining me!
Do join me next week for another Trident Astrology Weekly Forecast!
Weekly Forecasts will be Posted on Weekends for the Week Ahead!
Blessings and love my friend!
Copyright © 2020 Janeen Cain — Trident Astrology