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August Weekly Forecast 1-8: Uranian Infused New Moon in Leo & Fire Grand Trine

August Weekly Forecast 1-8: Uranian Infused New Moon in Leo & Fire Grand Trine

We begin the week, Sunday, August 1st, with a Grand Fire Trine between the Sun/Mercury conjunction, ChironRx, and JunoRx/South Node. This Fire Trine is promoting individual healing and moving beyond limited ideas to consider new ways of thinking. Each one of us is encouraged to evaluate our intimate relationships and consider how well we are communicating and being vulnerable with others. Connected to the Sun/Mercury conjunction, which is going exact on Sunday, August 1st, is a T-Square to Uranus which will be an influential part of the New Moon in Leo on the 8th. This T-Square tension for growth energy encourages us to individuate and to creatively self-express without the exaggerated need for approval from others. We are also encouraged to break free from strict obedience to authority and to express ourselves authentically and courageously. On Monday, August 2nd, the planetesimal Juno goes direct. We are motivated to take the wisdom gleaned from our time introspecting about our relationships and move that into positive action. Finally, on Sunday, August 8th we have our Uranian infused New Moon in Leo. The square between the luminaries and Uranus motivates each one of us to authentically express ourselves and consider the level of courage we have to express freely and honestly. The Yod to Mercury with NeptuneRx and PlutoRx, challenges us to view the world realistically and evaluate whether the new structures of regulations are integral to individual freedom and the right to express. 00:00 -- Introduction 1:33 -- Sunday, August 1st, Grand Fire Trine and T-Square to Uranus 8:24 -- Sunday, August 8th, Uranian Infused New Moon in Leo 11:50 -- Yod to Mercury between NeptuneRx and PlutoRx 16:26 -- Future Highlights Written August Weekly Forecast 1-8:
July Weekly Forecast 5-11: New Moon in Cancer, T-Square to Mercury, and Grand Fire Trine

July Weekly Forecast 5-11: New Moon in Cancer, T-Square to Mercury, and Grand Fire Trine

We begin the week, Monday, July 5th, with Sun-Uranus sextile going exact at 13 degrees of Cancer and Taurus. Uranus infuses its energy into the Sun just before the New Moon in Cancer on Friday, July 9th, remaining in soft sextile with the Moon-Sun conjunction at 18 degrees of Cancer. The New Moon in Cancer is about nurturing the process of change. This is a wonderful time to actualize the envisioned goals you want for yourself, reinforcing and creating positive change. Also in the mix during this New Moon in Cancer is a Moon-Sun Semi-sextile with Mars in Leo which emphasizes nurturing the will to create. Further, the Moon-Sun forms a soft square to Chiron providing a gentle reinforcement of healing of our self-esteem and feelings of belonging. Mercury is getting infused this week with various energies including a quincunx to Pluto (going exact on Thursday, July 8th) and a square to Neptune (going exact on Tuesday, July 6th). It may not be easy to concentrate this week as our minds may slip into day dreams or a desire for escapism. Venus plays a strong role this week as well as it joins the mix with the Saturn-Uranus square forming a T-Square to Uranus. We’re challenged to express ourselves authentically, but diplomatically. Also, Venus joins Chiron and South Node/JunoRx in a Grand Fire Trine providing a wonderful opportunity for relationship growth and healing. Finally, on Sunday, July 11th, Mercury enters into the nurturing sign of Cancer moving our mental energy toward greater perceptivity, sensitivity, and intuition. 00:00 -- Introduction 2:41 -- Thursday, July 8th, Mercury-Pluto Quincunx goes exact at 25 degrees of Gemini and Capricorn 3:55 -- Tuesday, July 6th, Mercury-Neptune Square goes exact forming a T-square to Mercury 5:25 -- Thursday, July 8th, Venus-Uranus Square forming a T-Square with Uranus 7:42 -- Wednesday, July 7th, Venus-Chiron trine goes exact forming a Grand Fire Trine with South Node/JunoRx 8:24 -- Friday, July 9th, New Moon at 18 degrees of Cancer 9:23 -- Moon/Sun-Uranus Soft Sextile in Cancer and Taurus 11:35 -- Moon/Sun Semi-sextile Mars 14:14 -- Moon/Sun-Chiron Soft Square in Cancer and Aries 15:19 -- Sunday, July 11th, Mercury enter Cancer 16:50 -- Mercury-Jupiter Trine 17:10 -- Future Highlights Written June Weekly Forecast 7th-13th:
July Weekly Forecast 1-4: T-Square to Uranus & Moon-Sun Waning Square in Aries & Cancer

July Weekly Forecast 1-4: T-Square to Uranus & Moon-Sun Waning Square in Aries & Cancer

This week Mars is making several aspects to outer planets including a T-Square to Uranus! The Mars and Uranus energy pervades throughout this week making this week feel like a dormant volcano about to abrupt! By Independence day, when we’re likely spending time with family, our emotions get heated up with Uranus’ intense and eruptive energy (Moon-Uranus Conjunct). This week involves lessons in relationships, learning how to balance our personal needs with the needs of others, getting through difficult communication, and learning how to accept and let go of un-amendable relational conflict. On Thursday, July 1st, we begin the week with Mars-SaturnRx opposition going exact at 12 degrees of Leo and Aquarius. This opposition challenges us to balance our focused energy and will to action, utilizing our creative (Mars in Leo) energy in productive ways. Also, on Thursday, July 1st, we begin our month in a Quarter Moon phase with the Moon-Sun in Waning Square preparing us for the New Moon in Cancer next week. With the Moon in fiery Aries conjunct Chiron (the Wounded Healer) our emotions will be running high and emotions may burst out impulsively especially around old familial wounds. On Saturday, July 3rd, Mars-Uranus Square goes exact intensifying the T-Square to Uranus. This intense configuration challenges our growth in relationships reminding us to be mindful of balancing our individual needs with the needs of others. This week may bring up familial conflicts, especially ones that are not amenable as we move toward Sunday, July 4th. Also, on Saturday the Sun-SaturnRx quincunx goes exact at 12 degrees of Cancer and Aquarius. On a personal level, especially with the South Node and JunoRx in the mix, forming a Finger of God to the Sun, we’re dealing with the un-amendable tensions in intimate and personal relationships, conflicts in communication, and the difficulty in feeling stifled. On Sunday, July 4th, the Moon-Uranus conjunction goes exact at 13 degrees of Taurus also forming a quincunx to the South Node and JunoRx. So, our emotions will feel intense and eruptive. The dormant emotional volcano just might erupt! We’ll likely feel stubborn and won’t let things go. So, be mindful in your interactions with others. Walk away if unamendable conflicts raise their ugly head. 00:00 -- Introduction 2:49 -- Overview of T-Square and Grand Fire Trine 5:09 -- Thursday, July 1st, Mars-SaturnRx opposition goes exact at 12 degrees of Leo and Aquarius forming a T-Square to Uranus 7:45 -- Saturday, July 3rd, Mars-Uranus Square goes exact at 13 degrees of Leo and Taurus a part of this T-Square to Uranus 9:27 -- Friday, July 2nd, Mars-Chiron Trine goes exact at 12 degrees of Leo and Aries forming a Grand Fire Trine between Mars, Chiron, and South Node/JunoRx. 10:48 -- Also on Thursday, July 1st, Moon-Sun in Waning Square at 10 degrees of Aries and Cancer 12:17 -- Also on Saturday, July3rd, Sun-SaturnRx Quincunx goes exact at 12 degrees of Cancer and Aquarius forming Yod to Sun 14:36 -- Sunday, July 4th, Moon-Uranus Conjunction goes exact at 13 degrees of Taurus forming a T-Square with the Moon/Uranus 16:39 -- Future Highlights Written June Weekly Forecast 7th-13th:
June Weekly Forecast 21-30: Full Moon in Capricorn, Mercury Direct, Venus enters Leo, & Neptune Ret.

June Weekly Forecast 21-30: Full Moon in Capricorn, Mercury Direct, Venus enters Leo, & Neptune Ret.

On Monday, June 21st, we begin the week with Venus-Neptune trine going exact at 23 degrees and 12 minutes of Cancer and Pisces starting the week off with deeply introspective energies. Also, on Monday, the Moon forms a second T-square with the Saturn-Uranus square intensifying our emotional connection with the challenges occurring from the rapid changes in the digital milieu. On Tuesday, June 22nd, Mercury goes stationary direct at 16 degrees of Gemini redirecting our mental energy from the inner to the outer realms where those things that we reflected on the last few weeks can be put into action. On Thursday, June 24th, we have a Full Moon at 3 degrees and 28 minutes of Capricorn emphasizing focus, concentration, and control over ourselves. It is a time of steady advancement, structured cardinality. We are reminded to take our time fulfilling goals and reflecting on the things that we have accomplished. There are several important aspects infused into this Full Moon including Sun-Jupiter trine, Venus-Pluto opposition, and Saturn-Chiron Sextile. On Friday, June 25th, Neptune retrogrades at 23 degrees and 12 minutes of Pisces moving the already introspective and unconscious dynamic to go even deeper into ourselves. This retrograde emphasizes surrender to the unknown parts of ourselves. On Saturday, June 26th, Venus enters Leo moving the Venusian energy from the emotional and familial focus to that of fun-loving and creative Leo! Finally, on Monday, June 28th, Venus-Jupiter Quincunx brings about challenges in energetic direction from outgoing Venus in Leo to introspective Jupiter in Pisces. 00:00 -- Introduction 3:16 -- Monday, June 21st, Venus-Neptune trine and T-Square with the Moon 5:22 -- Tuesday, June 22nd, Mercury goes stationary direct at 16 degrees of Gemini 6:57 -- Thursday, June 24th, we have a Full Moon at 3 degrees and 28 minutes of Capricorn 13:24 -- Friday, June 25th, Neptune retrogrades at 23 degrees and 12 minutes of Pisces 14:22 -- Saturday, June 26th, Venus enters Leo 15:40 -- Monday, June 28th, Venus-Jupiter Quincunx 16:15 -- Future Highlights Written June Weekly Forecast 7th-13th:
June Weekly Forecast 14-20: Saturn-Uranus Square, Jupiter Retrograde, & Summer Solstice

June Weekly Forecast 14-20: Saturn-Uranus Square, Jupiter Retrograde, & Summer Solstice

On Monday, June 14th we have the second of three Saturn-Uranus squares going exact at 13 degrees of Aquarius and Taurus! This square represents the re-shaping of our society and social milieu as we experience rapid advancements in A.I. technologies. With the Moon in Leo forming an exact T-Square with Saturn and Uranus, our personal and emotional experiences will be tied to this powerful dynamic. Also on Monday, there is a Grand Trine with the Moon, Chiron, and Juno opening up healing opportunities in our intimate relationships. On Thursday, June 17th, we have a Quarter Moon Phase with the Moon-Sun Waxing Square at 27 degrees of Virgo and Gemini forming a T-Square with Neptune in Pisces. This tension for growth energy challenges us to maintain groundedness and curb our impulsivity. This moon phase prepares us for next week's Full Moon in Capricorn by reflecting on those things no longer serving us On Sunday, June 20th, we have two significant celestial events that together expand our conscious awareness toward Source. These include the Jupiter retrograde in Pisces and the Sun entering Cancer marking our Summer Solstice. 2:11 -- Monday, June 14th, Saturn-Uranus Square goes exact forming a T-Square with the Moon 9:26 -- Monday, June 14th, Grand Trine between Moon, Chiron, and Juno 10:34 -- Thursday, June 17th, Quarter Moon Phase with the Moon-Sun Waxing Square at 27 degrees of Virgo and Gemini 13:58 -- Sunday, June 20th, Jupiter Retrograde at 2 degrees and 1 minutes of Pisces 14:58 -- Sunday, June 20th, Sun enters Cancer Summer Solstice Written June Weekly Forecast 7th-13th:
June Weekly Forecast 7-13:  New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse and Mars enters Leo

June Weekly Forecast 7-13: New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse and Mars enters Leo

On Thursday, June 10th, we have a New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees of Gemini conjunct Mercury and squaring Neptune. This very Mercurial eclipse brings an erratic and rattling energy. There may be a sense of ungroundedness, scatter-mindedness, and a lack of focus. With Neptune in the mix, we’re challenged to stay centered as we confront feelings of confusion. On the positive side, our perceptions may expand to connect deeply with the divine. It is not a good time however, to overindulge or attempt to escape uncomfortable and overwhelming thoughts being brought into our awareness. This is a time of great new beginnings and bringing our intentions into focus. What is it that you really want for your future? However, this may be challenging with the mutable and changing energies at this time influencing a change of mind or perceptual overwhelm. On Friday, June 11th, Mars enters into the fiery sign of Leo. Moving our will-power and energetic focus from the home and emotional sensitivity of Cancer to the creative, self-expressive, and fun-loving energy of Leo. Where you may have been feeling little energy the last few weeks, this week our energy levels may greatly increase. Saturday and Sunday Venus, which represents our value judgments, ethical and moral considerations, aspects several outer planets. Venus-Chiron square encourages each one of us to reflect on how challenges and inner wounds help us develop personally and how that development helps others. Venus aspecting the Saturn-Uranus square (which goes exact next week) encourages us to reflect on our ethical stance on the technological advances re-shaping society. 1:38 -- Thursday, June 10th, New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees of Gemini conjunct Mercury and squaring Neptune 8:06 -- Friday, June 11th, Mars enters Leo 9:19 -- Saturday-Sunday, June 12th-13th, Venus-Chiron Square goes exact, 11:34 -- Venus-Uranus Sextile goes exact and Venus-Saturn Quincunx goes exact Written June Weekly Forecast 7th-13th:
November Weekly Forecast 23-30: Lunar Eclipse & Neptune Dir.

November Weekly Forecast 23-30: Lunar Eclipse & Neptune Dir.

On Monday, November 23rd, we begin the week with Mercury-Neptune trine going exact at 18 degrees of Scorpio and Pisces. The healing wisdom of Neptune infuses our minds with love and infinite truth as we delve deep into our psyches. We are reminded that healing comes from facing suffering and transmuting that into wisdom. On Saturday, November 28th, Neptune goes stationary direct at 18 degrees of Pisces. There is a great likelihood that as Neptune goes direct, joining last week's Jupiter-Pluto conjunction dynamic, we will see increases in illness, lethargy, confusion, and escapism. The main theme that runs through the week is that the significance of illness is as a spiritual healer. The outcome of Neptune’s shadow side (i.e., illness) is greater attunement and connection to universal source. One learns greater compassion for self and others. With Neptune forming a T-square to the Lunar Nodes, the dynamic infuses its energy into this week's Lunar Eclipse in Gemini. On Monday, November 30th, we have a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Full Moon at 8 degrees and 38 minutes of Gemini. This portal energy is causing significant shifts in collective perceptions. We are reminded by Uranus (as the planet semi-sextiles the Moon in Gemini) and Neptune (in T-square to the Lunar Nodes) that truth is beyond ideas, ideals, ideologies, or idealogues (South Node in Sagittarius). Truth is not limited by the bounds of the physical form. It is limitless, mutable, and infinite existing beyond the attachment to ego which ideas are formed. Truth can nearly be approached by the experience of our spirit, an attempt to know it by detaching from the ego. This has so much to do with the Pisces/Virgo Axis of Spirit. When the Moon is in Gemini, emotions are intellectualized. We are also reminded that we can’t ignore our emotions that come from the atemporal realms, the unconscious, the spirit realms. Emotions are vital in understanding deeper truths. Finally, with Chiron sextiling the Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Gemini, we are encouraged to heal and purge inner wounds as we become aware of unconscious content being assimilated into consciousness. 2:19 -- Monday, November 23rd - Mercury-Neptune Trine 3:45 -- Saturday, November 28th - Neptune Stationary Direct 6:13 -- Saturday, November 28th - Neptune T-Square to Lunar Nodes 9:39 -- Monday, November 30th - Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Gemini Important Aspects of the Elipse: 12:15 -- Monday, November 30th - Moon-Uranus Semi-Sextile and Sun-Uranus Quincunx 14:02 -- Monday, November 30th - T-Square between Neptune and Lunar Nodes 16:44 -- Monday, November 30th - Moon-Chiron Sextile 17:58 -- Highlights for Upcoming Weekly Forecast Link to Written Form of November Weekly Forecast 23-30:
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